or khazar converts like many people say, or are they descended from the middle east?
Are Ashkenazi Jews really just "white european converts"
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Of course you ignorant fuck, jews have preserved their racial lineage for over 2000 thousand years while every one else in the levant is merely swarthier from arab rape
middle eastern with some european genetics, einstein is a pretty obvious example of ashkenazi middle eastern genetics (appearance wise)
Judaism doesn't really do the whole conversion thing, at least they didn't, not in the same way Christians or Muslims did.
There's certainly European admixture in the Ashekenazi population, but they're still descended from Jews of the Middle East, and their over saturation of inbreeding based illness is testament to that.
He doesnt look ME at all
Askhenazis do not have semitic blood
Fucking idiot, go look the khazar kingdom, they went through many religion and one of them was judaism
You brainler fuck
I really hate people like you that spout that askhenazis are semitic when in reality they arent
so you didnt read anything, khazar was a turkic tribe, they had a kingdom and it went through many religions, it could be that some germanics. slavic, etc converted to judaism and went to western europe when the kingdom collapsed
>Fucking idiot, go look the khazar kingdom,
So we should go look at this ancient kingdom that little is known about, and just ignore the genetic studies that show Ashkenazi have significant ME blood?
jews are convinced their three different ethnic groups all share semitic blood based on imaginary studies. whatever drops of blood they share is nothing compared to the semitic blood of people actually from the middle east
It was a major great power, in a three way tie with the other two great powers: Byzantines and Abbasids.
Jews, Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Kurdish, are more closely related to each other than to their non-Jew neighbor populations.
As for your Khazars, one errant outlier does not destroy a trend. In general, Jews do not experience mass conversions, and are, ultimately, descended from a seed population of displaced Israelites disseminated across greater Eurasia by the Romans.
Khazar Turks incorporated Germanics and Slavs, probably, yes. The entire empire converted to Judaism. It was the state religion and this would habe involved millions. The only major Jewish empire in world history.
Suddenly millions of Jews show up in the former Khazar domain. I wonder where they came from?
Jews today want to continue larping as Hebrews because of muh birthright to Israel.
These studies are basically measuring coherence within in-groups, not genetic origins.
What you practice as “Orthodox judaism” is only a 1-2 centuries old, and not an accurate description of historical judaism.
rabbianic judaism was conversion focused, you know nothing and just apply modern extrapolation to completely different eras
Yeah, because obviously every single person in an unstable empire with hands-off administration and no centralized bureaucracy converted to Judaism overnight, right? There's so much genetic evidence for this as well.
Khazars (Hazar => Caspar, Caspian Sea btw, aka Khazar Sea).
Were Tengri, then Jewish.
They were tolerant and allowed Muslims, Christians, and Tengrists to live among them.
Large scale Judaic conversion is attested, however. Turks (incl. Germanics and Slavs incorporated into Turkish clans and tribes) converted enmass to Judaism.
>He doesnt look ME at all
no he does, alot, its just that the famous black and white photos you see so much make him look more typical white european. Keep in mind that jews wouldn't have originally looked like your typical palestinian of today, stereotypical arab, or even typical levant arab, they would have looked more like southern europeans. Even today in the levant, its quite a sizeable minority of people who look southern european, or even as white as western, eastern or central europeans. It most common in those groups that did not convert to islam, and stay isolated from outside population.
Ashkenazi do have semitic blood, its a matter of fact actually because genetic studies shows this
They did have advanced administration and bureacracy.
See Bulgars converting enmass to Orthodox Christianity from Tengrism,
Or Hungarians converting enmass to Orthodox Christianity from Tengrism.
Or Rusyn Varangians converting enmass from Norse-Slavic polytheism to Orthodox Christianity.
Khazars were also not unstable. They were powerful and influential for a long period. They married off princeses to Byzantine Emperors ( see Empress Tzizek, aka Empress Çicek), managed mass trade along the Silk Road, established and built major cities, and engaged in succesful multiple front wars.
There are several Byzantine Empress Consorts from the Khazars, Tzizak, Theodora, and also Leo IV the Khazar (en.m.wikipedia.org
He looks like a Turk.
Sephardic iq is low. Mizrahic iq is low. Nomadic turkish iq is high. Ashkenaz iq is high.
You can accept that everyone else from the levant is mixed levant/arab
Can you then accept that ashkenazi jews are mixed levant/european?
>I really hate people like you that spout that askhenazis are semitic when in reality they arent
Your language betrays your motivation. And it isn't an intellectual or objective one.
>Nomadic turkish iq is high
See Mongolia and Tatars in Russia.
>Suddenly millions of Jews show up in the former Khazar domain. I wonder where they came from?
Jews in Russia and Poland came from Germany. As far as I know, there never was a significant jewish population in Southern Russia where khazars lived.
What do you mean?
T. Shaquan, member of the lost tribe
The more I look at it Semites looks the most Neanderthal out of all the eurasians
No. The Khazar meme has been debunked time and time again.
Khazars lived in Ukraine + Belarus + Southern Russia, but their civ. collapsed somewhat mysteriously => refugees moved westwards into poland, PALE Settlement, literally.
The idea that Jews in Eastern Europe came from Germany is bullshit.
It says the the khazars were just turk tribes that raped the indon Europeans on their original homeland in the Caucasian mountains.
So lets say its true will Russia give up that khazar land and isn't it full of Muslim rebels as well?
T. Brainlet
what does "look middle eastern" mean to you? the middle east is a diverse place, im sorry dark skinned arabs have ruined your view of the middle east.
Not just Askhenazim, Sephardim, and Ethiopian jews too
The only Jews with Semitic blood are the Mizrahis, and even them don't have Hebrew blood
Only the Samaritans are Hebrews, the rest are just a bunch of LARPERS
more evidence that Ashkenazi's are khazars
>Genetically, modern Samaritan populations are found to have "much greater affinity" genetically to Jews than to neighbouring Palestinian Arabs.[18] This suggests that the Samaritans remained a genetically isolated population.[18]
You just admitted that Jews were Israelites by mentioning the Samaritans you dumbass.
No. Ashkenazi Jews are semitic. Only WE WUZZERS deny this. There are many:
I mean you have no right to call other people brainlets when you aren't motivated by objectivity but some juvenile kind of contrarianism fueled by rare memes. I can tell this because you're talking like an overzealous convert.
The idea that German Jews have blood that comes from *somewhere else* is not new or exclusive.
Looks like we got'eem.
I don't concern myself with the taxonomy of parasites.
turks are a levant population and north west semites may have origins in anatolia
I think he means the purer ashkenazi or the ashkenazi who look more steretypically jewish/semitic represent the original jewish population more then say yemeni jews or most mizrahi.
judaism had a "conversion" window in the past, even forced convertions
it depends, i think the consensus is they're predominantly southern european with increased leavantine admixture.
although a more recent study from das et al seems to suggest a turkish/slavic origin for ashkenazis.
>most mizrahi
I wouldn't say this is true. Some mizrahi are more similar, both genetically and physically, to what the ancient jews would have looked like. Sephardim are a bit more levantine.
Post study.
>the original jewish population
lol that is a BIG WE WUZ here, lad
they dont even have their genes
No. Ashkenazim are genetically similar to other jewish groups.
I remember reading a study about Ashkenazi genetics indicating that Ashkenazi mtDNA leads back to native populations in Southern/Mediterranean Europe. When the second Temple fell, some Jewish refugees probably went North, and since Jewish men can traditionally marry gentile women who convert (because children from Jewish mothers are considered Jewish), a lot of European women must have converted around the time.
There are records of Jews in the Rhine region in Roman times. The traditional language of Ashkenazi Jews is Yiddish, a language derived mostly from Middle High German with Hebrew and Slavic loan words.