Who was the DRUMPF of ancient Rome?
Who was the DRUMPF of ancient Rome?
weird mix of caesar and commodus i'd say
Its literally Crassus you fucking nignogs.
Also more of these.
because big moneys? no
What's gonna be drumpfs Carrhae?
>We're going to build a wall and make the Picts pay for it
why caesar?
you know any of US president cant be compared to rome rules/emperors because US president cant do shit, they just follow orders
where is trump wall?
where is trump mass deportation?
Because he was a pompous buffoon obsessed with his self-image.
Pompey 100%
i know, but it doesn't end there. caesar had those tendencies too and he's closer to him than crassus in other ways too.
Diocletian. He was not an establishment figure at all and pissed everybody off by trying to make big sweeping changes to save the country.
duh, but we're having fun here
His presidency
Herod the Great
nice eagle on the pickelhaube
>only six months in
I didn't know they served for a year
It's like a poem of autism.
my autism for the third republic is rarely appreciated.
Boisterous, privileged and unrestrained retard
Trump isn't the richest man in Western history. Partially correct. He's more like Caesar.
Titus or Caesar
[spoiler]Iran unironically[/spoiler]
>military career
>career politican
Trump is neither of those but he certainly has a small bit of similarity with Pompey and a HUGE one with Crassus.
>all these brainlets saying caesar
Trump is a draft dodging coward. He would shit himself in any actual military situation.
>He's more like Caesar
Meant to say "Not" Caesar there.
Gracchi brothers
>Muh wall
Hadrian, obviously.
But Pompey and Crassus were career politicians as well.
Maybe Maximinus Thrax? Non-politicians at the top of Rome are scarce.
Pompey was also infamous for his arrogance and ego which Sulla, Caesar, and other major political leaders in Rome have used to slur his name and reputation, and Crassus was a moron whose only reason for fame was the use of overwhelming force to crush the slave rebellions and his wealth. Those both seem pretty more tangible to draw a parallel with Trump than Caesar.
Hell Crassus was INFAMOUS for how he and his family would buy up real estate in Rome and then sell it, undercutting the previous tenants and putting plebeian families into squalor levels because of how much money he made and how cutthroat he was with this kind of shit.
I think we found Sargon.
I'm going to give you Crassus, unless somebody can find a similar figure that did not make a career of politics.
Pompey just wanted to be loved.
>spends his time playing pretend tough guy on the internet
>little to no interest in performing his public duties for the betterment of the public
however, trump is not handsome, not fit, not the son of a previous ruler, and has not been strangled in his bath by a wrestler
It's obviously this, people forget there were more leaders in Rome than the Emperors.
Also if we're doing an "America is literally Ancient Rome" thing then we're right around the Gracchi on the timeline
>spends his time playing pretend tough guy on the internet
By all accounts Commodus actually was a tough guy, fit as fuck from playing gladiator all day, he was just a psychopath who did't really do it for sport.
>little to no interest in performing his public duties for the betterment of the public
Trump visited disaster areas and thinks the wall and lower taxes will help the public. He might be wrong, but that's what he believes.
If we take the analogy seriously, Trump's base (White working class) are unlanded plebs that either recently lost their land or cannot get it because its being monopolized by oligarchs.
This reminds me most of the time right before the Marian reforms. So he's probably like one of the Gracchi brothers. And while that might not be completely apt, the gracchi's ability to speak to massive crowds as the base of their political power is similar to Trump's.
Publius Clodius Pulcher
>wasn't born into riches, lied most of his life about being rich to his soldiers and paid them their salt after he managed to pillage it from barbarians
>had some liberal views, although most liberal things he did at the time were to get back at the senate
>only about a third of the politicians hated him
>born into riches, increased his riches through real estate
>doesn't kiss up to the senate, most if not all politicians hate him, and he does nothing to change that but whine on twitter all day
>drumpf disguised himself and entered the women's dressing room during The Apprentice to grab Omarosa by the pussy
He's going to be brutally murdered? Also if the Gracchi brothers have an American comparison, it's Huey Long.
Unironically Iran, or North Korea.
>What's gonna be drumpfs Carrhae?
100% Iran. Screencap this.
Antoninus Pius who constructed the limes to protect the empire from germanic tribes
inspired by his father (adoption) Hadrian
It's Crassus.
The real question is, who was the Drumpf of Ancient Greece? Hint: if you read Plutarch, you will already know.
Sargon said Trump is Gaius Gracchus and Kennedy was Tiberius.
Who was BLOMPF's Hadrian, then?
Yeah because Trump is soo set on distributing land to the disadvantaged. Trump got rich on buying property for himself and is literally set on building a wall around the US land.
Sargon doesn't know WTF he's on about.
>Crassus used Syria as the launchpad for a military campaign against the Parthian Empire, Rome's long-time Eastern enemy.
It's like poetry, it rhymes
>Trump will ally with 2 other leaders in a World Triumvirate
>One of them will have a long series of military conquests against the muslims (ie Gallics)
So, who will be the world's next Caesar, Veeky Forums?
I agree, that's just what I remember him saying in a video during the election.
He's similar because he's a populist and the establishment want to kill him, also jobs or something
>He taunted the Athenian generals over their failure to bring the war in Sphacteria to a rapid close, accusing them of cowardice, and declared that he could finish the job himself in twenty days, despite having no military knowledge. They gave him the job, expecting him to fail. Cleon shrank at being called to make good on his boast, and tried to get out of it, but he was forced to take the command. In fact, he succeeded—by getting the general Demosthenes to do it, now treating him with respect after previously slandering him behind his back. Three years later, Cleon and his Spartan counterpart Brasidas were killed at the Battle of Amphipolis, enabling a restoration of peace that lasted until the outbreak of the Second Peloponnesian War.
>Cleon was a tradesman—a leather-tanner. Thucydides and Aristophanes came from the upper classes, predisposed to look down on the commercial classes. Nevertheless, their portrayals define the archetypal example of the "demagogue" or "rabble-rouser."
Except the platform of the Gracchi Brothers is land redistribution from the wealthy to the poor, while Trump's platform is "fuck the poor".
>Trump's platform is "fuck the poor".
Not him, but it literally and unironicaally is. His tax plan is pure cancer. His cabinet is filled with millionaires and businessmen. GTFO if you actually think a New York billionaire who lives in a literal golden tower and has appointed the CEO's of Goldman Sachs and Exxon Mobil in his cabinet wants ''to drain the swamp''.
Looks like most of the middle class will get a cut.
Plutarch chose Nicias, but I agree, Cleon is by far a better parallel.
His proposed tax plan doesn't sound that bad 2bh, and it's really not much of a change
His tax plan would reduce the corporate tax rate to 20% (from 35%) and eliminate the estate tax (which only applies to inherited wealth greater than $11 million for a married couple). On individual tax returns it would change the number of tax brackets from seven to three, with tax rates of 12%, 25%, and 35%; apply a 25% tax rate to business income reported on a personal tax return; eliminate the alternative minimum tax; eliminate personal exemptions; double the standard deduction; and eliminate many itemized deductions (specifically retaining the deductions for mortgage interest and charitable contributions). It is unclear from the details offered whether a middle-class couple with children would see tax increase or tax decrease.
Trump's assertion that the plan would not benefit wealthy people such as himself was false, as the elimination of the estate tax (which only applies to inherited wealth greater than $11 million for a married couple) benefits only the heirs of the very rich (such as Trump's children), and there is a reduced tax rate for people who report business income on their individual returns (as Trump does). If Trump's tax plan had been in place in 2005 (the one recent year in which his tax returns were leaked), he would have saved $31 million in taxes from the alternative minimum tax cut alone. If the most recent estimate of the value of Trump's assets is correct, the repeal of the estate tax could save his family about $1.1 billion.
The plan would result in a huge windfall for the very wealthy, it would not benefit those in the bottom third of the income distribution and it lacked sufficient details to ascertain if middle class Americans will see their taxes rise or fall. A preliminary estimate by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found that the tax plan would add more than $2 trillion over the next decade to the federal debt.
My mistake.
Wouldn't be possible due to the cursus honorem system.
is le benis /ourguy/?
This, not to mention an overgrown manchild obsessed with tawdry public spectacle (educated people would cringe at seeing an emperor in the arena the same way they cringe at Trump's cameos in professional wrestling) with no real talent for ruling a nation nor any real inclination to learn, just outsourcing the responsibilities to advisors so he can go out and be with his adoring fan base of common rubes.
Crassus is a good choice for the fact that he was also an over-wealthy talentless hack who was only ever good at being a robber baron screwing people out of their wealth. Pompey at least had talent putting down slave revolts and was an establishment darling.
Trumptards BTFO
Vladimir Putin
It requires the trimunvrate to be citizens of the same nation and government. Trump is Putin's lapdog and the third wheel is Little Rocket man.
You are literally ignorant, user. Almost every agency, trust group, think tank, and financial analysts have called out rightly that his "tax cut" plan is going to only literally benefit the top of the top of the very richest i.e. people whose yearly saluries are equal if not greater than 700k.
This does not help the middle class at all.
>is "tax cut" plan is going to only literally benefit the top of the top of the very richest i.e. people whose yearly saluries are equal if not greater than 700k.
That's literally what i said. Read what i posted again.
Nah I just replied to the wrong person is all.
But 9-37,000 would be getting a significant decrease.
You're not thinking big enough user, with all the globalization the next step is clearly a World Empire
not a bad guess.
>lmost every agency, trust group, think tank, and financial analysts have called out
Like they called out that Hillary won win the election? These people don't know shit and everything they say is driven by their own political and economic agenda.
Why do people say Caesar? Don't see a lot of parallels. Caesar's main traits had to do with appealing to the masses through his military triumphs, which is more Jefferson than Trump.
A reduction in the corporate tax rate will most certainly increase productivity which benefits everyone who partakes in the economy. If you're going to only look at primary effects your view of the economy will by definition be shortsighted and pretty much useless.
Honestly its just another case of people straight up refusing to say ANYTHING positive about Trump because they are still butthurt he won the election.
>where is trump wall?
>where is trump mass deportation
no idea. Caesar was also a very intelligent, strategic, and well-spoken man. I'm assuming he also wasn't horribly out of shape. They're basically opposites.
>Muh trickle down
Fuck off with that nonsense. I ain't buying what you're selling.
Then go read a book on economics.
this is "rare chicken" as well
Which type of christian,Trump is?
My left toe is more Christian than Trump.
>muh Hayek
>muh Laffer curve
Yeah no. Even Alan Greenspan admitted that there is something fundamentally broken about the "free market fixes everything" mentality after the crash of 2008.
You need to read a book, one that wasn't written by some right-wing grifter fleecing the rubes with junk science
The polls correctly called her winning the popular vote. What it didn't calculate was the archaic technicality put in place to give slave states a disproportionate say in government.
Lots of generals had military victories, what made Caesar so appealing was his blatantly populist political platform, only made possible because he was the first populares in a generation to be able to run on whatever the fuck platform he wanted without first having to go through the rigged political process that involved sucking tons of optimate cock, thanks to the astronomical wealth he garnered for himself conquering the Gauls.
No, they called her tied in swing states like Ohio that she lost by nearly 10 points and said she had an advantage in all the other swing states by enough to be outside of the margin of error.