Who else just got into Kyber? Lets pick lambo colors.
Even with the small personal cap, this shit may not be a lambo but it will easily be a BMW in a year with money skeleton being around.
Who else just got into Kyber? Lets pick lambo colors.
Even with the small personal cap, this shit may not be a lambo but it will easily be a BMW in a year with money skeleton being around.
how do i get into it
You dont because you didn't register and you don't live in a 3rd world shithole like singapore
I'll do it when I wake up tomorrow, not in a hurry.
had to sell my OMG at a loss to participate in this one. Hope it's worth it
you had to resort to selling at a loss to buy a measly 3.6 eth?
Do you even know what you bought? It might be a good long term hold. It looks like you plan to flip it ASAP. Why?
Why? Everyone should understand the assets they invest in. People are going to consider buying this on etherdelta soon. They should know what they are buying. Just don't upvote it. It is literally just accurate info.
FUCK YOU AND YOUR WELL HIDDEN FUD. This shit will x3 at etherdelta, just blame your shithole nation "land of the free" if you could not buy
Why do you think I am an American?
Buyers already looking to purchase at 2x on ED
probably fake orders
Pretty confident about this, money skeleton + that kid that seems pretty smart future looks bright.
It already has many whales involved as reserve managers interested in making this the new bittrex.
FUD is not accurately understanding what crypto assets you are investing in. Why do shills always throw out the most absurd lies.
I would like to join the Telegram group where you and other 7-8 fuckers decided to spread that post all over /biz for the last 5 days. Was it fun? You could at least write something in a decent way
So basically Kyber is the next Aragon
This post is worse than cancer. Please KYS you salty non-kybermensch
I will get in later, gotta wage-cuck first. Never been as relaxed about an ICO
> just don't upvote it
GTFO normie
Worth to get on etherdelta? Or wait?
I'm part of the ICO and will get more on etherdelta. Notr that it's only tradable from 24/09
holy shit man u have no idea how to write for money do you
you think writing a single shitty """article""" and shilling it everywhere will get people to vote for it
go learn from people who actually make money in blogging and stuff, and write more than just one fucking article. noone is gonna respect u otherwise
At what price u think it will hit etherdelta?
ROFL all that shilling and you get 1 FUCKING CENT
my sides are in orbit right now, 5 votes? did u get your mommy to vote through her tablet AND her phone?
I wrote an article on Bancor too (you should check it out). I am working on a few more. It actually takes quite a bit of research and I don't do this full time. I produce high quality articles that make technical issues more easy to understand. That isn't easy. And that isn't high volume. I like my current format. I know I will find an appreciative audience eventually.
How are they fake?
hate hate hate
You won't deter me. I am going to hit up other misunderstood, highly shrilled coins in the same way. Haters are losers, user.
Since there are absolutely zero rebuttals every time the steemit article gets posted, it just proves the point that Kyber holders have little idea of what they're getting themselves into, which is already an indicator of its price movement.
>high quality article
I'm fucking dying over here. Buddy, writing is not your thing, maybe try videos or smth? Also if it takes you longer than 2 hours (1h research + 1h writing and PTOOF READING) for a crap infoletter then you are wasting your time.
Initial pump once it's on an exchange? That's virtually all ICOs.
Don't know, I will probably buy in ingcrements up to x5 ICO price. I think it will go up for at least a week and normied will flood in. Well, if the current market doesn't fuck us up
Kyber will save us from all the btc losses we had during this dip
You have no idea how hard it is to translate the typical whitepaper into something readable to the typical educated crypto enthusiast. I also give economic incentive analysis. While I can do this on the fly, it too is incredibly hard to phrase for a wider audience. Add to all this the fact that my mind makes frequent grammar errors and word substitutions, and you get a long process.
lmfao shut the fuck up you faggot
You seem like a right prick and reading your article hurts my brain. I bet you don't have many friends.
In case you don't notice it anymore: you are talking down on your reader, putting yourself above them and make them feel belittled. Readers loooove that!
Also your “facts“ are absolute bullshit and a 3 year old would know that after having a quick look at the whitepaper. I think your article is more difficult to read than the whitepaper, actually.
I won't let you deter me.
Do you know what the ICO price was, and what price its gonna hit etherdelta at?
Which exchanges will it be listed on, and when?
Why not?
Okay, then a tip to help you on your way - don't write negative articles and don't sound like a know-it all.
Write about news you like and don't FUD the ones you don't like. Try to take the side of your audience you are aiming at
You probably shilled Bancor and flipped it on poor saps a few months back. Fuck off.
Wow the design features a graph of a network and it does the same thing as 19 other shitcoins so this will definitely go up 2000%
The ICO is still ongoing. Price is 1 ETH = 600 KNC. You shouldn't think in dollars in the current market situation.
The tokens are tradable in 9 days. Usually Etherdelta is the first (and doesn't need signing up by design)
Nope never held any. I tried to help you but you are too far gone to consider some advice
Listen, there is no reason to feel threatened because by your own analysis I am nothing. I made a single cent from the Kyber article and only about 300 anons read it. I know you need the money from these ICO flips, but I am concerned with creating a more rational marketplace while building a brand. Don't insult me with claptrap like this.
I also stick to Veeky Forums and avoid Reddit like the cancer it is, so there are plenty of lemmings out there for you to shill your bullshit to.
I'm also much smarter than you in every way which you should have figured out by now.