Why did God kill David's baby when it was David who committed adultery and murder?
Why did God kill David's baby when it was David who committed adultery and murder?
Because it is better to go to heaven then to be raised by a cuck.
god was still kind of a sperg
so that basically rules him out as being sinless and open to freewill, debunked it all
God works in mysterious ways
God is a sperg who does weird shit for seemingly no reason for a long while until he chills out after jesus came along
come on Veeky Forums
David and Bathsheba's first child was born of sin. Their first child died shortly after it was born. They had other children, though, namely Solomon.
Also, David was still repentant after he sinned, and God apparently still wanted the Israelites to have a king.
>why did he kill Davids son
why did he kill davids son
According to JudeoChristian belief, we're all God's children. God can do what he wants with us. David's son died when he was but days old and still innocent. Do you think infants who die are going to hell?
You rather he kill David, and therefore no Solomon, and therefore no Temple?
You rather he kill Bathsheba, and therefore no Solomon, and therefore no Temple?
Killing David's child got the message across loud and clear; David's sins would cost his family dearly, and the sword would never depart from him.
Note how David ceased praying, mourning, and fasting when the baby died, knowing that he would be reunited with the child in heaven.
Only Jesus was sinless, you do have agency, because God gave it to you, and this story debunks nothing.
That is a lie from the pit of hell. Most people are children of the devil, following the devil's gospel:
Use your knowledge of good and evil to be good, and avoid evil, and thus be godlike.
you act as if God acts randomly and arbitrarily, your limp dick response is not convincing anyone and is a reason you are not a theologian
you act as if God needs anyone of us to accomplish something you nitwit, be humble and say you have no clue, so humiliating
i meant God is not sinless and open to freewill since he killed an innocent baby because of David's action, that makes no sense
Which word do you need explained to you? David? Bathsheba? Solomon? Temple? Agency?
Let's use an analogy you would be familiar with, coming from Plebbit.
Rick is the Rickest Rick. Rick cannot be Not Rick.
God is holy. God cannot be sinful. Being sinful means not being like God.
So Morty can never be Rick.
Original sin isn't in the bible.
Boy that sure is an original thought you had there.
The original sin, Unbelief, is absolutely in the bible.
It's where Adam and Eve believe the serpent, and not God.
Unbelief. The unpardonable sin. aka blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
They died, that day, user. Not "became sinners".
Do you not understand that all dead babies and dead people who never reach their own personal age of accountability go to live with God forever in bliss in heaven?
Did you miss that part?
Original sin comes from Augustine.
Augustine's writings come from Augustine.
You can think he knew something, if you'd like. I prefer to go to the source.
>I prefer to go to the source.
Which is Augustine. Original sin is not a biblical concept, it comes from Augustine as an explanation for our inherently sinful natures.
No, the source is the bible.
It's a shame you didn't know that.
Our "inherently sinful natures" came as a result of Unbelief. Adam and Eve believed the serpent, and died, spiritually, as the Holy Spirit left them due to their sin.
Having not the Holy Spirit within them, they died, that day, that instant, as death is not a cessation of physical life, but a separation from God.
God is Life. The Spirit of God is Life. If you have the Spirit, you have Life. If you have not the Spirit, though you are physically alive, as Adam and Eve were after they sinned, you are spiritually dead and separated from God, who is Life.
So no, there is no Augustine/Catholic/original sin bullshit that "causes" us to sin; we sin because we are not like God, and cannot be like God, by using our knowledge of good and evil.
You can follow Augustine and all the papists you like to hell; you will not catch me walking beside you.
>citations: 0
is it hard to comprehend that God uses everyone and anyone all the time, he doesnt need any singular person to accomplish anything, ur a goof
>R E D D I T
of course you use rick and morty as an analogy to pass as an analogy, yer fucked bud, not makin any sense
bad things happen is not the same as wondering why God killed a child you space cadet, i cant believe you actually thought you were being clever kek
Did you miss the part where God killed the baby because David nutted in another mans wife then had him killed? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm selective reading eh bud
Genesis 1:27
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Genesis 5:3 And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years, and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth.
You think God is making shit up on the fly, because you don't know God.
God knows the end from before the beginning.
Wrap your head around that fact first, then come back and post.
Yes, as an intentional insult. Apparently one that went over your head.
You say God killed a child.
I say God took a child for himself to heaven who never had to suffer one moment his entire life.
See the difference between you and I? You think like an animal; I think like a child of God.
Orthodox Christians, Jews, and Muslims lack a belief in original sin per say.
And they're all going to hell. You can follow them too, if you'd like.
Again, you will not see me on your path.
>literally no mention of original sin
Really activates my almonds.
Why not make abortion mandatory then?
>i believe in magic so i can rationalize infinitely
>Adam made in God's image.
>Seth made in Adam's fallen image.
>Sin means "missing the mark", i.e. not being like God. Not being in God's image.
Do no evil that good may come.
Thou Shalt Not Murder.
I believe in God. I haven't made any comment about magic, which is not of God.
; )
>>literally no mention of original sin
That's because what you believe the concept of original sin comes from Augustine, not from the bible.
Unlike you, I am keenly aware that Augustine wrote NONE of the bible.
Okay, well, then, since you asked, of course magic is real. Not all spirits are good spirits. And the magicians of the Egyptians could counterfeit almost all of the plagues God inflicted them with. They just couldn't create something from nothing, the lice plague, as that is God's purview alone.
okay, just don't act indigent when people don't take you seriously
Can't. Don't. user, remember?
Besides, they're not my ideas, not my opinions.
Just the truth.
Hey, at least you're genuine. If more Christians were like you instead of trying to survive with stupid half measures then it would fall apart a lot faster.
Are you fucking retarded. You kept naming people as if they were integral pieces that could never change, you ca fuckin idiot. You don't know the fisrt thing about theology. Saying God is all powerful is a cop put and dismissive you moron.
The context is crucial to th reason he was taken you buffoon. His life was taken because his dad ejaculated in a mariied woman then killed her husband.
>he gave me a lolipop!
>he also fucked me..
are you that delusionally retarded
oh shit