Y: E-M123
Mito: T2B4
gimme a rundown on who i am
pic unrelated
Y: E-M123
Mito: T2B4
gimme a rundown on who i am
pic unrelated
R1a-L448 Norse viking master race reporting in.
>get haploshit tests for my dad and I as a Christmas present
>he's so happy with the gift because he was always into mythology and ancient history
>turns out my y haplogroup doesn't match his y haplogroup
>my "father" is literally a cuck who raised a wife's son
>he's still happy so happy with the gift because he's a dumb boomer who doesn't understand y haploshits comparing our results
>I can't bring myself to break the news to him because he's still basically my dad he raised me and I love him
Holy shit senpai.
Your dad's just happy he doesn't have to break it to you that you were adopted, you idiot.
lmao, your mother is a literal whore
Better confront your mom and get some answers from the whore
Help me interpret this Veeky Forums
sure the test isn't just shit?
You're an inbred island person
subhuman north african, literaly hitler
I meant the haplogroups >:(
Something similar happened in my family, except it was my mom finding out that her father isn't actually her biological father, and her maternal grandfather was an unknown, most likely British man.
Both my mother and I were tested. My results were pretty much what I expected, but seemed slightly off, whereas my mother's were way out of line. She was supposedly 100% Polish, and yet her largest ethnic component was shown as Southern European, and there was a very large percentage of British and Irish ancestry as well. I was immediately suspicious, but my mom was just disappointed that she isn't as Polish as she thought she was.
She raised a big fuss over her identity crisis to anyone who would listen, including my grandparents. Mom only caught on when my grandmother confronted her and accused her of trying to prove that the man who had raised her wasn't her real father. Eventually, my mother got my grandmother to confess that she had conceived my mother with an Italian American during an extramarital affair.
There were also rumors floating around that my grandmother's supposed father wasn't her biological father, which seem to be confirmed by the massive amount of British and Irish heritage my mother is shown to have, besides the fact that my grandmother is a pale redhead.
It's a pretty terrible thing to find out; my grandfather has been as much a father to me as my father, and he's one of the kindest, wisest men I know. I'm really sorry for you user, I can't imagine how it would feel if it were my own father.
Btw: Y: R-L23
mtDNA: H20
women are total whores
Some of them are. My grandmother had a terrible upbringing, including being molested by her stepfather, and she had daddy issues because her supposed biological father was divorced from her mother very early on and very rarely saw her.
Not that this makes her blameless, but her childhood definitely endowed her with an unhealthy view of relationships and marriage.
>she had daddy issues
just like majority of women then
Dont derail fun haplo autism
Nothing wrong with stating the obvious truth. I wonder how many familires would be crushed by Y-DNA tests of the fathers and sons.
R1b is the most frequent haplogroup of western europeans, especially british islanders. Not surprising. Your mtdna is a bit more surprising, as u3 has a very low frequency in europe. But still present.
23andme does explain what haplogroups are, so just keep reading.
Haplopill me on the best gene testing service Veeky Forums
I heard family tree dna is the most comprehensive one, someone used to shill it a lot here.
Any opinions on my haplogroups, then? The YDNA one is pretty obscure. I'm the guy who posted the wall of text.
Oh, neat. I also have 1% south asian in my ancestry report, could that be related to roma migration or more likely just different british empire subjects intermarrying?
Possibly. If you find any roma matches in your relative finder that could be indicative that the ancestry came from a romani ancestor.
Cool, thanks senpai
>unironically being R1b
I-M170. Rate me.
Why does J1c appear in equal percentage in Saudi Arabia and England?
It means you're actually an oppressed minority
what do I win?
No doubt a necessary evil
tell me
Where did you get that test from?
Y: G-L30
mtdna: H, test didn't specify what type
Where is something like this typical?
Usually in mediterranean populations. Are you southern european or have ancestry from around the mediterranean basin?
Iranian, but the results said I am 0.3% broadly southern european. I wouldn't recommend 23andMe for middle easterners since the results for the middle east aren't differentiated