>create shitty bant thread about any historical personality
nothing happens
>dare to make fun of the prophet Muhammad
mods get buttblasted and delete or bumplock the thread
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Do the mods fear the kaffir shitposters?
You may have a point, but how does creating another shit thread solve any problems?
What should I do instead?
It promotes free speech
>hurr durr why mods are deleting my shitposts? i'm oppressed!
>hurr durr muh freedom of speech
Kys, stupid kafir
Why do subhuman inferior eurangutans want to make Veeky Forums their safespace?
Electricity was made by and for white people, anyone else using electricity is culturally appropriating it. Check your privilege.
And all post 1500 hegemony due to Amerindian lands and crops sustaining enormous subhuman eurangutan populations are also cultural appropiation. Just look at the ammount of subhumans with amerindian crops on their "national" food examples.
Why do subhuman inferior eurangutan want to make Veeky Forums their safespace?
English is also a white European cultural custom, please stop misappropriating it.
It may offend peacefull muslim shitposters
But americans aren't white
Americans didn't discover electricity.
America oscillated between 80 and 90 percent white from the 1600s until 1980.
Remind me, why do people still post these Facebook-tier strawman comics?
Because they're true.
>The induction coil was first designed by Nicholas Callan in 1836. In 1845 Joseph Henry, the American physicist, published an account of his valuable and interesting experiments with induced currents of a high order, showing that currents could be induced from the secondary of an induction coil to the primary of a second coil, thence to its secondary wire, and so on to the primary of a third coil, etc.[84] Heinrich Daniel Ruhmkorff further developed the induction coil, the Ruhmkorff coil was patented in 1851,[85] and he utilized long windings of copper wire to achieve a spark of approximately 2 inches (50 mm) in length.
>About 1876 the American physicist Henry Augustus Rowland of Baltimore demonstrated the important fact that a static charge carried around produces the same magnetic effects as an electric current.[102][103]
>The Serbian American engineer Nikola Tesla learned of Hertz' experiments at the Exposition Universelle in 1889 and launched into his own experiments in high frequency and high potential current developing "high-frequency" alternators (which operated around 15,000 hertz).[132]
Im sorry but the alphabet you use ultimately derives from the phoenician script which were middle eastern people
true in the peterson sense?
She never said that