Why us Nietzsche lauded for his creativity and originality when he was riding on this man's coattails?
Why even read Nietzsche when you have Schopenhauer and or Kierkegaard? (Depending on your theistic beliefs or lack thereof)
Why us Nietzsche lauded for his creativity and originality when he was riding on this man's coattails?
Why even read Nietzsche when you have Schopenhauer and or Kierkegaard? (Depending on your theistic beliefs or lack thereof)
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Nietzsche is more pleasurable to read. Schopenhauer's works read like a science text book, he doesn't leave anything open for interpretation and is always straight to the point.
Hes also kind of depressing to read. Even if hes right on a lot of things.
>unironically recommending a misogynist
maybe he has a good reason for being one?
>hurr durr i'm a 50 year old virgintherefore all women are evil
Fuck off manbaby
Wasn't Schopenhauer actually fairly successful with women though?
Whatever happened to 'Do not feed the trolls'?
>using "misogynist" unironically
>he doesn't leave anything open for interpretation and is always straight to the point
When did being vague become a virtue?
It's for the feels>reals crowd
>always straight to the point
He did it on purpose though.
>People don't read Kierkegaard in his own language
Top kek
Because he was a manic depressive cunt and that appeals to people in 20th-21st century more
That's fucking pure bait, I keked
always tried to get pussy 30 years younger and got spurned
He did have a lover, two I think, and were long relationships, plus some assorted one night stands.
However, his biggest lover, some artist (I'm not sure if she was a singer or an actress, but something close to that) cheated on him when he was travelling to Italy, so when he came back she was waiting for him with a baby in her arms. Schopenhauer forgive her, and like a year later asked her in marriage. And she said no, fuck off. So he remained single the rest of his life.
Sowing the seeds of future ideas and so on.
Well he had a lot of brilliant ideas. You will not find a sufficiently elaborated critique of morality in Schopy work.
Have you ever read Nietzsche works in particular
>Genealogy of Morality
>Beyond Good and Evil
Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are as different as they are the same.
Nietzsche agreed with Schopenhauer about Kant and about atheism and had a similar appreciation of eastern philosophy, but in terms of the question of value they are like night and day.
Schopenhauer believed one can only escape the cycle of desire and pain through renunciation. He believed the Buddhist acetic was a great model for this escape, as he quelled the burning desire of the Will which led to insatiable longing and suffering.
Nietzsche on the other hand believed one should dive into life wholeheartedly, drink it in, and celebrate vigor and strength of the body and mind. He thought Schopenhauer had this precisely backwards. One should affirm life.
>similar appreciation of eastern philosophy
never read a single word of appreciation for the eastern philosophy in nietzsche work
>celebrate vigor and strength of the body and mind
somewhat but most important of all he thought that you have to find a purpose for your life
>>similar appreciation of eastern philosophy
Maybe "appreciate" is a poor choice, more that he was aware of it. He scorned buddhism to no end.
Nietzsche turned Schopenhauer on his head, placing the Will above reason. From the perspective of will, all is affirmation; from the perspective of reason, all is a negation. The perspective of the temporary individuated thing, versus the one energy being transferred between all things by the process of motion, entropy, decay.
For normies:
Schopi said "fuck everything, abandon ship, go an hero, life is suffering!".
Nietzsche said "Fuck religion, do as you wish, party hard like there's no tomorrow, because indeed, there's no tomorrow once you're dead".
So, from a normalfag perspective, which one do you think is more attractive? The one that ask you to quit desiring things, because everything is pointless, or the one who justifies drinking and doing drugs all day long?
Obviously, both authors said much more than just that, but for your average person, that's the basic message they got across.
>Nietzsche said "Fuck religion, do as you wish, party hard like there's no tomorrow, because indeed, there's no tomorrow once you're dead".
Nothing could be further from the truth. His idea of the Eternal Return is to live every moment as if you are planning to endure it forever. The aim of the will is eternalization, not abandonment. Nietzsche was quite a religious person, which is why he put so much emphasis on the importance of the decline of Christianity.
Seems like Nietzsche is trying to escape the logical conclusions of Schopenhauer's worldview. Nietzsche believed Schop's essential outlook on life and tried to discover an elaborate system where you could live like it wasn't true.
Somehow Schopenhauer managed to be relatively happy but Nietzsche couldn't.
Wich one of the tree should I read first if I am a brainlet? Kierkegaard, schopenhauer or kneeche ? And what book?
Read the Tao te Ching. It's better than anything else.
Or, expressed in more concrete terms, both said very little, pretentiously.
>but Nietzsche couldn't
Nietzsche was plagued by illnesses most of his adult life. He had to be very careful about what he ate, on top of traveling with virtually a whole trunk full of medicines. Not to mention he had bad eyes and not much money, meaning he had to sit late at night, cold, his face as close to the paper as cold be while he wrote furiously. It's actually rather impressive how hard he worked with these setbacks.
Nietzsche was an alpha who fucked French prostitutes and influenced war! Schopencuck hid in a hole until he died.
The powerful fly through the heavens and trample the earth to a clean flatness HENCE making the foundation of tomorrow.
You are faggot
Ranking by easiest to just sit down and read in one sitting not by philosophical output
1) Neet
2) Schop
3) Kierk
Schopenhauer said more about real life than most philosophers.
Nietzsche knew Schopenhauer's logic was sound but wanted to wrap the external world in the psychosis of the ever craving mind.
Schopenhauer on the other hand started the truth in the face and was not afraid to face that truth armed with the only tool man can ever hope to utilize in the persuit of intellectual growth; cold logic and rational.
Nietszche wants you to life a life of constant distraction from what is really happening. He doesn't believe you can handle it. Schopenhauer thinks escapism is the mode of the weak willed and urges you to stare into the void until you are no longer a scared little child afraid of reality. Nietszche is the cuckest of cucks. That's why us moderns love him.
Are any of Schopenhauer's works accessible to an extremely literally-minded moron?
Thanks user