How did they gain their wealth? What is the nature of their relationship with the Russian state? Why do most Russians regard them as criminals?
I'd post this on Veeky Forums, but it's too recent so I thought I'd post here.
How did they gain their wealth? What is the nature of their relationship with the Russian state? Why do most Russians regard them as criminals?
I'd post this on Veeky Forums, but it's too recent so I thought I'd post here.
Looks like your typical evil kikes to me
not russian, jews.
fuck russians
The majority of them are Jewish, yes. But that doesn't explain how specifically they gained their wealth, etc.
they robbed it via the help of western jews and western financing.
they hyperinflated the post-soviet economies, and bought entire industries pennies on the dollar while the rest of the country went into one of the greatest depressions.
because they were criminals
small time mob bosses and corrupt government officials who took advantage of the complete chaos that followed the collapse of the USSR to swindle people and make massive money
ex kgb agents basically
Interesting. Are there any interesting textual sources that touch on the connection to Westerners, or is this the kind of stuff that's just "known on the street"?
Also, what's the relationship between them and the present regime like? Did Putin's crew suppress them or are they working together, or both?
when the commies were still "in power", they set up kgb networks everywhere. clandestine networks are fairly decentralised and need their own support networks including funding and cover businesses.
when communism "fell" the kgb networks just went "legit"
Basically this. (((Economists)) (((coincidentally)) gave Russians really bad advice and set up sham auctions that were almost completely dominated by jews. One of those blatant (((coincidences))).
>Have lots of influence
>Soviet union collapses
>Factories/mines still belong to the state
>Transfer the rights for factories/mines to yourself in all the chaos
trusting (((wikipedia)))
this is 100% accurate those fuckers just add a bunch of filler to confuse you
Roman Abramovich was literally a train robber. He stole train carts of oil and got away with it being Yeltsin's protege. They are Russian FFS. they are all just thugs and criminals. Genius russians are always poor
When the soviet empire collapsed, the people with access to the records, just changed ownership to themselves and to military/kgb leaders to ensure they all came out with nice severance packages.
Little more to it than that.
Hello. Russian born in Soviet Union here.
Oligarchs have gained their wealth with cunning and deception. They have quickly realized the opportunities and have fooled millions of common folk.
When Soviet Union was about to fall, it were unstable times. Wages weren't paid for months (we have monthly wage system here), people were starving, common goods were hard to get. Then the government, with Gorbachev in the lead, had issued an economic overhaul: transition to free market, open trade (trade wad banned in Soviet Union and was punished by death) and privatisation of state-owned businesses (mainly, resource harvesting, such as gas and oil) to private companies.
How exactly was it done? Let's say, a gas harvesting company has 20000 employees. 100 employees are the head management staff. 19900 employees - are impoverished common workers, who have families that want to eat and who have not received their pay for months. Then the company issues stocks, and it's distributed among 20000 employees. And one man tells them that he wants to buy that stock for some money: enough to buy some food or bottle of vodka. Let's not take what 100 high staff members chooses to do with them - it does not matter. But 19900 choose food and vodka. After privatisation is completed, the company starts working again and this time things are going really well - because resource trading to foreign countries is now OPEN. Stocks value skyrocket like bitcoin. That man who holds 19k stocks becomes an oligarch.
>Share a border with these scum
I literally do not have anything positive to say about the Russians. Literally nothing. It's like they are a nation of people build out of the worst human traits imaginable.
Also, most people didn't know what to do after their old ways of life have changed dramatically. Oligarchs knew what to do. I suggest reading about Boris Berezovsky and LogoVAZ. There are different schemes, abusing power positions and huge holes in state law. Berezovsky was special, because he did not use natural resources to gain wealth. Also, he tried to be a master ruseman and a grand puppeteer. But his puppets have gone against him.
they are jews, gypsies and sandniggers.
what is the general sentiment in your country? will quality of life ever reach a high level? what do you think of aleksandr dugin?
It is absurd to think this was planned out. It was stupid easy to predict. You literally believe that 150 IQ American (((economists))) had no idea that people would sell their shares in order to eat. Of course they fucking did. It was a fucking scam from the get-go.
They steal millions from the Russian people. Vladimir Putin does the same thing the fucking cunt.
> Vladimir Putin does the same thing the fucking cunt.
proof? if you had half a brain and picked up any economic metric, you'd notice standard of living and just about any socioeconomic indicator has exponentially risen under putin which also explains why everyone loves him.
also putin has openly jailed and goes against jewish oligarchs, which is also why he is hated and why so much propaganda is spewed against him.
but yes regurgitate lies like the little good goy that you are.
I live in Moscow, and it seems that things here are different than in rest of the country. It's calm here, most people are too preoccupied with their own lives, so they don't care about politics. Life will not get better, only worse, but it's not so bad here.
About Dugin, I don't know him. Isn't he the one who is overly obsessed with Orthodox church beliefs? I think he's mad crazy.
Didn't Putin told some oligarchis to fuck off (like for gazprom) or that one? Theres also that story about Bill Browder. That shows that jews aren't in full control.
Any good movies about them?