Anons: why is it necessary to stand up at the anthem? Is there a historical background
Stand up for the national anthem of
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l have heard that it is done to "honor the dead troops who were fighting for our freedoms and who can't stand now"
Essentially a symbolic gesture
Americans are remarkably autistic when it comes to their national symbols.
hmm, why not sit, listen, applause and then stand up to honor anything?
I'll stand when you change the anthem to America the Beautiful.
unpatriotic countries tend to collapse
Not American but I'm inclined to do the same when my national anthem starts playing. I have no idea why but that's what you do, you stand up and put your hand on your breast.
Nationalism and having pride in your country in general is something to strive for. The more people in your country that are proud to be there and enthusiastic to improve it the better
Most countries are, but in Britain, USA and Germany it became commonplace for people to endlessly shit on their own country and history. If some shitskin protested the anthem in Russia or China he'll get lynched, but in America the media will elevate him to hero status.
Because libtard you're living in the greatest country on earth and you don't stand up for our anthem, get the fuck out of America.
>If some shitskin protested the anthem in Russia or China he'll get lynched
Lol, only communists give a shit about China's ""national"" anthem. Apparently it's disrespected often enough that China introduced a law just last month jailing anyone who would.
The unofficial Anthem of Chinesedom tends to be folk songs, most especially "Mo Li Hua (Jasmine Flower)." The anthems of the PRC and ROC smacked to the Chinese as mere political anthems that says nothing about their culture.
chinas not a democracy so what what random peopel think of it don't matter. The fact remains that regardless of your churckling they'll be jailed and punished if they do it in china.
The American identity had to really be reinforced, it's important to note that loyalist supression was very common in the early Colonies, it wasn;t a universal feeling of "Fuck the British!", because the regulation in things like the stamp act didn;t really affect people beyond the merchant class, as a consequence to this, and as a way to keep the culturally varied states of America, a sort of curriculum of patriotism, arguably this kind of psudeo cultural unification is nearly required in federal states.
>people are jailed for disrespecting the anthem in China
>people are considered heroes for mocking the anthem, the flag and the president in America
I rest my case.
luxury, land, and freedom are our culture. Just like the Romans. This is just sedition
>not standing up is mocking something
>you must be patriotic at all times
What the fuck is wrong with Americans
No you don't. You said Chinks lynched people over the national anthem. As in "you'll piss off a mob which will carry you to a lampost and hang you or murder you in the street."
When the reality is nope, nobody cares. On the contrary: they make fun of it. Only the government does.
And the US is a democracy than honors that freedom of speech. So you guys would just have to put up with it or betray your own ideals.
> Being anything but proud of your country is acceptable
Question the government all you like but if you don't love the country you're in then you should move to one you do
What if you cant find a country that you like?
What if youre simply anti-nationalistic?
then you're a cunt
Why would not being able to identify with ones own nation make one a cunt?
the usa is not a democracy. the freedom of speech and expressions does not allow pople to yell fire in a crowded theatre. Which is what these niggers are doing.
For better or worse you're born into the tribe that your born into and you had better stick with it. If you got a problem with that you're a danger to the tribe and they have every right to cast you out.
Having pride in your country is different than autistically worshiping empty symbols of the state. I have pride in my country, but I don't feel the need to plaster the flag on my front lawn.
'mericans gonna 'merica
No. Nationalists think that there country is already perfect, so why bother fixing it?
Makes sense, but a problem l see with nationalism is that it sort of requests you to FEEL a certain way about the identity of a nation and some just may not feel that way (they might not even be able to explain why) .
How would one convince one to feel a certain way about the nation? By force? That will just cause hatred to form. Convincing them that there is value in the country? Probably the best way, but it requires the country to have good aspects that you name.
Personally, I find more value in patriotism than nationalism, because it can gives reasons for pride to exist.
In other words: patriotism justifies nationalism.
Gotta be honest, this was a bit rambly but it feels good to get it off my chest
They aren't yelling fire you dumb cunt, they have a constitutional right to kneel during the pledge for whatever reason. The government can't touch them and it appears their bosses are totally cool with it, so they can do this as much as they want
I like how you assume I'm American.
People in this thread seem to think its just Americans who do this, its the whole world. At the Olympics every anthem is preceded by "please stand for the national anthem if...". To not do so is extremely disrespectful to not just Americans.
Standing for the anthem is a sign of respect, just as you stand during a hymn, at a funeral, or when someone is greeted
these acts like kneeling, teearing down statues, and wearing black lives matter tees are all born of the same star. That of sedition and rebellion. Its part of the ongoing fracturing of thos country that needs to be stopped, violentlly if needed. Their acts of unpatriotism are iderectly contributing to the air of moral relativity leading to people being being killed in the streets, students rioting in school, and terrorists kidnapping and murdering in the name of black lives matter. Which started this phenomenom.
>the government can't touch them
it can if it passes a law conisdering its private property. Also, read my arguments.
They can't take a knee either, fag.
When I was in secondary school every Monday after sone assembly we had to stand up and sing three songs: national anthem, state anthem and school anthem. Students get punished if they don't sing or do not stand properly. I never think too much about it. I was really surprised when I found out that not all nations do that.
It's just my opinion. Standing up for the national anthem doesn't make you patriotic. Anybody can do that. It's incredibly superficial. Being patriotic is doing things that benefit/help your country i.e. defending it, helping those in need etc... Who cares if someone kneels down. Let him do his thing. The country won't collapse because of it. Being offended by it does absolutely nothing and it just shows how fragile your sense of national identity is.
It is a citizens right and a patriots duty improve their nation to the best of their capability. This is how they think they can improve their nation, thus it is their right. To stop that would be nothing short of tyranny
Were not a democracy so they have no right to improve the nation through their own volitions. Only the democratic assemblys and elected officials through the permission of God have that right.
>they have every right to cast you out.
I wish they would, my tribe sucks balls. If they casted me out, I could catch a plane to a better tribe and apply for asylum.
>Anons: why is it necessary to stand up at the anthem? Is there a historical background
Yeah, it's called manners you fucking sperg. Traditionally you stood up to indicate the fact that you were devoting your full attention and therefore respect.
>all rise for the honorable judge
>stand up to shake someone's hand
>stand up when a woman enters the room
>stand up to sing hymns in church
Were you raised in a fucking barn?
Are you going to ask why it's impolite to jerk off at the dinner table too you fucking ape?
Then you should end your useless life like the reject that you are.
>. This is how they think they can improve their nation, thus it is their right.
Horseshit, as they're not trying to improve the United States, they're trying to overthrow it and replace it with whatever quasi-marxist ape troop is more in line with their racial makeup.
>Were you raised in a fucking barn?
Animals stand up in a barn :^)
>implying that's not improvement
OP is lower than a dog.
Standing up is for lowly animals. Real humans don't have to.
>Man, if only there was a board where I could rant autistically about securing a future for our white children
>I know! Veeky Forums!