What was the most pointless war in history?
What war was fought over the tiniest scrap of land?
What was the most pointless war in history?
What war was fought over the tiniest scrap of land?
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>What war was fought over the tiniest scrap of land?
I know a war that was fought over a bakery
Probably, atleast for America, Vietnam, since American intervention actually made the communist ideology they were trying to stop worse (basically the leaders of the Vietnamese revolution were bif ameriboos and america probably could've stopped communism in vietnam peacefully, but decided to go into a war which made the Vietnamese hate America as well as causing a large anti-war sentiment in america which hasn't gone away since)
The one that started over a soccer riot.
>MFW libcuck tries to convince me labeanos are human.
>as causing a large anti-war sentiment in america which hasn't gone away since)
Robert MacNamara went to Vietnam. No one recognized him. The person who did asked for his picture. Current Vietamese don't have any anti-american sentiment.
Sorry, more meant anti-american sentiment during the war when the vietnamese revolutionaries had previously looked to America as an inspiration. The only thing that lasted was the americans themselves being anti-war.
Iran-Iraq War
8 years of fighting
Over a million dead
Sarin gas attacks, child soldiers, suicide bombers, ethnic cleansing
Result: Statu Quo Ante Bellum
Definitely WW1 in terms of what it accomplished vs death/destruction.
War of Jenkins' Ear
>The seeds of conflict began with the separation of an ear from Jenkins following the boarding of his vessel by Spanish coast guards in 1731, eight years before the war began. Popular response to the incident was tepid until several years later when opposition politicians and the British South Sea Company hoped to spur outrage against Spain, believing that a victorious war would improve Britain’s trading opportunities in the Caribbean.[6] Also ostensibly providing the impetus to war against the Spanish Empire was a desire to pressure the Spanish not to renege on the lucrative asiento contract, which gave British slavers permission to sell slaves in Spanish America.
most pointless: football war
highest destruction/point ratio: taiping rebellion
you are like a little babby
watch this
the worst part was that Iraq was pushed out of Khuzestan in under two years, and then Iran spent 7 years trying to invade them back as punishment, using meme tier strategies to try and create momentum, like illegally flying aerial sorties through Turkey around the entire northern half of Iraq to bomb the western half of the country and distract them
>I can't read
>The revolt arose over a pricing dispute involving bamboo poles, when a Han merchant selling to a Hui did not receive the amount demanded for the goods. A recorded 20.77 million population reduction in Shaanxi and Gansu due to migration and war related death. 74.5% reduction in Gansu, and 44.7% in Shaanxi. In Shaanxi, 83.7% (~5.2 million) of the total loss occurred in the period of war as a consequence of mass migration and war death.[2][3] Many civilian deaths were also caused by famine due to war conditions.
What the fuck is wrong with China?
I'm always amazed by the scale in China every time I hear about some obscure internal conflict that caused millions in casualties.
They hold on autistically to an autistic dogma which suprisingly enough turn you into an autist.
It's what happens when you have a centralized society where one area is vital to the existence of another area and when a war fucks one area up its a chain reaction of other areas that get affected. Like say: I fuck up a fertile farmland that produces food for like the whole province. Provincewide famine, death, and migration ensues
That, and big armies.
And also shoddy bureaucracy. Chinese officials often write off the non-existence of a village as "ERRYONE DED" when really they just moved away.
50 million people died in China because some guy had a nervous breakdown over failing an exam
>basically the leaders of the Vietnamese revolution were bif ameriboos and america probably could've stopped communism in vietnam peacefully,
Lol no, even ho chi Minh was a devout Marxist from the time he was a young man.
>hurr, my totalitarian regime is better than your totalitarian regime
Soccer War
Leave it to latin americans to fight the most stupid wars ever
China is Kenny from South Park in a country form
World War 1
Actually, the Football War was fought over a longtime rivalry between the two countries, that used the soccer match as an excuse to attack each other.
Blows my mind how quickly the Vietnamese as a people effectively 'forgave' America for fucking up their country so badly during the war. Right now Vietnam has a 78% favorable opinion of the United States according to Business Insider: businessinsider.com
If a foreign power had come to the United States and fought a protracted war that killed two million of our citizens and devastated our land, we'd probably resent them well into the next century.
They still hate Americans in North Vietnam
That's the real reason no one condemned Saddam's use of chemical weapons. Iran was determined to destroy Iraq completely and spread the Islamic Revolution. Reagan was basically telling Iran "Dude stop fucking flipping out already and come to the negotiating table already" but the power of snackbar was higher. It was only after the US Navy BTFO the Iranians, the Iraqis were flying sorties over their cities, and their oil facilities were destroyed that Iran finally realized they were a bit overzealous.
Not everyone in the world is as asspained as you.
Ho Chi Minh went to Versailles and asked for help from the Entente, and only turned communist after the "capitalists" flipped him off and told his country to go back to working on the rubber plantations.
When you have colonialism where the wealth of a country doesn't stay in the country, you get redistributive movements like Communism to fix what the natives see as a gross injustice.
> Blows my mind how quickly the Vietnamese as a people effectively 'forgave' America for fucking up their country so badly during the war. Right now Vietnam has a 78% favorable opinion of the United States.
It's what happens when China invades you less than 10 years after the Vietnam War and has even less compunction about killing people.
Coincidentally, China is also a threat to Vietnam right now, and Vietnam needs outside support against China.
Enemy of my Enemy and what not.
fine, but try to find a more idiotic casus belli
pro tip: you can´t
Bucket War
>In complaint to King Louis-Philippe, a French pastry chef known only as Monsieur Remontel claimed that in 1832 Mexican officers looted his shop in Tacubaya (then a town on the outskirts of Mexico City). Remontel demanded 60,000 pesos as reparations for the damage (his shop was valued at less than 1,000 pesos).
The war as a massive, ethnic/socioeconomic/religious conflict.
>I wanna be an officer
>I failed the test to be an officer
*Autistic screeching and fever dreams*
>I'm Jesus's brother
>up to 100 million people dead
Pretty straightforward.
But if you factor in the aftermath this is a massively important war, leading to the loss of huge amounts of land and the spread of Islam