Can we have a thread on the Z coins?
I'm mining them in rotation and I wanted to hear what you folk had to say.
>where do you see all three going in the next couple years?
Can we have a thread on the Z coins?
I'm mining them in rotation and I wanted to hear what you folk had to say.
>where do you see all three going in the next couple years?
Other urls found in this thread:
Down Z toilet.
I mine it but don't trade it.. Feel stupid running a couple 1080 ti rigs making like what 2 dollars a card, dollar something after electric? lol... just holding it and hoping for a quick ROI when prices go back up
Yeah, I will mine ZCash. It'll pay off.
Why is nobody talking about this? It's literally at the bottom right now, one of the greatest if not the best tech out of all the user coins. MTP release + Znodes will send this thing to Andromeda
Seriously if you are not accumulating right now at these levels you seriously hate money (pic related, one of the retail stores to come that started accepting Zcoin recently and many more to come)
Same here, buddy. Glad to see I'm with similar company.
Looking at the charts, does it not make sense for ZEN and ZCL to rise in price similar to ZEC?
Maybe not 400 dollars worth of an unstable climb, but triple digits does not seem far fetched down the road.
I am seriously going to invest like 1/4 of my portfolio in this as soon as my bank transfer comes thru.
How the fuck do I mine Zcoin tho
Zcash with spyware built in AHAHAHAHHA
zcoin is going to hit pivx marketcap before 2018, just have a feeling, I'm still accumulating
Leaked private keys is enough to deanon the whole thing, look farther down that thread and he refuses to say nobody else copied the original seed keys
can i get the quick rundown on all of these
what's the difference
wait what the fuck? the only thing unique Zcash offers is anonymity/privacy. If it doesn't even have that why not invest in Monero instead?
Can anyone shill me on these z-coins?
Zcash is a privacy coin right? Competing with monero?
Zcash is pumped to fuck and back, the other three have chances to moon with Zcoin looking the most promising.
I'm mining all four in a weekly rotation just to cover my bases.
Build a NVIDIA rig.. Its the Equihash is the only NVIDIA friendly with EWBF miner... depends on what cards you want but if you want top of the line go with the 1080ti's, the lower cards are far inferior in hash rate but are far more efficient Sols/watts
what pool do you use? iI've found a good one for ZEC, but everything else seems like a scam... havent had anything but issues trying to mine the others.. so i've been stuck with zcash
invest in CIA coin no good idea
EWBF works for ZEC, ZCL, and ZEN, homie. I use suprnova for all three.
the bat file just has to have variations depending on the coin which you can find in their "Getting Started" page.
mining z cash is beyond retarded... it barely pays the electricity bill that it causes
Already got a dual 1080ti rig and 3 1070s humming away.
I've been nomadic in my mining lately, but the future potential seen in the Z series of coins is quite fascinating.
Still trying to mentally map out how I can cover my bases with four choices of crypto.
we dont take kindly to you FUDers round these parts
The only miner I've seen for Zcoin is the ccminer and my GPUs are only running at 50 percent with them.
How do I use a different miner for Zcoin?
Zcash is godtier once they get the update in that makes anonymous z-transactions go from taking 2 minutes to generate to 7 seconds. Hopefully it can become the default transaction type at that point and finally shut up monero-ring-signature-fags.
The original seed keys can't deanonymize people. They can only be used to generate fake zcash.
Also, Peter Todd insists his seed keys weren't copied, which would be enough to stop anyone from faking creating zcash.
Yeah, zcash is like monero. The main problem with zcash is that anonymous transactions are opt-in, because they take a lot of cpu power and ram to generate, as opposed to monero where all transactions are anonymous. Zcash is making good progress in fixing this but it's unlikely we'll see improvements until 2018.
it is going to be adopted by banks as a Ripple replacement
You owe me big for this insight.