why do atheists have higher IQs than religious people if not for the reason that they are smart enough to reason out that god doesn't exist
Why do atheists have higher IQs than religious people if not for the reason that they are smart enough to reason out...
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confounding factors, ie high iq correlating with living in western countries, most of which are now secular
I have an IQ of 136 yet I believe in God?
bet those atheists are really poor and diseased too
>what is hubris
enjoy sword
ok you may be smart but you aren't an entire demographic
good point
ii will get back to you after i watch this
High IQ also correlates with being white, educated, and middle class, which most atheists are, at least most people who would consider themselves atheists; there are a lot of lower class people who are irreligious or flat out don't believe, but religion is too important to their culture/family for them to reject it.
i don't know
i see that atheists live in first world countries but why are white high iq people tend to be atheists
d-did you draw this
This picture is hilarious because it's illustrating other potential factors which would explain the discrepancy but would offend the author's sensibilities.
so everybody is pretty much the same until you start hitting more than 80%
It's strange, you'd think black Americans would be more suspicious of Christianity than they are considering their ancestors were forced into it, but even when they are the main alternatives seem to be Islam or LARPing as traditional Africans. The only prominent black atheist I can think of is pic related and he's a total oreo.
yes i understand the iq and intelligene correlation but does correlation= causation in this case.
Maybe if it was 137 you'd understand the concept of averages.
How can there be no truth?
nigger what
It's the truth, for all the infinite wrong answers to a math problem there is one right answer.
what bothers me is they are the kinds of christianity that hated them. they aren't methodists, quakers or even anglicans the kind of Christianity that wanted to abolish slavery they are all baptists. maybe it has to do with MLK
are you equating god as that answer or that the answer is that they are smarter cause they don't believe in a diety. there could be other potential answers
this video makes a good point
I think they were always talking about the answer, and what causes the cause?
You don't have to be very smart to realize the concept of God is kind of ridiculous. In fact, smart people are often the best at convincing themselves to believe ridiculous things, that's why you get some really smart extremists all over the political spectrum. It's more what a person wants to believe and how honest they're willing to be with themselves that determines where they'll end up.
alright that is enough
then why don't average iq people have high rates of atheism rather than high iq people
NOT THREAD THAT DOESN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION in fact it defies the evidence thus far
Average IQ people are less likely to go to college or be in the sciences where the cultures are more open to atheism. Also more likely to be poor and poverty => desperation => willingness to believe in a higher power.
Atheism is associated with reduced fertility; Intelligence is also. This is the actual relationship being mapped.
How is it rediculous to say that the universe has a first cause as opposed to us just coming about for no reason?
to calculate an average, you sum all of the items in a series and divide by the total number of items.
Averages are just one way of summarizing data.
This very simple concept confuses a lot of otherwise intelligent people. OP should learn about the shortcomings of averages and consider whether his statement is as meaningful as he thinks it is.
I dont find the concept of a god unfathomable I just think that the idea that human beings have the monopoly on who god is what he thinks what he looks like all of his attention etc is pure Hubris, Ive always thought that if there is a god or gods they are probably so far beyond us that it would be like an HP Lovecraft novel or something were their like 5th dimensional beings or something who would rend your mind apart easily. I just find the idea that Humanity must be the center of the whole universe to be foolish desu.
>autistic spectrum behaviors such as 'a preference for logical beliefs' could be responsible
really activates your almonds
t. autist
>source is ms paint
the people who spam that tend to think that all mental disorders make you stupid.
They dont realize that some can make you smarter or more productive at the cost of other vital skills like socialization
Wow you sure showed him with that fake image ^_^'
The fault is to assume your holy book or philosophy best describes the intentions of this this first cause without any evidence for it being so.
Why are people here advocating for degeneracy?
Even if atheism would lead to higher IQs I wouldn't want it.
Religion and the morals it brings are more important than feeling a bit smarter.
Can somebody explain me some of these magical christian "morals" that make you "not degenerate?" Christkikes always write "hurr durr christianity is good because muh morals", but they never even write any of these "morals", and what's more can't prove that they cannot be obtained without christianity/or that christianity forces you to obey them.
>inb4 ten commandments
Wow so what, every culture had similiar rules.
Christianity always tries to place themselves at the center of all moral systems when its one of the newest religions. Unfortunately they cannot burn down any more libraries nor erase the remaining polytheistic and pagan religions without deserved backlash.
>Christianity always tries to place themselves at the center of all moral systems when its one of the newest religions.
Yes, so much this:
>Pagan gods who predate my desert diety by thousands of years? THEY ARE ALL INCARNATION OF SATAN/FALLEN ANGELS!!!
And when they lose all their "arguments", they will just keep insulting you until they get bored, and then they are surprised why less and less people take them seriously.