>and then they dumped at the bottom
And then they dumped at the bottom
Other urls found in this thread:
Good goy, sell them low so (((we))) can buy more.
they made what they thought was the appropriate decision at the time, based on what the trend was
>selling bitcoin
you can say that with hindsight, but witht the trend as it was, and the news as it was, it was a reasonable thing to consider
Look at this big fucking green candle in a post-chinese ban world and realize your mistake.
Don't people usually make decisions that they think are right? Selling under 3200 was incredibly stupid when you knew it would rebound at 3000. Oh, you didn't know it would? Why are you in crypto? Look at the history of crashes. Where does the price always crash to?
It was reasonable when the news hit, not continuing to dump days after a massive crash. Chinks banned bitcoin, so fucking what, it's price out already.
>that guy telling everybody to convert every single coin to btc and sell when it bounced back up over 3k
I think the thread is still up.
How weak do your hands have to be holy fuck
Going for a quick jog boys. When i come back we better be above 4k again
Weak chink dicklets have been waiting for the big white bull to return.
We own this shit now, zipperheads.
fucking Christ, can you imagine selling at $2989 and watching it go parabolic in the next hour?
>YoBit is shutting down
>Perfect time for a pump
I'm the only person trading, aren't I?
They're drinking in the bar. Celebrating our sinking.
Not yet Kameraden, not yet!
If I'm going to stop selling, during what was almost a sheer drop, I'm waiting for huge buy volume. That is the signal I'm concerned with. There were many bounces, particularly at $3800, which gave a false reversal, so saying things like 'it was stupid to sell at point A or B' is, again, hindsight.
Haha imagine the faggots shorting a x100 leverage at 3k
I did
Screen capture this moment as I ruin all your lives with the truth
Small BTC bubble will plummet
>you do know china a huge share of btc
I'm not saying to not try to time the market, but just understand the thought process of why decisions are made at the time.
Can't find it right now but this thread should be archived and stickied.
This board is fucking hilarious
Stop selling? So you were slowly unloading at worse and worse prices during a known downtrend? You should have dumped everything around 4200 and waited for 3000 OR a buy signal, as you've said. The buy signal never came. 3000 came. Buy. Easy.
and they say hodl is a meme, welcome newfags.
So long as dumb, greedy fuckers exist, these things will always come back.
This shit is all self-perpetuating based entirely on human greed. It has no other backing. It has no defendability. It isn't a magic undefeatable thing. It's something entirely supported only by people having terrible parents who failed to raise their children properly.
So yeah. So long as terrible parents who shouldn't be allowed to raise children exist, business is booming. So long as feral children are allowed to grow up to be socially maladjusted cretins who only hold a concept of value attached to immediate personal financial gain due to their horrible parents being absolute failures, niggerdom will reign.
How salty are you?
Keep paying your taxes for me, wagey.
There's a good lad.
i dumped to avoid losses, still came out with profit. I'm going to wait untill next week and see what happens
This graph should ALWAYS remain in the back of everyone's mind. Hell, I myself threw away 2 whole Bitcoins back in 2010 because I thought it was stupid.
Wish I was this guy
>Calling the dip over after 1 good hour.
I'm in for the long haul but this is why biz is shit.
Salty enough to know where to attack to strangle this whore until it dies.
Buy high, brah
and at the moment bitcoin is worth 3500 so yeah. my prediction is its still going to fall, but I don't know, since other exchanges in China have stated that they didn't get any warning from the government.
JP Morgan bought today.
cya at the 3000
Its going to fall from where it is right now somewhat just because 20 percent gains in less than 2 hours is unsustainable. Can't say if it'll keep dipping or just drop down to low 3000's again before steadily heading upwards though.
I'm waiting to see how far it will drop, but I can miss out on a bull run, which is unlikely
Naw. Let it shoot up to 10,000 in a day. Let it stick its fucking head up high enough to catch an axe to the neck because it destabilizes the markets and makes itself truly known for what it is.
>buying the dip
Can someone give me a sauce on this GIF?
They had two weeks of implied warning that there would be a crackdown in general and there has been a slow bleed since up until the last 24hrs when the rumour became news.
Dip has come and gone.
Buy high.
nice reference, halbe flasche bier for you!
is it just China causing FUD?
I understand why dimon came to bad mouth it, (((some one))) asked him to do it ;)
>tfw always miss these events because I dont regulary check the twisties
>never short as a result
>come back right after the dip with the perfect oppurtunity to buy
>every single crash this summer has been nothing but profits
Cheers fella.
>Someone badmouthing something and a single fucking hub closing down causes something to freefall and lose half its value
Oh yeah. Bitcoin & Co are totally worthy of becoming a fucking world currency.
Not. A. Scam. At. All.
If we break 3600$ we will likely go to 3800$ and possibly continue to 4200$. 4200 is a bit unlikely today though imo. We already shot the fuck up.
For fuck's sake, put it to basic logic. Of course it's going to go back up. It's always going to go up. It's going to go up so long as stupid people have money to buy into it. It'll only stop going up once tards have been sucked dry and have absolutely nothing left.
Its value is 100% based on human greed and stupidity.
>20% of the btc market to have severe trading restrictions placed on them immediately
>Throw away line by kike bankster protecting his fiat racket who has been repeating the same shit about btc ad nauseum for the past 5 years.
I know which one caused 99% of the carnage here. Do you?
Huh ? American markets open ? Market doesn't close in crypto
I think we're mooning because people are closing shorts..
No... that was the 20% loss which was unsustainable
That's why it will never stay down. Endless supply of greed and stupidity. A new sucker is born every minute
You think I don't mr. tiplets?
Bro, do you know that people that live irl sleep and wake up at normal times? Banks don't open trades at 2 AM local time
It's when trading companies start their day. I bet Dimon FUDded the fuck out of bitcoin to buy at 3k.
and to have 20% of the market crippled, you still think the dip is over? hahahaha
Sure, but it's not the market which opens. But yhea the indicator is logical otherwise, just the name was perturbing
If it is always going up it means everybody make a profit. Why are they stupid?
You clearly implied that kike bankster Dimon played some role in this when the damage was already being done by the Chink gov announcements 2 weeks before he made his comment.
Like I said, be prepared to buy high because the news is being bought right now.
Fair enough
Maybe this is a retard burger question, but why hasn't biz found a whale, harpooned his ass, and tied the boat to him?
honetly i was thinking this apst week that bitcoin was going through an abc correction. but news of china makes me think it's something else...
Glad I browsed Veeky Forums today. Made me dump a chunk of my ETH into BTC on the low.
Of course this doesn't mean we are back at 5k again tomorrow, but the braindead shit some people claim in these FUD threads is hilarious
>Some of you idiots thought this shit is reversing.
>Thankfully we're just on the brink of $3K and will probably crash down in $2--- territory...
I guess you can sum up that Veeky Forums always thinks the market goes in one direction only. Every rise and every dip is permanent.
Everybody with half a brain should've seen that 5k was hit way to fast and called for a correction.
The chinese drama boosted this. But BTC won't fall to nothing overnight.
With a 20% drop in mere days it was obvious a reversal was coming.
We might be in for another dip, but i think the worst is over. Sub 3k is unlikely unless more horrible news hits
Because it's basically unregistered, untaxed gambling. It's trading boiled down to 100% gambling with nothing else holding it. Meaning money is cycling chaotically. Meaning it can be siphoned away. Meaning it finances ISIS, North Korea, whatever cult groups are gaining strength out there planning to gas major cities, Scientology, and everyone else you don't want getting western money.
It's a leaky pipe. It's a leaky pipe born of inherent problems with the distribution of wealth and a total unwillingness of those in power on all sides to sit down and act like adults.
It's stupid in that it's the death of empire made manifest.
Sell now, buy at 2000. Then we all gonna get Lambos
Like, that cult thing I mentioned? We came close to that in the 90s with Aum Shinrikyo. Japanese cult group. Planned to dump tons of homebrewed sarin gas through Tokyo and killed millions. Had an entire region eating out of their hand. Were able to smuggle a fucking helicopter into Japan. Only thanks to a minor fuckup that snowballed were they forced to rush and do the subway shit.
We couldn't stop that sort of thing today. If it were planned, millions would die. We're totally inefficient and crippled.
planned to kill millions, even. They didn't actually succeed, as noted.
Dangerously close, though.
Like, you may succeed with crypto and make millions, but you won't have a long and happy life to spend that money in. Because shit's frayed. And it's starting to unravel. And we don't have a functional system to stop it. Once that shit gets spinning, it's gone.
I'm a much bigger fan of a Star Trek future than an A Boy And His Dog future.
Fuck off, kike.
>This shit is all self-perpetuating based entirely on human greed. It has no other backing.
You're literally describing capitalism.
Capitalism has a really bad track record when it's allowed to run unrestrained. Libertarians are filth.
And that's not saying Socialism is any better. Socialism and Capitalism are cut from the game gibesmedats cloth. They're both based around the exploitation of the system via pandering to a particular demographic about the idea of being able to do better.
I support the directed use of assets to maximize profitability for the species. If you want to be a cut-throat bastard, it's better to do it on a macro scale where everyone benefits. We need resources. We need clay. We need to drag asteroids in and mine them until they're powder. We need to siphon from Jupiter. We need more raw materials. Always. And the cosmos are ripe for a plunderin.
Communist kike confirmed. Raus, schlomo.
Yeah i wouldn't get into this shit if everything handed over to me from replicators and have access to unlimited entertainment from holodecks. But I aint and i need to do something to save my future.
profit is theft commie
now hold my bags
>he thinks that was the bottom