What would happen if France,Spain,and Italy United into one country ?
What would happen if France,Spain,and Italy United into one country ?
New roman empire
t. Napoleon, III
But don`t forget Romania
Epic debt
The Anglo would do everything within his power to fuck it up because MUH BALANCE OF POWER.
Portugal would screech autistically
And then cause a world war by running to the british
They actually did it. In the War of the Spanish Sucession.
Right now Spain isn't even a united country by itself.
They would break up
Collapse due to France taking on Italian refugees and Spanish debt.
It would fall apart in 10 minutes. 5 if it's exceptionally hot, as tempers flare and riots tend to break out quicker in higher temperatures.
This doesn't have any relation to history, bring it to /int/, this is like the only thread i've ever seen where you can say that, but there you go.
It becomes so internally divided it quickly falls apart.
For fuck sake, France is NOT a latin country.
Aside from Flemish, Alsatians, Basques, and Bretons WE are
Maybe they could adopt Latin as a common language.
"What's R*mania, lol"
no fun allowed
What else? Almost everything is latin here, language, urbanism, social structure...
Are French too wh*Te to be considered latin?
>this is like the only thread i've ever seen where you can say that, but there you go.
How fucking new are you?
It would be called "Fritsp."
Because the catalans are a bunch of special snowflake cunts that dont respect the constitution. Fuck those pricks.
Yes. Yes it fucking is.