how where and when did the russians develop nuclear weapons?
How where and when did the russians develop nuclear weapons?
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The jews did it. Unironically
>Spoonfeed me
The russians detonated their first A-bomb in 1948. They got that technology mostly through inside men and spionage on the USA.
Funnily enough though, when it came to building their own bomb, the designers proposed a design that was far more efficient. Beria (manager of the bomb program) demanded however they build an exact copy of the plutonium Fat Man bomb. Would have been interesting to see what the Soviet bomb designers would have come up with.
oh looks more proof of how anti science a authoritative government was who would've thought
They stole it from the Americans. Commie spies infiltrated the Manhattan project.
Literally marxist jewish subversives.
If you devote enough resources to atomic weapons, you'll eventually figure it out (NK, Pakistan). But stealing American designs gave them a big boost, the USSR wasn't supposed to get the bomb for 7 more years until 1955 IIRC.
Soviet nuclear weapon development was highly secretive, but the bomb (based on the American 'Fat Man' device) was developed at the Kurchatov Institute, which is located in Moscow.
The bomb itself was detonated in Semipalatinsk, in what is now Kazakhstan. That region of Kazakhstan was basically Russia's Nevada, they tested most of their bombs there.
I have a question - what was the deal with the spies who sold the Soviets secrets? What was their motivation? Did they really want the Soviets to win?
>be American
>call your bomb "Fat Man"
Idealism in creating a fairer world was certainly an initial factor. It must have been an exciting period of change, as old empires collapsed and it seemed like a new system was emerging.
Once you get involved in transferring state secrets to an other state though, whoever you're supplying them to has you by the short and curlies.
This tbqh, though they would've gotten it eventually even without him. The trouble was, Stalin was informed in at least some detail about the capabilities of US atomic bombs, which led to him having more leverage at the Malta Conference since he knew that at the time, nukes were hilariously small and had to be delivered by bomber.
The Soviets getting the quick rundown on how to get nuke infrastructure going also let them perform their first test much earlier than they could have otherwise, which went a long way towards granting them legitimacy as a rival Superpower to the US and led to the escalation of the Cold War.
Would this be the same brand of meme efficiency that they designed the propulsion of their moon-landing capable rocket around, (that ended up being a complete failure because efficiency at the cost of robust reliability got BTFO)?
they were kikes
>tfw this is one of the only times where that sums up the situation perfectly
Jews told them
They were communist traitors. That's it really. That's why some people think McCarthy was that wrong. US government was infected with communist
le jooos XDDD
SU was anti-semitic you retards. Stalin purged kikes.
>Stalin purged kikes.
He was about to a second big purge and he wanted so send askhenazis to siberia
literally the only people allowed to leave
Did you seriously not know this?
didn't stop the Rosenbergs and a bunch of other kikes from stealing state secrets and selling them to /ourpedo/ Beria