Why aren't more African leaders like Haile Selassie?
Africa would be a top continent if they were, so sad.
Why aren't more African leaders like Haile Selassie?
Africa would be a top continent if they were, so sad.
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I suppose the italians and the french might have monkeyed with things to keep rulers in power that were corrupt so they could control them easier? maybe that set a trend for the continent
>our enemies forced us to get ruled by shitbag puppets
>man, that sucked
>at least those colonizers are finally gone
>well, you wanna get some competent leaders now?
>naw let's just keep going with it
t. rastafarilad
What I find funny is that he's not even black like most American blacks. He was Semitic East African, not a West African jungle hut dweller.
Did you mean to post that here? If so, why?
He doesn't mean jewish, he means in ethnicity.
? This was an objective statement of fact. There's more genetic diversity between two random Africans than a Chinaman and a European.
Do you know what Semitic means?
He's right though, image-macro poster. Haile Selassie is fairly obviously a semitic East African. What's up with the reflexive paranoia about dissenting opinion?
East Africans have Semitic blood but they are mostly black
educate yourself
You want more leaders to be thrown in prison for creating a famine that they didn't create?
East Africa is where Semitic speakers originate from, dude.
wasn't it Yemen?
>Dethroned by Italians
>Given power back by the brits
>Almost gets dethroned by own son
>Lose control of Eritrea after commiting human rights violations
>Gets dethroned by own son
>Son loses the country to communists
>Haile Selassie
He tried to create an 18th Century absolutist state in the 20th Century. His retarded decisions were the cause of so many of the problems Ethiopia would suffer for the rest of the century. Ethiopia was a clusterfuck of rebellions because of stupid decisions like deciding to violate the UN mandate that joined Eritrea to Ethiopia in a federal system or heavy-handed attempts to force Christian Abyssinian culture on a nation where they were the minority.
Even if we're going under the assumption that his absolutist ideal was good, his own policies were counterproductive for that. The education system set up ended up liberalizing much of the urban populace, and lots of the officers sent abroad for training would come back filled with ideals that would lead to the 1960 and 1974 coups.
They tried, most of them were assassinated either by local oligarchs or at the request of foreign powers.
See: Patrice Lumumba
Africa was the main battleground of the Cold War, don't let anyone tell you otherwise
>the meddling stopped once the colonies ended
t. retard
This. I hate the (literal) worship this guy gets.
On the positive side he was a moderniser in the early 20th century when most of the Ethiopian nobility and clergy just wanted to sit around pretending the rest of the world didn't exist, rejecting modern technology and foreign expertise and thinking that they were invinsible because they beat a few retarded Italians once. Before the Italian invasion he made huge improvements despite the opposition of the Empress.
But after returning to the throne he really just stuck around too long and failed to keep up pace of modernisation, failed to improve the chronically famine-stricken countryside where the vast majority of the population lived and became increasingly senile and useless. It's no wonder he was overthrown.
It's weird reading about the end of Imperial Ethiopia. They seem to get the reputation of being some kind of noble native state that fended off the evil Europeans, but the more I've looked at it, the more the Ethiopians looked like just another colonial power.
Ethiopia didn't outlaw slavery until 1942, the British in Sudan actually preferred having the Italians take it over at first because they didn't have to deal with the slave raiding anymore
Yeah I've heard the Italian administration was supposedly better for the non-Abyssinians in Ethiopia than the Imperial government was.
Possibly but it's not definitely proven.
Paul Kagame is probably the greatest leader in African history tbqh
Horn of Africa populations have substantial Eurasian mixture.
Actually, I think you'll find Hannibal was.
This means arabs fucking niggers unlike anything you want it to be.
But Baracus was the African guy in the A Team, not Hannibal
Why so upset, friend?
>starts a war with Rome
>Rome burns Carthage
Thats pretty crazy. Redpill me?
Well back in the late 1800s Abyssinia/Ethiopia was a major power player in the region. Unfortunately, things were far from easy for them. Ethiopia at the time was dealing with foreign incursions from Egypt as well as near constant rebellion from subordinate princes. In fact, of the last four "real" emperors of Ethiopia - Tewodros, Yohannes, Menelik, and Haile Selassie - half came to power by conspiring with enemy powers during war. Yohannes was a rebel prince who was installed by the British after Tewodros took hostages in hopes of forcing the Brits to negotiate with him. Menelik would always ignore calls to arms by Yohannes while he was a prince, ultimately conspiring with the Italians in Eritrea to support their claims in the area in return for modern weapons. Yohannes, like his predecessor, spent his entire reign running from one emergency to another - he rushed to fend off the Madhists in the West only to have to turn south once he was done to crush a rebellion. In the end, Yohannes was killed by Madhists, and Menelik would sieze the throne with his fresh, European-supplied army.
Menelik would use his new army to suppress and conquer surrounding regions. The Italians supported all this at first because they believed that Ethiopia was now a protectorate according to the Treaty of Wuchale, but in reality the relevant clauses were vastly different in the Italian and Amharic versions of the treaty. When the dust had settled, Menelik went around and made peace with Sudan, made an arms treaty with the French in Djibouti, and started expanding his empire into Oromo and Somali-populated regions.
When Ethiopia won its first war with Italy, its modern borders were solidified, giving it tons of territory well outside its original domain. The majority of the population was now non-Abyssinian muslims, and the Abyssinian ruling class had a superiority complex that'd make the British of the time seem tame.
So thanks to that whole superiority complex, the Ethiopians were brutal towards these new peoples. The Ethiopian army during the time was more like something out of the Thirty Years War, and was compared to a swarm of locusts in the regions it passed. While that was bad for everyone, they went out of their way to plunder in areas not populated by Abyssinians. Once war was over, ethnic Abyssinians moved into the newly conquered Oromo and Somali populated regions and took land by force - the locals weren't legally allowed to hold the land, and often times were too starving to fight back anyways.
When the Italians took over in 1935, they broke up Ethiopia into a couple administrative divisions and transferred Somali-populated Ogaden to Somalia and Tigray-populated regions to Eritrea. For once, the boundaries set by colonizing Europeans actually made more sense than those of the locals.
Anyways, when Haile Selassie returned in 1941, he made it a point to try to extend his domain across the entire Horn of Africa. He made public calls for Somalia to be annexed by Ethiopia, and, despite British reservations, he was awarded Eritrea through a UN resolution that was supposed to ensure a federal system to keep the Eritreans happy. Of course, once it was too late to go back, Selassie dropped the federal system mandated by the UN deal and incorporated Eritrea into the country like another province. Meanwhile, he went out of his way to suppress non-Abyssinian culture. Leaders everywhere down to almost the lowest levels were Abyssinians, and Amharic was made the only official state language, despite the majority of the population speaking other languages.
The Ethiopians were just another conquering power, and in many respects were worse than the Europeans, who were often content to allow for local autonomy or feel-good projects like missionary schools as long as they got what they wanted from the colonies.
They arent full semitic, they are just mulattos
The Ethiopian royals had Jew ancestry from when King Solomon dicked down the Queen of Sheba.
How much?
Wikipedia says Sheba is equivalent to Yemen, not ethiopia.
Pretty crazy, especially since Haile Selassie became lionized by African Americans as a symbol of anti-colonialism and a leader of Africa who got put down by the white man. He has more in common with Hitler than he does with them.
Presumably 50% at first, and decreasing from there depending on how much cousin-fucking their royal line did.
The sheer controversy of this statement...
Only in these times, my friend. only in these times.
Wiki was written by agents of Yakub to erase the true history of the black Africans as inheritors of the Kingdom of Israel.
Habesha are majority caucasian
Rastafarians are no different from the Jewish Israelites or WE WUZ crowd, they don't let facts get in the way of a good story
Big fish, small pond. Incompetent at everything except asking for help.
They are mullato, stop LARPing
They are worse tho: their fucking Messiah found the cult surrounding hin to be creepy, distanced himself from it and sent missionaries in Jamaica to put things in order. Rhastas are genuinely pathetic.
Well that's only because he had the misfortune of being alive to witness it, Abraham and Ramses would be equally offended if they were contemporary
>having still any control at all on ex colonies
You overestimate us
I don't know, they do a pretty good job ferrying "Libyans" (who knew they were so west african? Maybe Hannibal was black) to Europe