>Mussolini was an anti-racist fascist because he once said that he does not believe in race
What is the strangest argument out of left field you've ever heard from plebs?
>I don't believe in race
thats a pretty anti-racist thing to say considering what time he lived in
Marxism is a science despite not being able to predict things and in fact tending to predict the opposite of what occurs
He was what /pol/ calls a "civic" nationalist (which is just regular nationalism outside of non-nations like America)
I've yet to hear an argument from the left that isn't strange.
>nazi Germany was socialist because they had socialist in the name
He wasn't even that. He just thought any European could be an Italian not just like how the Germans were ethno-nationalist. Portraying him as anti-racist is really innaccurate.
>He just thought any European could be an Italian
Where do you draw the line? Are turks excluded because they are not european despite being paler than a lot of sicilians? Shared culture is what makes a nation, genetic definitions are based on feelings just like Mussolini said.
The Spartan Helots weren't slaves because they were owned by the state instead of individuals. That makes them a "socio-laborial caste".
>Germany wasn't the "bad guy in World War I"
>The Central Powers weren't "the bad guys"
How is that dumb? Chances are he was in a semantic argument with an idiot burger who was talking about how slavery is inherently and entirely evil and racist or something.
>the state isn't run by individuals
Have you read Mein kampf ?
>nationalsocialism has nothing to do with socialism
I don't disagree but I was just saying the way some interpret that quote is incorrect. Mussolini wouldn't have considered non-caucasoids as Italian citizens and genocided 1/4th of the Libyan Muslims. OP is correct that people misinterpret the quote.
If going to the path of socialism that eventually leads into communism implies (from your point f view) delivering your country to the jews (international capitalism) you had to be nationalist first (to combat perceived communist threats at the time) and socialist (to combat international capitalism)
i understand what you meant, just wanted to point this
The one that got me best was
>Plate tectonics are fake, the world is converting energy into matter in its center and is slowly growing, that's why Methuselah lived hundreds of years, because days were shorter
Now, I wasn't even arguing with him about that shit, I was mostly willing to roll with "Days and years were shorter back then, people did live slightly longer back then (like, 120 years most of the time) and somebody probably fucked up the math somewhere down the line, but the part about earth growing made the back of my head hurt. When I tried to explain plate tectonics and subduction zones he countered by saying "Plate tectonics is only a theory". Oof.
"out of left field" is a phrase meaning something that feels unprecedented and unexpected, you fucking nitwit. It has nothing to do with left-right politics.
He was the middle road for Germans between communinism and capitalism
That's the case actually
nazi-germany was capitalist because they had a collusion with the corporations and besides the huge bureaucracy inside of it giving all control to the state they were ULTRA-Capitalist and if you manage to break down my argument with sources I'll say that fascism is 3rd way so I can get away without getting debunked
can you explain the difference in asteroid impacts between different areas of the visible moon? They should be uniform, but they aren't.
No it isnt, they were real socialists before they came into power when the name was first branded and after they came into power they were at the very least socialdemocrats, economically speaking.
He's not wrong though. The Nazis were intentionally as ambiguous as possible to get as many people as possible to vote for them and many like Strasser and Goebbels pushed far left economics.
The socialists of the party were purged after Hitler rose into power.
but they were still not 0% socialist
>but they were still not 0% socialist
Just like in the USSR :^)
Both of these statements are correct you brainlet
>the slave trade in the Americas was a direct result of Capitalism
He also said
>When dealing with such a race as Slavic - inferior and barbarian - we must not pursue the carrot, but the stick policy.... We should not be afraid of new victims.... The Italian border should run across the Brenner Pass, Monte Nevoso and the Dinaric Alps.... I would say we can easily sacrifice 500,000 barbaric Slavs for 50,000 Italians....
T. Mussolini in the 20's
The quote people use to make Mussolini seem anti-racist is just one that denies the biological importance of race, where he says that racial purity no longer exists in the world and is thus negligible.
Mussolini still believed in race, it's just that his concept of race is different. It's similar to how the Falangists didn't stress the importance of race but were pro eugenics and Pan-Hispanic nevertheless.
There is no such thing as an "anti-racist" fascist.
>Good guys
>Bad guys
a fascist regime doesn't care of race, what matters is the cooperation in society to sustain the State
>You're a big fuhrer
>For Jew
>Privatize industry under a keynsian economic system , then merge the state with private interests, and nationalize the unions
Strasserists aside, none of the nazis really pushed for the workers to become their own owners to seize their surplus value and the means of production. Not even the Strasserists took it that far.
There's only one race, the human race. And it doesn't include slavs
t, Mussolini
>There is no such thing as an "anti-racist" fascist.
More like there is no such thing as an antinationalist fascist, as you said italian facism like falangism is not obssesed for the purity of the race because that race is more considered for them as a national identity, thi is why in facism (where unity on the state and nation is a must) there is no place for other national identities, they need to be assimilated.
I'm not quite sure what you're asking? Are you trying to ask me if all asteroids are the same size and travel at the same speed? Because they don't.