>Ywn gun down chinks and then sell them drugs which are illegal in your own country
>Ywn sip a gin and tonic whilst a beautiful Indian princess fans you in the summer heat
>Ywn build a railway from Cairo to the Cape
>Ywn trick Jews and Palestinians into fighting for you before carving up the middle east with your oldest rival leading to eternal instability in that region
>Ywn go on holiday with the army and mow down Zulus with machine guns
>Ywn set up concentration camps in Africa for white people
>Ywn get a monopoly on diamonds and pretend they are really rare before making a shit tone of cash money from them
>Ywn fire bomb cities before putting their leaders on trail for war crimes
>Ywn pay euros to fight other euros before defeating the greatest general of history in his last battle and claiming all the credit and ignoring the German support
>Ywn con Redmen into selling land for beads
>Ywn be beaten by Germany at football every time except for 1966 and it doesn't matter anyway because two world wars and one world cup doo dah
>Ywn stop halfway through landing on a D-Day beach to have a cup of tea with a tank crew
>Ywn exterminate an entire continent before replacing them with shit posting criminals
>Ywn take food from starving Paddys and Pajeets
>Ywn bomb civilians and sink neutral ships in Denmark
>Ywn kill Maori then make them play rugby for you
>Ywn destroy Franco-Spanish fleets and then claim dominion over the sea
>Ywn obliterate your own allies fleet at port
>Ywn have the largest Empire in history
>Ywn usher in the greatest period of human history from 1815 to 1914 and have it named after your nation
>Ywn never be the legit pantomime villain of history yet rewrite it portraying yourself as the good guy every time
Whats the point of living if you are not a western European?
Whats the point of being a Western European if you are not an Anglo?
And whats the point in being an Anglo in the 21st century anymore?
Ywn gun down chinks and then sell them drugs which are illegal in your own country
Other urls found in this thread:
Nigel, Nigel wake up. The pakis are here and want to play with your daughter! Oh also, your indian boss called, you are fired.
STOP :'''''(
>illegal in your own country
This meme again...
Tick tock Nigel! Northern Ireland needs anuddah billion pounds! Quick! Scotland-that province with swathes of separatism that tried to keep you in the EU and receives more money than England does-needs more gibs!
Quick Nigel! More immigrants are coming! Don't forget your PM confirmed that brexit will not reduce the amount of immigrants coming to the UK and that the UK will ALWAYS have its doors open to those who wish to seek a better life! Tick tock Nigel, better keep working because you're still in the EU for another few years! Tick tock! Your "british" companies outsource all your work to indians! Tick tock Nigel, better get to the jobseekers! Oh no! Your universities are dominated by people who hate Britain! Don't worry, I'm sure the working class can sort everything ou-oh no! Socialism happened and now EVERYONE's poor! Tick tock nigel, need to send more money to Northern Ireland! Remember that time you surrendered to the IRA and literally allowed terrorists to become not only legal government and remembered as soldiers but also given a "get out of jail free" letter and allowed to run part of your country?
Oh no, the DUP cost the taxpayer billions again! Tick tock, better pay up.
Oh no! Nobody recognises your culture anymore now that America is leaning to be self-deprecating! Oh no! Your own capital now rejects the political leaning of the UK as a whole! Oh no, the mayor of London is a muslim! Tick tock Nigel, change your profile picture to a flag to show support for the dead-don't you go being hateful on social media though or you'll get arrested! Tick tock Nigel, tick tock!
>>Ywn usher in the greatest period of human history from 1815 to 1914 and have it named after your nation
>redcoats unironically believe this
>mfw I will NEVER be a dumb phoneposter
Feels so gosh darn good.
The current conquest of Britain by it's former colonies is unironically the greatest form of karmic justice in history.
>unironically using frog as British symbol
Totally agreed.
The more I learn about the British Empire, the more revolted I become.
At least the Germans never pretended to be doing anything for anyone other than themselves. At least the French tried to see at least some of their dominions as equal subjects.
The Brits just straight up genocided countless natives and laughed it off as just "the problems of running empire, hey boyo?"
As an Australian, I used to think it was cool that we had a monarch, that we were tied to the "good guys" of WWI and II. Now, I want nothing to do with those self-obsessed quasi-Jewish anglo elites. Their country has been the scourge of too many nations, and their shitty preeminence in the world can't end sooner.
>At least the Germans never pretended to be doing anything for anyone other than themselves. At least the French tried to see at least some of their dominions as equal subjects.
And that's precisely why today the ligua franca of the modern age is neither French or German but English! Remember this is a game for the thick-skinned and the ruthless
>when your major settlement colony that actually got away (as in the one settlement colony not part of the commonwealth) rules over the world economically and culturally, while your country's culture is still considered 'exotic' in your own former colony.
So I should be happy that millions of Bengalis died in famine because now I can watch chinese cartoons with English subtitles?
No, multiculturalism is beneficial for everyone you fucking racist. Diversity is aways good and the British people should be thankful for the wondrous enrichment that they're receiving.
Why is he winking with his monocle(eyeglass ?)
I can do the same thing faggot
As if you give a shit about the Bengalis to start with, I don't see you donating your time and effort to their plight
>giving a shit about millions of Bengali's
More would have died by now anyway had we not given them modern medicine.
We did them a favor ;-)
This, god bless the IRA
>Ywn get a monopoly on diamonds and pretend they are really rare
Do you seriously believe that diamonds are a common product?
Even if they're not "common," you can bet your arse they're nowhere near as rare as jewelry retailers would have you believe.
If De Beers opened up its vaults the price would free fall, it's artificial scarcity at its finest
m8 I work in the mining business and I know that's unequivocally false