who else sold at the top and now buying back in for cheap
who else sold at the top and now buying back in for cheap
no I'm an idiot
Not me...I just bumbled around, fucked up, traded like an asshole and lost money. I should have just left the computer off these past few days desu...cheers to you guys that know what you are doing.
I cashed out $2000 at the end of July from my initial investment of $200. Not even sure what my current crypto value is at this point as I haven't bothered to check since this fuckery started happening 2 weeks ago and I don't intend to until things settle down a bit.
I bought at the top, first time buying crypto. Now i'm shorting it with the pennies I have left
reporting in
yea, sold at 6k, now recently bought at 1 dollar ;)
I bought at almost the top and sold at almost the bottom. I've been trading for a year and I never fail to fuck up. You can thank me for all the easy gains.
Bro, this was me literally every trade the past two days. Next dip I'm shutting off the wifi at the house...I'll cut the fucking power if I have to.
I'll wait until bitcoins are at $15 before considering that. So around tuesday.
Cheap is relative. This thing might very well go to $500
Do be afraid unless the Earth gets hit with a damaging solar storm or an exchange gets robbed.
Was going to sell at the top but each time I took a nap and then it started dropping. Then I couldn't be bothered to sell.
Maybe i'll buy more when we reach $1.
Gotta love these scare tactics. If it dropped that much I would put my life savings into it.
Im not selling before 1 million
Anyone else bought high and selling low?Loving my money tree
Shit, you got a package too?
I just make stupid fucking trades for some reason...it's not a panic thing, it's a "Hurr durr, I'm bored, I'll trade x coin for y coin then to j coin and then back to x...'cause I'm a fucking retard." thing.
It's like taking a kid to a toy store and telling them not to touch anything...
>tfw when just bought in. Feels good not being an idiot, man.
>liar spotted
always sells at the top, always buys at the bottom --> should be gazilionaire in one week, faggot.