When are Bancucks going to sell?

I don't even laugh at them anymore, it's just sad. It's literally unstoppable on the way down, and will be delisted in 6 months at this rate. Will they ever escape their delusions or are they just going to lose all their money?

I told you faggots... its run by jews... what did you expect.... take this as a valuable lesson, and remember it next time you work with the Jew

You're just FUDing to FUD right?

Just look at the projects they currently have.

One of the most undervalued coins out there. And I don't even have any. (All in on ICOs currently)

I really love watching these greedy fucks burn. Their market cap was appallingly high and revealed all of their greed.

I was a actually a fan of their idea. I really was. But they took advantage of the ICO hype and raped their supporters with an obscene market cap and now they're burning.

And I hope they burn to ash.

Fucking scum.

(PS. No I never bought any BNC because I knew it was bullshit from the second they announced the capitalization.)

$1.89 for that peice of shite?

Haha. The Jews are so good at this. 150 MILLION for 5 lines of code.

Why am I not a Jew?

Literally the only reason I stayed away from this coin.

Every fiber of my body kept telling me that with jews you lose, despite what Veeky Forums says.

What am i looking at

BNT is a huge sleeping giant, people shilling it are just building really safe long term investment portfolios.
You'll probably fomo buy bancor yourself later on when its over $20. I would hold bancor too but it's really impossible to tell when it will actually begin mooning and I feel like i could possibly make more day trading and riding other pumps in the mean time.

But the minute BNT breaks that downtrend I am going all in without question.

Lol how much did you lose holding this bag?

I dont hold any BNT

Are you just shilling it because you're jewish too?

Who knows when it'll go up in value... But anyone denying the BNT isint making great connections and forming heavy hitting teams is a moron. It'll happen. Nobody knows when.

but I just bought in, why would I sell?


As a kike, you wouldn't. It's just a scam for goyim.


ITT: low IQ poltards who jack off to blacked.com videos

This was my first and last ICO.

I learned a LOT about myself while holding BNT.

ETH was at ATH all due to BNT.

Their team is the worst, they shill like crazy but people don't trust them.

I sold when people eat the floor that BNT team set up.

I lost more then 60% of my money.

I made that up on other investments but this was my first panic sell.

And here comes the local jew

There was one lesson to learn and that is you're nothing but carcass when teaming with a kikess

>BNT is a huge sleeping giant,
This. Let's see the proof changers and tokens work first though.
If they do then great, I do not doubt that there will be a lot of bancor tokens created.

2 years:

Eth 3k
BNT 300

no, studies have been done showing your kind have a low IQ, you also jerk off to black porn (pornhub stats)

keep trying though, its obvious you have an inferiority complex

more like 300 sats

You're just as bad as the blind shills.

Bancor might not end up the top decentralized exchange but will probably be up there. All these ICOs are happening and bittrex/polo aren't adding anything new. They gotta go somewhere (other than shit exchanges).

a fish n chips remover

How on earth would Bancor ever hit 300$? If you actually think that will happen I will literally buy 30K worth.

It will. Screencap this.
I followed Bancor since the early days and studied every single bit of it. Every real bancor shill knows that this coin goes 3 digits soon

He believes there will be thousands of tokens on the bancor network using it as a reserve. You need to DYOR and understand the bancor 'network effect'.

Obviously whether it will happen is yet to be seen..They haven't actually launched any smart tokens/changers other than their own.

Iota mining rig

TRIPLE DIGIT BANCOR??? HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You actually think DER JUDEN will allow that to happen? THEY'LL SELL their premised POS with each 10 cents it raises. It'll never happen kiddo

I fell for the shilling. I can't miss another moon ride. Bought 100 so fuck you

>studies have been done

>Author: Professor Shlomo Shekelstein