Time for another Trolley Problem

>Pull lever = Train carrying /ourcouple/ goes into a wall
>Don't pull lever = 5 of the top allied commanders in ww2 die and history is altered

which level kills OP?

Pull. Charles & Anne are too pure for this world. They deserve to die in each other's arms.

Pull level since modern railcars are built to withstand impacts and Anne and Charlie would presumably survive without serious injury.



>literally made up by a feminist
should've asked me the organ harvesting one OP that ones hot when you post a girls pic

trapped on a rail for all eternity? just run me over on the first loop senpai, we all got places to be

Alright /\/iggers, post passenger trains Charles II and pregnant Anne Frank would ride on their babymoon. Luxury trains only, Amtrash and HSR posts will be disregarded, permanently banned from this board, and burnt at the stake for heresy.

My money's on Norfolk & Western and Southern's Tennessean, hauled by a J-class through the Shenandoah Valley.

>a bunch of Zionist war criminals

Why would you ever pull

I don't pull the lever, jump onto the trolley, then try to use my body weight to rock it off the tracks, probably killing everyone involved.
Ok but does pulling the lever give me the same god-like physique that rolling a boulder would?

Illinois Central coming through!

pull it a couple of times to virtue signal then fake faint and let it smash them

>all these pathetic Burger trains

Anne and Charlie deserve ROYAL treatment

It's your funeral.


me, everyday

What's the insurance payout on the locomotive?



Oh really?

>implying my family would care
>implying I have friends
>implying I don't greatly fear death

How does multi-track drifting work out in this case?

>5 of the top allied commanders
But of which country? If any French commander is within these 5, I wouldn't hesitate to let their soul escape their bodies

A fellow psychopath, I see.

holy shit me too