Something's not right. A civil war happened during his presidency and he is revered as a hero... someone redpill me hard on him
Something's not right. A civil war happened during his presidency and he is revered as a hero...
That war was started because of him freeing the slaves, hard to see him as a bad guy.
>war started because he freed the slaves
I knew Veeky Forums was full of brainlets but holy shit
His election contributed but in no way created the forces that pushed us towards civil war. Two political blocs of the country with diverging views on slavery steered us to the inevitable.
A) The causes of said civil war pre-existed his political career.
B) He put an end to things quickly and relatively painlessly. Yes, I know, the ACW was the bloodiest war in American history, but if you compare it to other civil wars, ending things in 4 years with a total victory by one side that doesn't lead to recurring wars down the line is insanely rare and hard to do. You look over at the same period in China, and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom kicked around for 21 years, and sparked off some other secondary rebellions in its wake.
of course that's ignoring the fact that civil war was looming for more than a decade
>A civil war happened during his presidency and he is revered as a hero
Yep, his very existence triggered dixiecucks so hard that they quit the Union in a fit of infantile rage. Anyone who causes Southern butthurt so wrenchingly strong that it's felt a century and a half later is a hero in my book.
Auto-genocidal dictator suffering from Marfan's Syndrome.
If anything Buchanan is who caused it to happen.
Civil war happened because of niggers. Sherman himself said so.
What were the other contributing factors to the ACW other than slavery? Brit here and we don't learn about it in school, obviously
It's this thread again.
>democratically elected
>beholden to constitutional limitations on power
I don't think you know what "dictator" means
The south feared that it would be politically isolated as more territories became added to the union without the institution of slavery being legal, that's chiefly why they broke off, the seizure of federal lands, armories, forts, etc throughout the south is what led to the eventual shots fired by the rebel states at fort Sumter
>imprison people who were shooting at you as POWs
>m- muh habeus corpus!!1!
Dixieboos confirmed retarded
The funniest thing is that dixieboos always talk about how he suspended habeus corpus. This completely ignores that Article 1 Section 9 quite clearly allows such when
>in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
Americans should love to talk about freedom and Independence but they sure were willing to murder a chunk of their population to prevent them from exercising that freedom.
Fucking mistake of a country, the Britain should of kept you under their boot.
why did you even post, you don't know anything
Fucking autocorrect.
>should love to talk
>the Britain
>should of
Do you happen to be a person of color?
The British*
probably southern european, if not a south american
>MUH habeus corpus
It's funny because it was the CAS government who introduced conscription, taxation in kind (once inflation kicked in) and outright confiscation of personal property by the government for war needs. The CSA was the closest America ever got to actual dictatorship.
States rights meme is a meme because the CSA was heavily centralized, which shocked the state governors (especially the governor of Georgia) after seceding.
>b-b-but that's different, it was wartime!
You could apply the exact same reasoning to Lincoln.
Yeah, basically the only changes the CSA made to the Constitution was the ones that limited the states' rights, namely prohibiting abolition of slavery by states and, ironically, secession from the Confederation.
That Civil war was over half a century in the making by the time he was elected and was at 99% critical mass by the time he took office.
Southern revisionists always seem to forget that the state governments and federal congressmen of the Cotton States literally did everything in their power to be obstructionist dipshits that tried to make everything about their special snowflake ''''institution'''' that was literally destroying the livelihoods of every non-upper class white and black stave-owner in the South, as well as its development of industry and infrastructure for decades before muh war of Northern retaliation for being fed up with our bullshit that's hurting the country.
The Confederacy was basically designed purely to forward the interests of everyone who was a slave owner. I'm still lost on this romanticism that Southerners have over the Confederacy.
he is a jew
Southerner here. The hardcore romanticism is for the retarded Southerners who just don't like the US federal government and call themselves "Americans".
Confederacy was shit. It also didn't really help out my state as the Union and Confeds kept playing grab ass with its land until the Union completely took it. I'm still butthurt about it, damn Confeds.
sorry, *emancipated. Better?
Yeah dude it's crazy how dixiecucks lynched black people so they couldn't vote
The first states seceded before he even took office. Hard to blame him for that. His options were- let the nation break apart to appease the slavocrats, or don't do that. He chose the latter.
Slavery is at the center of all, but more generally the South was afraid they wouldn't be able to exert the drastically disproportionate influence they had since the founding of the country. The South basically dictated the country's foreign policy for decades and had a large amount of its aristocracy achieve the presidency, despite totaling less than 20% of the country's free population.
He's praised because of the way he handled the country's greatest economic, social, political, and moral crisis. And he didn't cause it. It cannot be understated how important slavery actually was to the country's Antebellum history- literally every single major action taken prior to Lincoln assuming office was related to it, from the Articles of Confederation to the Indian Wars to the 3/5 Compromise to the Kansas-Nebraska Act Mexican-American War. It was a war in the making since the nation was founded- and unless the Southern aristocrats were simply allowed to break the country at their whim, it was always destined to happen.
not an argument.
Yeah they told everyone to go home after the war which didn't make folks angry to rise up again and unlike Asian countries who would have executed their own country men. But Chinese were barbaric animals for most of history (still are) so it's understandable
He said slaves were bad when the majority of Americans already thought that.
Same bullshit reason Obama will be thought of as a good president for letting the fags get married when he was shit pretty much everywhere else.
CSA seceded during James Buchanans last months in office.