Rome was basically the Nazi Germany of antiquity
Rome was basically the Nazi Germany of antiquity
The nazi germany was a parody of rome
also a bad one
Too beta to control their women
>Caelia you give yourself to Parthians, you give yourself to Germans, you give yourself to Dacians. You do not reject the beds of Cilicians and Cappa-docians. From the Pharian city the Egyptian stud comes for you as does the black Indian from the Red Sea. You don't even draw the line at the circumcised members of the Jewish race and the Alan with his Sarmatian mount does not pass you by. What is your reason that although you are a Roman girl you do not find pleasure in the members of the Roman race?
>From Epigrams of Marcus Valerius Martialis
Too beta to protect their country
>By that time it so happened that the Arborychi(Gauls) HAD BECOME THE SOLDIERS OF THE ROMANS. And the Germans, wishing to make this people subject to themselves, since their territory adjoined their own and they had changed the government under which they had lived from of old, began to plunder their land and, being eager to make war, marched against them with their whole people. But the Arborychi(Gauls) proved their valour and loyalty to the Romans and shewed themselves brave men in this war, and since the Germans were not able to overcome them by force, they wished to win them over and make the two peoples kin by intermarriage.
>From The Wars of Justinian of Procopius of Caesarea,
I indeed see a pattern
Spartans were literally the nazis of antiquity
Roman girls love the BIG CIRCUMCISED COCK
More like Nazi Germany were LARPing the Roman Empire.
Rome built triumphs in celebration of great victories. The Nazis built triumphs of future victories that they were sure they would have.
But there are similarities:
>rigged economy favoring the economic elites
>welfare programs to placate the urban working class
>all the real work done by disenfranchised 2nd class citizens
>democratic facade to hide an authoritarian government which kept order with a personality cult of the leader
>grossly unsustainable and required periodic infusions of foreign capital.
Of course there are similarities if german copied the roman empire. Western civ is roman/greek civ
Also mass genocide in conquered territories and forced romanisation
They copied the worst excesses of the Roman model while refusing to acknowledge the improvements that were made in the interim which lead to models which were fairer and way more sustainable
>Rome was basically the Nazi Germany of antiquity
Not even remotely close.
Rome has the Nazis beat by about 800 years.
Rome had more than one leader during said 800 years.
Just golly.
No what the fuck, Romans let conquered peoples practice their religion and cultures as long as they paid their taxes and didnt rebel, the prescution of Christianity was justified because it is a shitty religion, they were building plumbing and shit while the Germanic barbarians were in mudhuts.
That's all well and good, but two things to keep in mind:
--Romans practiced taxation without representation. If the government was taking 50 - 75 percent of your harvest, leaving you truly destitute and starving... they didn't give a fuck: pay up or get crucified
--there was no separation of church and state. The Emperor's only permanent title was High Priest of the State Religion. Taxes were paid as an offering to Jupiter Optimex. If you wanted to get, say, your smithing license, you made an offering at the Temple of Vulcan and got your "mark", or stamped document proving that you had been to the temple. The imperial cult worshipped the emperor as a god manifested on earth, Hadrian even deified his dead gay boy lover. Currency was stamped with the emperor as a divine being. It was the second century equivalent of saying that you can have it in any color, as long as its black.
It was more of an assimilation process, and colonies of ethnic latins were established just to, you know, keep a lid on things. That being said Romans weren't genocidal for the most part. They actually did kill a lot of jews, though..
>dat bible interpretation
wtf i love catholics now
>people who are arse blasted about rome for some reason: the thread
When did they start killing jews as an ideology?
I think the genocide part is an unfair comparison because everyone committed genocide back then.
So you're saying white women have always been traitorous sluts and we're wrong to blame to the Jews and Jazz music for it?
>why do the people who criticise rome never reveal their own cultural background?
Yes, reminder that Rome deserved everything it got.
Do it again Genseric
Not really actually
I really don't know what you're implying. I'm just saying that saying "oh Rome is so bad they tried to genocide the Celts and successfully genocided the Carthaginians" ignores that it was just something you did back then.
>I weep for the fallen
then you should weep for Romans who were never even punished by Germanics
they didnt care about ethnic background they just wanted to invade the subhuman barberians and VILLANIZE them and absorb them into their empire
>X country I don't like was the Nazi Germany of X period because X superficial comparison that can be drawn between most nations
I hate this meme.