Why do they look like gorillas? Historically speaking, of course
Why do they look like gorillas? Historically speaking, of course
Because looking like a gorilla and having a civilization-destroyer penis is a prerequisite to wipe out the european race.
They look more like asians desu
Nice environment in Africa requires less of need for adaptation.
So what you're saying is Africa has the ideal environment for humans? Why did they accomplish so little then? That's a huge advantage.
Struggle doesn't breed strength? Get your story straight.
I mean seriously, I'm sure you understand why the welfare state is fucked. Yet herr you act like that abundance is supposed to make people stronger for no reason.
Nice liberal logic
Nice... nothing...
Because in a ideal environment you don't need to adapt.
...What m8?
It's a continent with an ideal enviornment but shit resources.
A good analogy is why would a king need to change if he's been given everything he wants all his life.
Ding ding ding
Again, I'm sure this cunt completely acknowledges this concept when talking about welfare or why whites are successful in their environment. But then flips it at convenience.
Is that all?
I don't get it, he is attacking everyone for no reason.
nice liberal logic WHOOPS
Are you just pretending to be conservative in an attempt to strawman them? Because it's way too obvious right now, you have to make your bait more subtle if you want to do that.
its so nice to see that liberals truly believe that africans don't struggle and that africa is a real life eden where blacks simply ballet from fruit to fruit. africa is one of the most harshest environments on planet earth the lifeforms are much more hostile individually and much more numerous than most other places on earth micro organisms are also more hostile here than anywhere else on earth. the mortality rate in africa is stunning. the conditions in africa are so bad in fact that people from all over the rest of the world have to give them their resources just for the africans not to suffer genocidal rates of death caused by their environment.
not a single fucking day goes by where liberals don't demonstrate their limitless retardation...
>you'd better keep watching Tyrone
>Or it's back in the cuck cage for you
I was actually agreeing with that guy and making fun of the guy who said "liberal logic" earlier instead of arguing. I think we're both losing track of who is who again.
You probably thought I was him.
Because they belong to a different subspicies.
We are told europeans should own America, yet Amerindians are the ones who should have America.
Because they are