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What does this have to do with crypto?
This has been a decade in the making
the free market has made its choice
Oh.... the store I went to when I was like 6...17 years ago.
Yeah these days if I need to buy a toy for some kid I'd go to Walmart or Target. Toys R Us hasn't moved forward and like Blockbuster was pretty obviously dead.
Amazon killed this shit, just like a dozen others.
Good. I hope it kills the entire concept of brick and mortar retail.
I had fun going to Toys R Us tho. It was cool.
>you will never explore the NES aisle at your local Toys 'R Us ever again
I miss those laminated pamphlets
Another step closer to the inevitable walmart/amazon duopoly. Sad.
It proves that being the "prime mover" means nothing. Bitcoin could easily be replaced by better coins.
I had fun at Toys R Us too. But I haven't thought about it even once for like 17 years.
If I wanted to buy a toy, I'd just go to Walmart or Target. The niche for large scale hands-on toys just doesn't seem as big as it used to be. And it's probably because I'm older. But if I needed to buy one for a little kid, I don't see a reason to go there.
That's actually disappointing, anyone with kids should understand.
Funny, I just realized the other day that the toys r us I used to go to as a kid was near me. Then I started to notice its volume. The parking lot is always barren. Just today I thought, man they're chain is dying, BOOM! Your post. DAT universe
do non white children even play with toys? i cant seem to picture it in my head
Kids want electronics, like iphones and tablets.
Kids don't play outside anymore. They don't play with toys. They have computers. Everywhere, always, computers. I am form the last generation to have grown up without there always being computers, in my house, in my classroom, in my pocket, everywhere.
So you're either a terrible parent or not a parent.
I remember the first thing my parents bought for me from Toys R Us was Quake II for the N64, scared me shitless.
That's sad. I only rarely got to visit Toys R US when I was a kid, so it was always awesome going there.
I have a 3 year old cousin. He like to play games and watch Peppa Pig on a tablet.
Get with the times, you miserable old fuck.
>do non white children even play with toys? i cant seem to picture it in my head
are you retarded? Non-white kids are the ones playing with toys, while all the white kids are playing with their iphones
I know, it's strange to think the world we grew up in is gone forever.
What toys do non whites play with? Empty liquor bottles and rusted car parts? Asbestos powder?
>Get with the times, you miserable old fuck
There's nothing healthy about kids spending all day watching this shit - youtube.com
I'm pretty happy watching my son ride his bike and playing with duplos, your aunt is a lazy cunt.
My first experience with computers of any kind was arcade games, and atari 2600. Then we got an Apple IIe, know what I'm saying? I was in my teens.
all the toys white families gave to good will when they realised ipads were the best baby sitter ever invented
You're old and you should feel old.
t. former Vic 20 owner
And nothing of value was lost.
Yep. Convenience. And the hypnotic spell of computer addiction we're all under now. That's what happened to Toys R Us.
Just buy your kids toys, play with them, keep the computers away. It isn't that hard. When you are the parent you are in charge.
Yeah man, take the kids to Lionel Playworld, or K.B Toys, oh wait... Well, at least there's still Toys R us, for now.
>looks at portfolio to feel better about future
>weeps internally
It's a bit sad but at the same time they killed local toy stores too with their cheap chinese plastic products in the 80s and 90s, a bit of karma and a lot of natural selection.
This is fucking sad.
Slaving under the Bezos empire is the future America chose.
Just wait till he teams up with Elon Musk.
Back to /r/sandersforpresident you go
No kids but nephews, and yes, it really is. Man-children on Veeky Forums don't get it but that's ok. There's nothing quite like taking a young kid to toys r us and letting him explore everything. The whole store, not just a few aisles like Walmart/Target has.
Side thought, will Amazon ever be considered a monopoly?