How accurate are these videos?

How accurate are these videos?

Part I:
Part II:

How come it seems like everyone nowadays obsesses over the second coming of Hitler? It's like this in almost all Western media even with civilians yearning to follow him and/or fight against him. Why is this?

Other urls found in this thread:ßenschlag

This is the real Part I. Fucking clipboard didn't copy the URL for it.

It's pretty accurate, but there are some oversimplifications and mistakes.
Hindenburg died on 2 August 1934 while the enabling act was passed on 24 March 1933. Papen's role was also much more active and both he and Schleicher had their own plans to transform Germany into a military dictatorship.ßenschlag
This was quite important for the Nazi takeover.

I also don't like how he portrays the Weimar governments as weak and ineffectual, and how the communists or the Nazis were the only choice. SPD was still the second biggest German party in 1933.

I don't like how it implies Communists were innocent. Granted, it was Germany's fault that they were there in the first place, but they were a big reason why Germany folded badly.


Accurate. It's basically Hitler Ascent in a nutshell

Hitler had rival politicians executed?

That sounds amazingly like something that Chancellor Palpatine from Star Wars would do.

No. There is not a single proof of what you said.

Palpatine was based on Hitler, or rather on a pop-history version of him.

So Hitler played two sides in his rise to power? Who were the two sides?

>How come it seems like everyone nowadays obsesses over the second coming of Hitler?

because its a slippery slope
>find a spacegoat
>things turn to shit
>naturally spacegoats are blamed
>legalise spacegoat discrimination

then nobody can tell where it stops
theres no 2nd coming of hitler but thats not because we have learned from it or because we are better but because theres no economic crash to turn millions of lifes into shit

the bomb is the ideology of hatred and fear, the fuse is an economic collapse

we know capitalism is periodic, there are ups and there are downs

Nazis and communists.

>Hitler played two sides in his rise to power
No. But Hitler and his conservative allies used the press to spread anti-communist propaganda making many people believe that Germany is on the verge of a communist revolution or civil war.

>those fucking comments
/pol/ was a mistake.

Was Hitler really that bad of a person though? I mean, isn't the Rape of Wan King worse than the Holocaust?

In what way? Both the Japanese and the Germans committed numerous war crimes. The extermination of Jewish people isn't the only crime committed by the Nazis.

It's pretty balanced and accurate but those epik trole face memes are fucking cringey.

I am a Jewish man and I can confirm that there was nothing wrong with wanting to get rid of my people. In fact, it was an honorable move. Now the world is controlled by the few 1% of us who want to exterminate everybody else. I hate my fucking heritage. Homosexuals also deserved to baked since they were mentally ill.

They mention Communists were starting street fights in the video.

The October Revolution in Russia and Spartakus Revolution were recent events at that time. Was it such an odd belief to have that communists would try something again?

It wasn't, but we know that the communists did not plan anything in 1932/1933. Naturally more people supported the Nazis, but the communists gained some 7% between 1928 and 1932, so it's understandable if people were afraid.

But the communists were the enemies of capitalism. The Nazis were facists. How the fuck were the communists their enemies?

Not sure if bait or not but Fascists and Nazis were capitalists and the main enemies of Communists.

Facists were dictators not capitalists. Retard.

>You can't have privatization and dictators at the same time
What planet are you from? Capitalism isn't a fucking ideology, it's an economic system

>hey guys this is a short story of hitler is it good

poltards are unfit for life

I think he's admitting he was joking. [spoiler] I hope so. [/spoiler]
It's like you didn't even watch the video.