>Wake up tmrw
>You're the Napster
What do?
>Wake up tmrw
>You're the Napster
What do?
Would this work?
ignore the Brits since theyre no threat and beat off a much larger Russo-Austro-Prussia contingent
(victory not up to true scale)
Defer my command in favor of my second.
Nigga, i don't know wtf I'm doing.
>defer command to Marshal Ney
woah mama
Did I win Veeky Forums?
And some random schmuck is going to be better?
>the entire french army charges instead of just cavalry
Ney the absolute madman
Streamline data sharing to not use up so much network bandwidth, attempting to aviod being shut out of college networks. Afterwards move everything to new Zealand or some other country offshore to aviod early dcma shit.
That's almost exactly what he tried
Tbh retreat to a defendable position bc i dont want to be ass fucked by the russians, austrians and prussians.
Maybe try to stretch the lines and send cavalry to outflank the leftmost units
the Brits were actually on top of a redoubt,which means that their position gave good views and some of Wellington's troop were concealed
too many people fail to take account on foresight and the fog of war
here is a more detailed map of the position of the anglo-dutch and napoleonic force
Don't let Ney steal Grouchy at Ligny/Quatre Bras.
Don't send Kellerman Against Hougemont Ad Infinitum, Fall back when the Prussians show up.
Btw Napoleon would have lost anyway. Only half the Prussian Army was deployed at Waterloo, there were multiple Russian hosts on their way and there were 200.000 Austrians at strasbourg.
put ney on a leash
Commit the guard along with most of the cavalry to a massed flanking manoeuvre on the weak allied left to support a general advance in the centre, a massed infantry attack on Hougoumont, and skirmish with cavalry on the far left. The goal being the destruction of Allied cohesion and the withdrawing of allied cavalry from the centre before they can severely damage the infantry. Also concentrate the superior French artillery in the centre to further extend the time for which they can hold/engage the allied main force, as the flanking force must be largely spearheaded by cavalry, followed by rapid infantry support from the guard, and has little use for cannon.
>t. Alexandros
Waterloo is only rated by the british, for everyone else its an irrelevant aftershow a whole year after the real Napoleonic Wars ended.
As you said, there were massive austrian armies advancing from Italy and the Rhine into France with nothing to stop them. There were the other prussian armies in the north and a spanish/portuguese one being formed to open a southern front.
And this is of course not even counting the russian rape machine walzing westwards.
No matter how Waterloo would have ended, the French lost the war the very second when the rest of Europe didnt accept the return of Nappy.
Get Ney treated for PTSD
Who in their right mind would even think about using Ney if they have Davout at their disposal?
That is something I never understood. Sure, a lot of the best marshals, cav leaders, Division Generals and so on were dead or on the enemy side, but you still have the unrivaled best Marshal and you put him in fucking Paris?
Well Ney had already beaten Wellington a couple of times, so his presence wastn't that surprising.
Not taking Davoust for the ride though was indeed a dumb move, but at least he didn't get executed for nothing after the war.
Send a message to Grouchy that he is shit and can't do a simple fucking task of blocking the Prussians and to march to the sound of GUNS. Then I would immediately tell the cavalry they can't attack without my express order.
Political considerations meant Napoleon needed a man in Paris he could trust.
t. Everyone alive November 1805.
All those armies were not coordinated well and would have arrived months apart. Interest in fighting would have waned as well after a few decisive losses just like before.
>dudes just kill the enemy lmao it's not that hard
There were crossing the Rhine and taking the second city of Lyon right at the time when Waterloo was fought
Butthurt frenchman detected
>tfw Napoopan could've probably fought this off if he wasn't in such strenuous health and still had his best marshals around
That was one year before Waterloo.
Going left is a waste of cavalry, masse it up on the right, it will force a withdraw
i know but
Napoopan had a bigger force at his disposal during the 7th coalition,he just couldn't accept that his glory was fading and that he wasn't the guy who took on all the great powers anymore
i'd like to better imagine as Napoleon as someone who should be in a commanding role,taking control of the army while having someone else do state affairs,kinda like Belisarius or Scipio
I'd use lead shot in indirect fire instead of cannonball in direct fire.
I can't believe they didn't figure the cannonballs would sink in the mud.