So Veeky Forums, when did you grow out of your byzaboo phase and realize that the Western Roman Empire was superior in every way?
So Veeky Forums...
Always knew it. Fuck the greeks
in what way
Actual Romans ruling over the Roman Empire and not Greek LARPers
what constitutes "actual romans"?
The entire world was progressing from 1-2001 AD, and the ERE was at its peak later than the WRE therefore it was better.
God, I hate millennials.
People from Rome probz for this guy
Being from Rome.
Honestly by the time every free man was granted citizenship, being Roman became pointless
that's a bit silly, since Rome had long since ceased being important, and Milan was the capital of the WRE during the Tetrarchy. Was it not really roman then?
There were soOo0o many Roman emperors not from Rome. Starting as early as fucking Claudius.
>WRE was superior in every way
>falls a thousand years before ERE
>WRE falls as an actual roman empire
>ERE falls as a bunch of greek and slav LARPers pretending to be roman
yep still superior
Whig get out
This guy gets it.
>Western Roman Empire
Fuck off, barbarian. There's only one Roman, it called Senatus Populusque Romanus
Lol, Arab savages trying to divide us again, when Saracens fought against my Sardinian ancestors they called them RUM, we were Roman, Byzantines, it's all the same thing, one thing is certain, we are Christian, civilized and proud
>we are Christian
god anti-byzaboo posters are just as cancerous as byzaboos
Those, Shermanposters and those dumbarse that go le eternal Anglo amirite? Are the cancer that is killing Veeky Forums
Wait, there are actually people who prefer the Byzantine Empire to the Roman Empire? I thought those people were just meme Veeky Forums shitposters
why is it so surprising people like the Byzantine Empire? I'll take any answer as long as "greek LARPer" and "didn't hold Rome" is not included in any way.
>couldn't even beat germans running away from attila
>fell thousand years before the ERE
Lets just ignore the capital changing from rome to constantinople guys
Its doesn't matter
Mos maiorum.
People who thought in Latin, not Greek.
This. Fuck the pedo greeks.
what are you doing on Veeky Forums? you look definitely lost
What's not to prefer? A state that managed to transition from a slaver state to a feudal one successfully, live 1000 years longer than it's counterpart, preserve classical knowledge, fight awesome wars with the Persians? Over a failed state that broke into fragmented fiefdoms
>implying byzantines were greeks
>implying greeks were pedophiles because of pederasty
I can redpill you on the supposed pedophilia
>no responses
>Hurrdurr I'm a faggot contrarian
>underage high schoolers think that because it's called the "Roman" Empire, it means that everything revolved around the city of Rome
That would be like calling the United States the "Washingtonian Empire"
>Implying i don't refer to my country as Washingtonia
>an actual roman empire
Lmao, Roman culture was incredibly heavily influenced by the greeks, and it was the poorest backwater of the collective grasp of rome.
>the Roman Empire was more properly known as the Empire of the Romans, but for brevity it was called the Roman Empire
>because of this brainlets meme about how you have to hold Rome to be the Roman Empire
I consider the Byzantines Roman in spirit, culture, and ethnicity until the end of Justinian's reign symbolically speaking. But when Heraclius comes to power and changes everything to Greek, it was truly dead to me.
The whole point of citizenship is having a say in how things are managed at the governmental level. That stopped being important in Roman society as soon as the principate was founded, and by the time of Caracalla citizenship was a long list of obligations and taxes with none of the benefit. It was a cynical ploy for more tax dollars
>byzantines romans in spirit
better be trolling man
Justinian was literally the last ethnic and native Latin-speaking Roman Emperor in the Eastern Roman Empire. He came from an Italic/Latin family, he was the final hurrah. Don't be obstinate now.
Both sucked. The entire pre medieval Europe sucked and is the worst, most uninteresting period in History.
WRE was very good, i would like it to last a couple hundred, just mainland italy
Then the Roman Empire only lasted as a Roman entity for like 50 years.
why does this pic of conor make me laugh
Ethnic latins/italians primarily, with a sprinkle of other ethnicities as long as the latins were majority in power.
They were influenced by the ancient greeks. Byzantine-era and later Greeks have contributed nothing of note to civilization.
Get out and take this disgusting piece of shit with you user
>Western Roman Empire gets raped by Germans
>Eastern Roman Empire lets the Germans fuck them willingly
How is one superior to the other?
>ethnic latins
never anything but a drop in the italian peninsula
Why dont you say ERE?
Latins were in power
Latins were never the majority in power.
Even the early Roman Republic consisted of equal parts Latin, Etruscan and Sabine.
>Western Empire
How is the one that lasted less than 1000 years somehow the superior one?
did anyone ever thing otherwise?
Rome = Roman empire. After it's fall, Roman empire was no more
>mention historiography that's get called a byzaboo by manchildren whose interest comes from and only extends to playing total war
>Imperium Romanum
>"Imperium" meaning the holdings/rule of the Romans
>Romans being only citizens
>Citizens being only those that were sons of the original Patricians and some Plebs
>who were the first settlers of the city
>and anyone of importance had to make up contrived and tenuous links to someone with a fancy name to get relevant in the Roman political apparatus even by the dominate
The ERE didnt have most of germanics attacking them
Italics were in power. Latins had cultural hegemony.
They just had the Persians, Arabs, Steppe hordes and Normans.
and they bribed the rest because the east hadn't been ravaged by plagues and their cities still pumped money into the state
the west just got so thoroughfully fucked it's more shocking that it lasted as much as it did, it lived at least a hundred years more than it should have.
*Rome teleports to the east*
Nothing personal, mate
The Colossus of Barletta is actually a Byzantine statue most likely depicting Leo I. Look it up.
Kind of an asshole, racist move
>he still didn't grow out of the West/East divide phase
>Western Rome collapses fighting G*rmanic barbarians
>Eastern Rome lasts 1000 years longer, briefly reconquers parts of the West, defeats the Sassanids (who were much stronger than the Germanic tribes), until destroyed by internal discord and Crusaders in 1204
Eastern Roman Empire had objectively tougher enemies to deal with, and still lasted longer. The contest is settled.
>WRE passes gracefully into the history books being fondly remembered by all
>ERE whores itself out and fundemently betrays Roman character just so it can last a couple more years (and consequently becomes a pathetic laughingstock)
Yes the contest is settled
I wouldn't call being sacked passing gracefully, and 1000 years isn't a "couple more years".
Of course you wouldn't you child-fucking perfidious Gr*ek.
>being this mad
What was graceful about the fall of the West?
It did, until it wasn't the capital anymore and got sacked a bunch of times.
Caracalla extended citizenship to the borders of the empire, and the Social war before that resulted in the extension of citizenship throughout the Italian peninsula, so Roman citizenship wasn't some exclusive club by this point. Moreover, Constantinople wasn't just called New Rome, the way it was founded was basically by taking patricians and senators from Rome, and putting them in Constantinople, and this senate continued to meet until the 14th century.