Did the Crusaders read the Bible correctly? Doesn't the Bible say "Don't judge" and "Turn the other cheek"?

Did the Crusaders read the Bible correctly? Doesn't the Bible say "Don't judge" and "Turn the other cheek"?

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Given that the Bible up to the Reformation was only in Latin, I would wager that a lot of the Crusaders have, in fact, not read the Bible.

No, the Bible was reserved to the clergymen, and used as a tool for mass control

Most of them didn't know how to read in latin or for that matter in any other language.

Jesus says, "Judge not lest you be judged yourself," and "Turn the other cheek."

In the Old Testament, God says "eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth." Some of the prophets encourage violence against the wicked.

God has multiple personality disorder. Jesus is what you get when a human man is made from God's essence. Jesus tells you to speak sternly to and reprimand evil-doers, and if necessary to disassociate yourself from them. God tells you to defend yourself with force and kill fags with stones. Their core message is basically the same, though; do righteous things, and shun wicked things.

Also, as other people have mentioned, the Crusaders probably didn't read the Bible, they just got their information second-hand from the heads of the church. Lot of people couldn't even read back then.

How did Christians go from badass crusaders to LGBT cucks who adopt black children from Africa and kiss Muslim people's feet?

Jesus sort of made things awkward for the institution he created. Arguably made its downfall inevitable with his own words.

We learned it's easier to call in people's mortgages than hack at them with swords.

>rich landowners and military commanders
>don't know how to read

A different interpretation of the bible in particular the new trstament, and a pathological compassion.
Though Christianity was always a corrupt doctrine created by the jews to destroy the west, but since most common people weren't able to read it directly it was the priests who decided how to interpret the text in order to justify their own political interest.

Do you think at any point that was the majority of participants?

>Christianity Jewish deception
>Christianity BTFO of jews throughout history
That's some 4d chess playing there

Christianity was pretty much ruined when it became it became an ideology of the ruling class, rather than the oppressed. Romans essentially had to reinterpret the bible to allow them to keep plundering, murdering, ectera, and it continued from there.

Did you?

>Though Christianity was always a corrupt doctrine created by the jews to destroy the west,

Were the persecutions of jews caused by christian doctrine, or by the locals superstitions and hatred toward the percived outsider?


So the sudden rise of a religious cult out of the Province of Judea, that appeals to the recentement of the plebeians towards the patrician, to spread. Is completely unsuspicious.
t. stormfag

Years of secular critique has left christianity a battered wife whimpering "its only metaphor I promise please don't hurt me".

Fucking Augustine of Hippo alleged that it was all a metaphor 16 centuries ago. Get out of here fundie.

>went from waging a series of absolutely pointless wars that used religious fervor as a cover for political and economic motivations to being the largest religion in the world
>Were the persecutions of jews caused by christian doctrine
Yes. See the portuguese and spanish inquisitions. Jews are represented in very poor light in the New Testament.
>the west
Do you mean the Roman Empire? The Empire proper was already in a downward spiral by the time it adopted Christianity as a religion, though many would argue that it kept going for some 1000 years after that as the ERE. Either way, it wasn't very effective at taking Rome down.
>that appeals to the recentement of the plebeians towards the patrician
Whoa, people didn't like being bottom dogs getting pushed around by rich cunts? Fucking jewish mind tricks, man.

What's wrong with adopting black children from Africa? Most likely they'll just be raised to be Christian children like their parents. A commendable thing.

Additionally, Crusaders were literally Islamist tier.

Crusaders did, but LARPing 'Christians' from /pol/ obviously have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.

t. Catholic

>Did the Crusaders read

a large majority of them didn't, at least in the first crusade.

The pope said that anybody who died while Crusading was guaranteed a spot in Heaven. Why argue? People wanted their sins forgiven, and this was the perfect opportunity.

Taken literally the Bible is a religion for charitable pacifists who give all of their worldly possessions to the poor. Obviously, this contradicts the standard human motivation of accumulating more wealth by any means necessary. So it was often forgotten.

Crusaders basically used Christianity as a tool for opportunism, they were no better than ISIS.

>they were no better than ISIS.
This meme must die; on average the Crusaders were no worse (or better) than any other 'civilized' soldiers at the time. They weren't genocidal, either; the Templars were allies and defenders of their Muslim clients.

Jesus was the leader of a 1st century doomsday cult. Creating a belief system that would survive for 2000 years was never his intention. He understood that fighting to Romans was a fool's errand and that's why he so against the idea of violent resistance. If he'd known that his belief system would eventually become the official religion of the Roman Empire around 300 years after his death, he might have created specific rules about when violence is or isn't justified. But the Romans weren't his intended audience at this point in time, the Jews were. Thus, Christians are constantly forced to improvise justifications for war whenever the need arises. Islam is a much more "complete" religion in the sense that it contains explicit instructions on when violence is or is not justified. Consequently, warfare is much less of a spiritual dilemma for Muslims than it is for Christians.


>implying its not a mutt nigger under that helmet
those guys had the iq of a peanut, go figure


I've heard of the whole Sheepdog analogy but honestly, if you want to take the Crusader route and "defend the faith" from invaders/muslims/jews/whatever I just hope you realize that you run the risk of being condemned for your actions and that dying a Crusader isn't a guaranteed ticket to heaven

In short, if you feel the need to take action as a Christian go ahead but be aware that your actions may not coincide Gods divine justice.

If you believe in that sort of thing at least

Crusaders were fake Christians and violent barbarians, the Pope kissing the feet of the downtrodden is more Christian-like than anything the Crusaders ever did.


It staggers my mind when people post this image calling the Pope a cuck when this is exactly what Jesus would do.

Christianity was a religion for the decadent plebeians from the beginning.

>decadent plebeians

Plebs didn't have the denarii to be decadent you stupid asshole.

You think of decadence as a rich man eating to much and whoring around, i think of it in terms of physiological degeneration.

Like LARPing as a Crusader on a Mesopotamian Camel Shagging Enthusiast Irrigation System?

>decadent plebeians

it doesn't matter, you repel the invader, and the Saracen that molests pilgrims

The bible says a lot of things, including to wage war against the forces of evil.


Nowadays, most Christians are able to read the Bible. This was not the case at the time of the Crusades.

calm down Nordau
it's all been going down hill since we left the Savanna

The average person did not and could not read the Bible. They just listened to the Priests.

>απόδοτε τα Καίσαρος Καίσαρι kαι τα του Θεού τω Θεώ

Jus bellum iustum was theorized and elaborated on as a Christian theological subject by St Augustine in City of God, published 426 AD. About 200 years before Muhammad was born. Retard.


>The Bible only says turn the other cheek and don't judge, man.
First of all the Bible passage about turning the other cheek isn't about pacifism of masochism, it's about using social shaming to influence people. Then it says "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" as a challenge to the hypocrites trying to run from their own sins against God. The initial crusades were done as a self defense mechanism against Muslim Invaders who usually committed pretty horrible atrocities to those that they conquered and forced them to pay tribute to a false God.

The Bible also says that the Christian God comes before all false gods and idols, so when you have a hyper imperialistic empire of Muslims who want to destroy your faith, turning the other cheek and not judging no longer comes into the picture

>Jesus was the leader of a 1st century doomsday cult.

>complains about black people
>despite the fact that some of earliest christians were nubians

>who usually committed pretty horrible atrocities to those that they conquered and forced them to pay tribute to a false God.
Pretty much everyone committed atrocities during war, Muslims were the standard fare in that regard.

>Did the Crusaders read the Bible correctly?

Stupid question, they couldn't read the bible all. Apart from a small number of them they didn't access to to the bible (which was tightly controlled like some sort of spellbook) and couldn't read their own language, yet alone Latin.

Denying reality

Denying reality

Not an argument


Yes, a religion so devastating that the Empire openly adopted it, damn, really destroyed them, btw, the roman empire totally fell when the city nobody had been using for years and was poor as shit was conquered.

Not an argument