we're on the VERGE of fortune
>my lambo is going to be red
we're on the VERGE of fortune
>my lambo is going to be red
Other urls found in this thread:
I have 6,000. Is that enough? I don't want some faggot sports car, because I'm not a dumb bitch.
You don't deserve to be rich
Why are you even /biz
Leave bitch
>holding 100M
Gonna buy a lambo in every color
>doesn't even know how to greentext
kys newfag shill
>tfw don't really need a sports car but wouldn't mind having one if I got to the point where I had money to throw away
does this mean I'm gay
Selled my VERGE because this post..
how high do you expect it to get? its already gone on a nice run here.
Hitbtc and Binance are about to list it. Binance international will still work.
New protocol being launched this month.
Nakamoto-x, a new exchange about to go alpha that said they will list it.
It might dip again. but if this isn't easily going to break 300 this month with all the hype being formed I will put sharpie in pooper on regional TV
200K all I want is €1.
Help me get started with XVG - please?
you are welcome^^^^
haha you can't even write sold.
I am the type of guy that will sit here all day and keep checking - hoping... Hahhaha
dont, it will start fucking with your head after a while. Put it in a hardware wallet and forget about it for a while. Check it in about a year from now. Profit.
Will meth help me stay awake?
Thank you - OP fucking delivered.
Help me get started with btc please
Verge Whales spotted! As confirmed in the comments in the future 1 Verge = 1 Lambo.
No. Pic related was me after 2 days of trading crypto. Don't be like pic related.
Is Verge the best user coin?
No, but it does the job well enough and it is being improved upon, so it doesn't really matter.
It's a relative new coin with lots of future implementations on the horizon. Wraith protocol will be introduced this month i believe. It's a solid investment. But im just shilling for my bags imho.
I might have fucked up.
Sold my 20k XVG at 111 (bought at 150)
Damn weak hands.
I was a proud Verge shiller, damn I hate to beg but help me to get in again.
try 2 hours
Whats the thoughts on BDL?
Your a cunt.
* Verge has a richlist:
* Has abysmal distribution, whereby the top 50 addresses own 90% of the coin.
* No-one smart works on it
* You can see sender/receiver/tx/balances.
All Verge does is run over TOR (and compromised TOR at that).
Everyone can see what your paying for you fucking dope.
Anyone who thinks verge is going to "moon" is either a fucking retard or a simpleton.
it has NOTHING to offer.
zCash is a NSA run honeypot with crippled ZKSNARKS and a cuntbag CEO who sqeals like a little girl and its more user than verge.
Why not run 'silver' AKA cuntcoin LTC over tor and enjoy user?
You fucking gimp.
Sent you 2KUSD in Verge.
how to spot a newfag: shills xvg, rdd, or xrp
or any other coin with more than 999M total supply
>doge coin with tor
>Public block chain
Boy, Veeky Forumstards fall victim to another scam coin. Read the white paper and you will see how this is marketed to trick normies
Agreed, Verge is literally cancer in crypto space.
In fact I'm not going to anti shill any more. I'm gonna let people get hurt.
It's the only way they will learn.
Giving away free DGB
Verge is currently the #2 multi-algorithm coin by market cap. Digibyte is #1.
What are you "predictions" for XVG?
>But it just needs to hit $1 and I'm a millionaire!!
So much smarts. So much Yeah Bro..
shitty scamcoins don't moon
had some guy unironically say it would reach $100
Every time I see fud on XVG I go to the telegram and start a discussion about it. I'm almost always informed, calmly, with evidence and reason, that the fud is nothing but fud.
I don't care if xvg only hits .10 cents. It will still make me an insane amount of money. There is a difference between the day traders who have a few bitcoins chasing PnD's vs. those of use who have enough to actually invest in things and wait for the payoff.
The most spectacular thing about current fud is no one is willing to even acknowledge that Wraith protocol is going to shut their dirty, lying mouths for good
What coin do you suggest instead?
>Has abysmal distribution, whereby the top 50 addresses own 90% of the coin.
Proof? I thought it was 3 wallets having 90%
>I go to a circle jerk telegram to have them tell me I'm right
Wow nice bought 100k
>circlejerk tele
Over 5k members, devs active daily to answer questions, heads of marketing discussing business daily
you're a turbo cuck
Actually it just need to hit around 48 cents atm.
Less when I fill my next bags.
And these bags can wait for a few more years yet user.
Just 10 cents nets me 56 BTC atm.
Not bad if it happens.
>A group of 5,000 bagholders justifying themselves for falling for a scam
Woah, just bought 1 million
People fudded ripple when it was less than a penny, will fud it when it is .30 cents, etc. etc.
XVG will be no different. You stinky slobs will fud every comment and ignore reality. What is the point of even living is this is how you choose to spend your energy?
Doesn't every noob want this with his low value shitcoin.
You can make money on it as long as people don't grow a brain. Have fun holding your dogecoin fork and shilling that's it's anonymous to brainlets.
You never answered my question: did you ever read the white paper? All it does is explain how tor works
I feel like you just started "trading" this year and don't actually have a fucking clue what you are talking about. What is your point? Go chase PnD call groups and try to eek out your little margins while people who aren't desperate poorfags hold bags and get rich. I don't care.
I do care that you open your retarded poorfag mouth about matters you don't know anything about and LARP that you aren't a newfagfriend.
What will you say when Wraith is out and addresses all your pathetic fud? Will you still harp on and on about how it is just a "le tor wrapped doge" ??
Binance, HitBTC, Nakomoto
I'm sure when we are at 300sats soon you'll still be around to cry like a little bitch
mfw I once had 371k XVG when it was 12 sats during the good ol biz pump and dump days.
The fact it's dogecoin fork over tor isn't fud, it's a fact.
Are you too illiterate to read your white paper? Keep spouting your marketing term "wraith protocol" on discord to trick other brainlets
Lol, well have fun telling people to "read the white paper" when you can't even read the fucking news. There is still time to take a profitable position on XVG, unless like I said you're a newfag poorfriend who can't do anything but chase PnD calls.
the fact it was rebranded shouldn't surprise anybody.
Dogecoin Dark sounds meme as fuck. what kind of retard would not rebrand it?
The bigger question should be, why are you spazzing out like a chuckle fuck about it?
I'm interested as well, I'm not a fucking blockchain programmer so saying "it's dogecoin" as though this somehow invalidates the entire project, without any context?
if you got 100m then post a screenshot with /biz timestamp
OK tell me the technology behind "wraith protocol" without spewing marketing buzzwords
I'm waiting
Hes full of shit. They are probably exchanges.
verge has a richlist that never works...
Tell me more about zCash being a CIA honeypot. Why is snarks crippled?
0x is cia also
Got 16.5k
Are you serious?
If he could do that he'd have sold his Verge for Monero a long time ago.
The absolute state of crypto today. The entire history of cryptocurrencies has happened on the internet, you can re-visit it almost like you were there, anytime you like.
>Proud Verge shiller
You deserve everything you got and more. You scammed yourself. Take your losses and next time, instead of shilling your bags, make sure you know what the fuck you're talking about so you don't end up scamming others as well.
Pic related: you are actually worse than a zcash shill. At least I can respect the hustle of the CIA trying to honeypot everyone. You're just retardedly making making some scammers rich while fucking over yourself and the brainlets you shill to.
>tfw have 45k
I'm definitely gonna make it
I sold all my verge to man fuck...if you'd be so kind?
Help a nigga starting off.
Totally new to this whole cryptocurrency thing.
nice just sent 100k
These Verge bags feel so light
Anyone want to help a newfag out?