Why didn't Hitler stop here?
When he annexed Czechia he should have more than satisfied because it was non-German clay.
Annexation of Poland was beyond retarded
Why didn't Hitler stop here?
When he annexed Czechia he should have more than satisfied because it was non-German clay.
Annexation of Poland was beyond retarded
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Because by 1939 he had overclocked the economy to build a fuckhuge army. It was set for collapse some time in the early 40s due to unsustainable spending (militaries are the most expensive things a state can buy, mostly because they don't actually produce anything or help the economy in any way whatsoever). He had two options:
1. Invade his neighbors and loot them for resources.
2. Let his regime collapse.
He had already chosen in 1935 to go with Option 1, when he rejected Hjalmar Schacht's plan for sensible economic policy.
Because an economy built on arms manufacturing has to go to war to realize on its investments.
He could have chosen 2.
Nazis would be celebrated as a party that achieved its goals and gave up power. He would be a German Cincinatttusz n shit.
He wanted Ukraine, and Poland was in the way. It was really that simple. Ukraine has the most fertile soil on the planet. If Germany could take control of Ukraine, then no blockade would ever be able to starve out Germany in any future conflict. He ultimately wanted Germany to be as powerful as the United States, and that required a lot more territory.
Except they would collapse the economy and all the "good" they did would go away.
This was in Hitler's Table Talk right? I want to see if this ebook is worth reading.
Not the land.
Not the racism.
They can deal with a slow or shitty economy for ten years, and get back up to par.
Certainly beats the recovery they ended up having to deal with post war?
You believe that they would have been invaded?
It would be the 3rd great German economic depression since 1918. The Nazis simply could not politically rebound from that, Hitler would probably have to flee the country when his party inevitably gotten blamed for horrible depression.
Add onto the fact that you'd probably have angry Czechs wanting out and Austrians starting to wonder whether they still want to be part of a failed state. It would be messy in a nutshell
They could have gone North Korea. And recoveref through stagnation. Why coudnpt they sell weapons and arms abroad? To Turkey or China or USA or Soviets?
even retards like hitler don't aim to be NK
All Hitler had to do was claim “muh internstional jews are keeping us down”, demand self-reliance from th Volk, and export german tech for gold to any and every country.
You mean autarky? They already tried that. All that spending was fueled by debt and if the country gors bankrupt bc it can't pay it off, then investment stops, wages fall, massive unemployment and war machine that is useless and unsustainable. Germany has too many people, too many connections to the outside world and too little land/resources to attain autarky. Being that large only hinders it, as now they have Czech minorities and entire group of Germans that were only recently added and may not want to be on a sinking ship. Bad vibes all around
Oh and also murder and kill dissidents. So the true economic damage is not publicly known.
Because all of Europe and the world belongs to Deutschland.
Pre War they can still trade with everyone. They can still support fascists in places like Spain and fight proxy wars.
Germany is in zero position to cut itself off. If it tries, then no one will trade with it, meaning arms sales will be (legally) impossible. Germans like authority but not suicidial idiotic authority that results in economic collapse and diplomatic self mutilation
no one wants to be NK. being NK is shit.
They can copy the Great Deal and all the useless projects to employ unemployed people.
Not if they default on all their loans and refuse to pay anything back. They'll get economically fucked hard, and will lose all capital to fund nationalist revolts in other places. Germany only ever had war or collapse and options, and war would only ever delay collapse
I dont think the international community was so interventionist before world war 2. This attitude of “we wont trade with undemocratic regimes” is a product of late 20th century liberalism, not really relevant in a world where Nazis dont start a european war.
>Why coudnpt they sell weapons and arms abroad
Because there isn't enough demand outside their borders to match the massive amounts they invested into armaments.
The amount of weapons they would need to sell to gain even a relatively small amount of foreign currency and bring trade somewhat back to normal would completely flood the market.
Why would the default? They even had sympathetic counterparts in people like the English King to be and Joseph Kennedy. They could have renegotiated the payments, like they renegotiated everything else about Versailles. Plus, they trade with all of europe, Italy, Soviets, Turkey, Iran, Japan, China, Netherlands, South America, and USA.
No they won't trade with Germany bc Germany just proved that they are an unreliable business partner that refuses to pay debts. It has nothing to do with the regimes philosophy, but rather reckless spending on other people's money with nothing to show
By 1939, their military industrial complex is not really that far gone. They didnt habe enough tanks or guns during the invasion of france.
Why would anyone renegotiate with a country that built a war machine on money they don't have and then did nothing with it? By this point they've reached the end of their time for loans and simply cannot get more. Sympathetic people simply aren't enough when your credit is worse than a single mother in Alabama.
So do you think Germans conquered europe to make their interest payments on time to France and UK?
They rebuilt a functional military, not an evil imperial war machine. Their military after versailles was severely curtailled, building up to a reasonable level is not warmongering. Their military would be used to protect Germany. By 1939, remember, the military is not yet at 1940-41-42 levels.
They also spent tons of money on public works projects like the autobahn. Expansion was always in the interest of Germany one way or another, even discounting things like Lebensramen
Almost half of the of the growth in national output between 1935 and 1938 was caused by increased military spending, and the figure is nearly two-thirds when investment is included, most of which went towards rearmament. Compared to private consumption, which only took up 25% in the same period, it was a skewed growth.
>They didnt habe enough tanks or guns during the invasion of france
Mostly because of resource shortages.
So? Keynesian theory says spending money on public infastructure (or sny public expenditure at large scale) is good.
Why are Keynesian principles not applicable to Germany? Their spending increased general demand in the economy, boosting employement, profits, and in turn, more spending.
As if they didnt end up having to pay massive reparations after the war and lose a lot of economic productivity?
You have to consider the opportunity cost.
Because of the economy.
You’re just repeating the same thing. I feel like this is just another anglo-american academic fatalism meme, like “USA was bound to be a superpower because of navigable rivers”.
>Their spending increased general demand in the economy, boosting employement, profits, and in turn, more spending
It didn't though. Military spending doesn't boost consumer demand because tanks and warplanes aren't likely to be in high demand among the civilian populace. What they actually did was impose wage and price controls to ensure that demand didn't increase too much, so all the focus could be placed on rearmament. This is borne out by the fact that real hourly wages declined 3% from 1929 to 1938, weekly earnings rose only 1% during the same time period, and wages as a percentage of national income dropped from 62% to 57%. It's also pretty obvious that consumption played a more minor role in the recovery compared to rearmament. Food is one example where consumption declined in many areas, as seen in pic related.
And Hitler's Second Book.
then how USA can exist?
Why didn't he annex Czech but just puppet Slovakia? Why not take the whole thing
>Ukraine has the most fertile soil in Europe
Far more aesthetic borders, too.
Because us military doesn't require a permanently overheating economy. The us could triple its military spending and be nowhere near the shit situation the nazis out themselves in
Hitler had no interest in the Slovak lands, and he needed some "I liberated a country" cover for his warmongering
He had assburgers.
USA spends about 4% of its GDP on the military
Germany was spending 70% in 1939
According to this it was 23% not 70% indeed wasnt one of the big issues of the German War effort that it was too slow to adopt a total war economy?
I'm getting different wartime figures from "Accounting for War: Soviet Production, Employment, and the Defence Burden, 1940–1945" by Mark Harrison, p.126.
When you are a megalomaniac, nothing will satisfy you.
>Annexation of Poland
He gave them an ultimatum to allow Danzig to become German, even though it was under League of lols control. They refused. Hitler just wanted all Germans under a single nation, he didn't want to rule over non-Germans unless that was via economic competition with German industry in the global marketplace.
> this is what nazis unironically believe
Mind you, it was ramping up production from nothing.
Obviously it costs a lot more to build factories from scratch than expand them.
*annexes Czechoslovakia*
What did he mean by this?
The whole point of Nazism was to secure for the G*rms control over the world-island, and specifically of the breadbasket of the West, which is southern Ukraine. War with the USSR was the whole purpose of Nazism and so unavoidable, Poland was simply in the way. In an ideal world, Piludski would have lived long enough to form an alliance with Hitler, or Hitler would have been wise enough to build on Piludski's legacy and forged an alliance himself, although given how he acted over the treaty of Munich it's obvious that wisdom was not one of Hitler's gifts.
recommend me books on this subject please, whoever posted this
Wages of Destruction
Or create an arms market through destabilising other governments and starting wars in distant countries, like we do today?
The only "fair" claim was prussia
Europe is the world, nobody cares about niggers from America or Africa
Poland never owned Danzig during the pre-war time. It was a free city under administration by the League of Nations. The war started because Hitler wanted the Danzig corridor. When Poland refused to just hand the area over as had been the case with Czechia ceding the Sudetenland and getting entirely annexed in the progress while the world remained silent, Hitler invaded.
>Piludski would have lived long enough to form an alliance with Hitler
Piludski hated hitler
Us spending on armaments is nothing compared to what the nazis were doing
Really thinks me make
> Why would the default? They even had sympathetic counterparts in people like the English King to be and Joseph Kennedy. They could have renegotiated the payments, like they renegotiated everything else about Versailles. Plus, they trade with all of europe, Italy, Soviets, Turkey, Iran, Japan, China, Netherlands, South America, and USA.
They would default on their loans from the German people, not foreign loans.
Germany got the money to rearm by limiting investment/purchase options, and promising artificially high yields on government bonds. The German people would have leftover money due to rationing, and deposit their money into banks, the banks would then buy government bonds, letting the Nazis rearm with the people's savings. When this wasn't enough, Hjalmar Schacht set up a shell company to sell even more bonds (people get suspicious if the government is taking out so many loans without an apparent way to pay it back) in the form of mefo bills.
Defaulting would mean the German government saying to the German people "we took your savings, spent it, and we don't have anything to pay back to you.
Conquer europe to pay their own citizens, see above.
Keynesian principles work when money is being spent on things that increase civilian demand, which can then drive more civilian demand. Spending money on the military is the equivalent of throwing it into a pit, because nobody is benefiting from the goods produced. You build a car, which gets the auto workers paid, and then someone buys it, getting the dealership paid, and then the person with the car has mobility to be more productive. When the auto worker, the dealer, and the buyer has money, it drives more consumption. You build a tank, the workers get paid, and that's it, the tank just sits there until you invade belgium and steal their reserves.
For trade to happen, German has to produce stuff that other countries want to buy, which they didn't in 1939. Most other countries didn't want more weapons, so if you have nothing they want, they have no reason to give you anything you want. The only thing Germany had to buy foreign goods with was hard/foreign currency, which is why they needed Switzerland.
Furthermore, Germany is not remotely food independent in WW2, and specifically, not fertilizer independent. Without buying Nitrates and other fertilizers from other countries, German agriculture collapses and you get a famine. This happened in WW1, and happened again in WW2. German food supplies were propped up by starving the Poles and Ukrainians.
Wages of Destruction is a good book but it seems like it's the only one on the National Socialist economy that people know about. R. J. Overy's books, like "War and Economy in the Third Reich" and "The Nazi Economic Recovery 1932-1938", and the MGFA's Germany and the Second World War series go much more in depth with the statistics, charts, and graphs.
The English King had no constitution power whatsoever, unless he was to do something that would almost certainly end the monarchy (like refusing to allow churhchil to form a government)
1. The German economy was geared for war, they needed more conquests to sustain it.
2. The rearnament and annexations caught Britain and France by surprise, waiting would have given them time to prepare for war.
Wages of destruction is the easiest to read, and the average Veeky Forums poster doesn't have the intelligence or inclination to read "War and Economy in the Third Reich".
It's also more accessible online, I could find a "Wages of Destruction" ebook quickly, while I had to use the University library for a copy of Overy's books.
The books are available online, at least for those who know what libgen is.