How accurate is this history of American suburbs, historically speaking?
How accurate is this history of American suburbs, historically speaking?
It's almost as if they knew niggers would default on their loans, like they did in 2008.
without watching the video, i can tell you it's probably correct
but it probably operates on some bullshit premise of "equality" or some such
Probably fairly correct, unless it blames innocent people for leaving big cities due to increasing minority populations.
As someone whose family was driven out of Detroit by increasing crime and violence, I do not toe that particular line.
White flight may be bad for the city, but are they just supposed to abide intolerable conditions?
Thanks for the laugh OP. Now thanks to your progressive programming I now feel white guilt.
>college humor
>30 seconds in and already establishing being white and living with other white people is bad
The problem with suburbs is not that they exist, but how they're built. Low-but-dense streetcar suburbs are patrician.
Dont trust any of the "Adam Ruins" series. Pop history/humanities created for a click.
I hate that insufferable faggot
It's almost like America was racist and made it so that Blacks never had a chance
Funny way of spelling God.
Are you retarded?
The video did not imply that white people living with white people was bad,it implied that one of the reason of said suburb in the video which was predominantly white was historical racism,that combined with poverty,lead to such a white suburb.
It's like you're trying to victimize yourself and purposefully misinterpret the first 30 seconds of the video.
I lived in a suburb that was minority white, the majority was various kinds of Asians. Was everyone who lived there racist?
just a reminder. progressives, socialists, and "liberals" are the kings of white flight.
they exclusively live in the whitest place possible. even in the city they will find that area where the poor brown people are not living.
diversity and multiculturalism is like a novelty to them. they think it is great to go a few blocks over and eat at that trendy new ethiopian place. yet they go home and away from ethiopians.
>insufferably white
It's like they don't want people to actually take them seriously.
Lehman Brothers, American International Group, Countrywide Financial and all the other players in the subprime crisis weren't covered by the Community Reinvestment Act.
>poor white people don't exist
>How accurate is this history of American suburbs, historically speaking?
Friends of mine recently sold their parent’s house in Centerline MI (immediate northern Detroit suburbs) that was built in the late 1950s and the original title had a clause preventing the sale of the home to Jews or Negros.
>The video did not imply that white people living with white people was bad
Did you even watch the video? It did exactly that in the first few seconds.
Don't lie, that video spent like a third of its runtime explaining why the white guy wasn't racist. It was showing him/the viewer how that all white suburb came about from racist policies.
If you can't defend you ideas with the truth, maybe you should reconsider your ideas instead of lying about them,
Because the subprime mortgage is a good idea
I guess the only response is
Or something like that.
Another option would be to discuss how wealth is created, since its a very complex topic.
I closed the thing when that hipster numale appeared which is like 20 seconds in.
>blaming 08 on blacks
Oh fuck off, no one know or even wanted to know that the housing market will fall
>White flight may be bad for the city, but are they just supposed to abide intolerable conditions?
Never heard of anyone suggesting that...
Usually, white flight has to happen first, before the minorities begin got move in. This, of course, accelerates the process, but the thing that starts the cascade is industry shutting down and thus white people moving along with those jobs. Certainly the case in Detroit, where the auto-industry shut down and moved, thus all the skilled blue collar workers went with it.
I'm old enough to have seen that in real time out here in greater LA. As Northrop and the aerospace industry, among others, shut down, and the metro area's #1 export shifted from rocketry to textiles, we saw whites move out of places like Bell Gardens, which, when I was young, was pretty affluent. With the skilled labor gone, housing prices dropped, allowing poor brown folk to move in. It wouldn't have much mattered if it was poor white or poor brown people, it's just the neighborhood was poor, and well, now it's a shithole. There are actually some poor white neighborhoods around here where you can see the same process.
It's particularly bad in some poor neighborhoods where there's these glorious historical landmarks to golden ages of the past. I lived in one in Long Beach - place was once a famous luxury hotel, with much of the facade still in place, if crumbling from the lack of money to maintain it. Marble floors, pillars, and walls, with brass trimmings, servant's quarters, valet kiosk, all still there, but stained, cracked, and dilapidated.
Bringing white people back doesn't fix that (and again, there's poor white neighborhoods in the same boat.) You'd need to bring industry back, or find a new one... Which sometimes happens, allowing parts of the neighborhood to gentrify - which makes the poor people complain just as much, as it prices them out of their own neighborhoods.
Plenty of people predicted the crash almost a decade in advance.
That is something that irks me too... From 2003 folks were talking about nothing else but the damned housing bubble, particularly on the PBS/NPR financial news editorials - like constantly, non-stop.
Now everyone keeps bringing up "that one guy who saw it coming!" as if no one remembers that. Everyone worth their salt knew it was coming, and positioned themselves to profit from the inevitable crash - none of them lifted a finger to stop it, as there was just too much to gain.
Still, yeah, blaming niggers for that is akin to blaming them for Black Friday.
Am I the only one who likes the one on the right more? I must have a decay fetish.
And no I'm not a leftist.
>Black Friday
Black Monday*
My bad - Black Friday is awesome - but can't credit them for that either.
Looks a bit better when it's due to erosion, rather than pollution and gang bangers.
Yep. I remember people warning about it pointing to early 90s Japan as an example.
>Black Friday is awesome
Black Friday is horrible.
Well, only if you're foolish enough not to shop on-line.
Which i said 'wanted to know'. Almost everyone in Wall Street drank the KoolAid
No, not really. Wall Street people simply didn't give a flying fuck because they understood the federal government would foot the bill if eventually shit hit the fan. And that's exactly what happened.
Can't really prove that statement especially when the federal government almost didn't bail them out in time. More incompetence than malicious desu
More indifference than incompetence.
It's almost as if being a bank and issuing high interest loans on people with no possible way of making the money back to pay them was a really bad fucking idea, and allowing high-street banks to subsidize investment banks was also a really fucking bad idea, the 08' crash was entirely the result of deregulation and fucking retarded policy in regards to moral hazard, blaming it on blacks is such a retarded leap of logic, it's a banks job to be scrupulous on who it lends to.
Was redlining actually as bad and prevalent as its portrayed to be? Because it really seems to only have been a thing in a few select Midwestern and Northeastern cities.
Is that a problem if you own your home? Or is it a landlord based problem?
Well, it's great if you own your home, as its value goes up, and folks are constantly seeking to buy you out.
On the other hand, your income doesn't go up, and everything around you gets more and more expensive. So, if you're living on the edge, you may get pushed off - and thus out. Possibly so far out that you can't keep your job, if the gentrification is widespread.
For landlords it's win-win though, provided they don't end up pricing themselves out of the market, as occasionally happens. There was an incident in San Francisco where the rent skyrocketed in a very short period in a wide area. It resulted in a massive flight to the suburbs, that flight was eventually was so strong that rent prices actually dropped about as much in the same period following. So all that gentrification investment was all for naught.
Also causes a whole lotta social upheaval. Ya end up with a whole lotta homeless you gotta relocate, and a lot of folks with no savings. Sometimes businesses need to move as well, due to everyone near them being unwilling to work there, and not providing the sort of wages required to commute. Gentrification in LA, for instance, has lead to quite the homeless crisis as well as an ongoing industry shift.
They don't have a choice user. If they move into black areas, they'll gentrify them :^)
>when they pretend they're just motivated by facts and definitely not forgotten bias
Here's how it went:
White people were accepted as having been the conquerors of this land. De jure in charge, De facto entitled to live however they wish. Everyone else plays along or gets the militia together and attempts to overthrow them, and fails.
Professors got bored of this and threw you a bone: we can criticize them, because they can take it. We can call them evil, because they're in charge anyway and it won't bother them.
Years go on, we acquired a sense of self-awareness and patience for other cultures, it was going good for a while. But for some reason it didn't stop.
And eventually they forgot they were merely pretending. Now it's actually evil for white people to run their own lands.
But instead of getting the militia together to overthrow them, we the progressive white people make passive aggressive complaints and slowly but surely chip away the legal guarantees to our sovereignty and self-determination.
We even get help from their own numbers, who betray their positions in the hopes that the new burgeoning society will have a place for them.
They try to guilt more helpers into the team by framing their resistance to the change as mere "insecurity".
"Oh you poor impotent bastard, you've been a racist all these years! And you're only racist because you're insecure. You're in fear!"
Never mind that insecurity exists for a reason. Someone holds a mouse trap to your nuts, you feel insecure. This is a good thing. You save your nuts this way, and in effect your children. Your future.
Damn, sounds progressive