Is it accurate. Some stuff made sense, like the jews having their clothes and hair taken off due to typhus and they died from typhus. Therefore had to be burned so it wouldn't spread. But some things had me scratching my head in wonder if it's actually true. Like the claim that 58,000 germans were killed by the poles in the Dangiz massacre or as called " Bloody Sunday(1939) " . Yet all I was given was photos, nothing to truly back it up. So is the documentary accurate?
How accurate is Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
Other urls found in this thread:
it's a stormfag propaganda
Bloody Sunday wasn't even in Danzig, it was 100 KMs away in Bromberg. That's the quality you're dealing with
Yeah. The entire documentry feels like it's just sucking off the Germans. They say nothing bad about the Germans. They didn't even mention about Rommel taking part in the attempted assassination of Hitler. Because he's a " goodie boy " and would never attack his dear fuhrer. .
This documentary is the only objective look at the subject without the usual one sided narrative. It doesn't really support one side or another but simply lays the fact down and lets the viewer decide for themselves. As a history major I appreciate that kind of objectivity and most of the people who disagree with its "narrative" are generally fanatics who cling to the wartime propaganda narrative. The real world doesn't work this way, there is no moral black and white in the struggle between nations. One must learn the mentality and events leading up to the formation of the Third Reich in order to comprehend its actions and ideology in a fair and accurate way.
Rommel was innocent in that traitorous plot. He took responsibility due to personal honor and to protect his underlings who WERE involved. This sort of Prussian honor is difficult to understand in the west.
Rommel was innocent.
That's about one of the only things they might have had right, Rommel's involvement in the plot is contentious because of the Wests lionization of him as part of the rehabilitation of the German military and there's no hard evidence he supported the assassination or not
Oh I always thought he did, guess I was wrong.
According to his widow he wanted to arrest Hitler and then win the civil war against the SS because killing Hitler would make him a martyr, it's one of the only sources on it
It's not.
It's actually nice, because when discussing those things, one guy will sooner or later will use "danzig massacre" card, so everyone can know, that they are dealing with retard.
Yeah, " Danzig Massacre " is one of the hardest things I tried to prove as I am a stormfag. Like WTF is this? This is literally my source:
Yeah that shitty site is the best source I can get for it. Like look at the movie quotes " You old hag! You old shrew - you and your brats should have been driven away long ago! If I could have done what I wanted, you would have been dead long ago. I would have killed you all myself! " is what a polish man who took part in the massacre supposedly said. Now that is the most propaganda line I have ever heard.
I want you to ctrl-f that page for Danzig and tell me the results
No results.
Really makes you think
Oh I'm retarded, I see your point, the Danzig Massacre goes by many names and didn't even take place in Danzig. The " danzig massacre " is about the massacre of Germans by the poles.
Fact check it yourself OP and make up your own mind.
What do you think of what. posted?
>Versailles apologetics
Stopped reading pic there.
That's because you're illiterate and can't read.
>Danzig massacre
>Not even in Danzig
>Supposedly 5,300 dead in a city 100kms away
>Later changed to be 53,000
>Source is fucking Goebbels
>Literally the minister for propaganda
His army was prussian in character and history, idiot
I hate Jews but this doc is shit stormfag fap material.
For instance, when I first watched it, I loled at the episode where they claimed Zyklon B was for saving lives, not gassing. Then I did some research of my own that altered my worldview.
Zyklon B was a common cyanide pesticide. During WW2, Germans used it to delouse fabrics at concentration camps because of the typhus epidemic that originated on the Eastern Front in 1941.
Typhus, also known as "jail fever," is a deadly disease for which there is still no preventative vaccine. It was the primary cause of death in German WW2 concentration camps, the vast majority near the end of the war as German society collapsed. For example, Anne Frank, died from typhus in the camp hospital at Bergen-Belsen after her transfer from Auschwitz. 15,000 of the 50,000 Jews who died in Bergen-Belsen died from typhus in the 2 months AFTER it had been liberated and put under quarantine by British troops.
>Nearly 14,000 prisoners would die after liberation.
Americans used Zyklon B to fumigate the clothes of Mexican immigrants at the border.
>Zyklon B arrived in El Paso in the 1920s courtesy of the US government. In 1929, for example, a Public Health Service officer, J.R. Hurley, ordered $25 worth of the material–hydrocyanic acid in pellet form–as a fumigating agent for use at the El Paso delousing station, where Mexicans crossed the border from Juárez.
The British Empire used Zyklon B for fumigating passenger ships and food granaries, as discussed in these journals.
>During the past three years various products such as Zyklon B have been used in Colombo in the fumigation of vessels, lighters, granaries, rat burrows
>A Report on the Disposal of Zyklon-B Residue following the Fumigation of the Holds of Vessels
So Württemberg is Prussian? Is this your claim?
I've got an MA in English from the number one rated university for my subject in my country.
You're making a classic mistake with that image, Zyklon B dosen't require the same concentration to kill people as it does lice, the Prussian blue residue only occurs in actual delousing procedures
I don't know anything about Danzig, and won't believe stories of massacres unless I see evidence. But are you willing to bet your life that no Germans were killed in the region of Danzig prior to WW2?
Wow, what a well thought out and intense critique of it.
He means he was part of the old Junker class, autist.
Stormfags get BTFO daily here.
>I hate Jews
>I shill for the Jews though
Are we counting murder felonies or just purely political and racial motivated murders? Because Danzig was overwhelmingly German, run by Germans with a German police force and the elected government was decidedly pro-German for the majority of its history with 3 out of 5 of its presidents being NSDAP and another being DVNP. They also refused to load Polish ammunition at the docks during the Soviet war (the best excuse the Polish ever had for a massacre) and their only punishment was the Polish navy taking over Westerplatte
But he wasn't you fucking moron, he was a southern catholic piece of shit to the Junkers
No I'm not. If the nazis had gassed roomfuls of thousands of jews at a time for years on end, it would've required more than a trace amount of gas. The amount of gas you could let into the chambers claimed to be homicidal without it leaving a residue would not even have been enough to diffuse through the room, let alone gas thousands of jews all gasping for air in it. It would've required literal tons. Besides, according to the official, legally enforced narrative, the Germans dropped Zyklon B through holes in the roof or percolated it through shower heads. They made no efforts to limit the amount of gas the walls were exposed to. The process as described, as well as the amount actually required to gas the numbers claimed, would've left residue.
>if you don't like retarded neo nazi views and false propaganda you're a jew shill
Danzig itself was only 2% Polish. They could hardly have carried out a massacre there. We are talking about the Danzig corridor and neighbouring regions where Germans were a minority. Where they have now been ethnically cleansed from.
>It would've required literal tons
You really don't know how hydrogen cyanide works do you?
>neo-nazi views and propaganda
>uh.. Okay fellow non-Jew goyims, uh... 6 trillion dies in WWII and we should feel bad about thatand open all the borders but I'm totally not a Jew guise..
As discussed in the journal above, Zyklon B gas deposits a distinctive Prussian blue residue on exposure. The Prussian blue is clearly present after 75 years in the Majdanek fumigation chamber, but not in the Auschwitz main homicidal gas chamber. Extensive testing has been done on the Auschwitz gas chamber walls, both by independent researchers and the Auschwitz museum authorities. They all returned the same result. They were found to contain only trace amounts of cyanide, as much as one would expect to find in a room that had been fumigated, but not a homicidal gas chamber.
Fred Leuchter was “The nation’s leading adviser on capital punishment" in America according to the New York Times (October 13, 1990). In 1988, he tested the walls of the Auschwitz gas chamber at the behest of Ernst Zundel and found only trace amounts of cyanide. It was this scientific proof of a gas chamber hoax that brought holocaust revisionism into the mainstream (1:23).
The results of the Leuchter reports have since been replicated by both the Auschwitz museum
and Germar Rudolf, a chemistry PhD student at the Max Planck Institute.
The main homicidal gas chamber on display at Auschwitz museum is in fact a Soviet reconstruction of an air raid shelter, including holes in the roof and fake chimney. The Auschwitz museum did not inform the public of this for 47 years.
>The crematorium I building was adapted as an air-raid shelter in 1944.
The only reason the public knows of this is because of an interview between Jewish American historian David Cole and the head curator of Auschwitz museum, Dr Franciszek Piper, in 1992 (23:49).
There's no evidence for any ethnic massacres there either, I mean you can count the chaos of the post war between Polish nationalists and local freikorps I suppose, but that was mostly in Silesia
Yes I do. In order to gas roomfuls of thousands of jews day and night for three years requires literal tons of hydrogen cyanide.
It really doesn't, 200ppm is more than enough a serving
Yes, and that adds up each time they would theoretically "gas" people, you semitic moron.
>Unironically citing the Leuchter Report
Yes. For one person. One time. And it doesn't kill you instantly. Did the nazis gas one person one time and then send him to a waiting from for three days to die according to the official, legally enforced holocaust narrative?
The Leuchter reports were corroborated by the Auschwitz museum's own scientists.
Lol, source?
CLAIM 1: "Germany, the would-be victor, was screwed over at the end of WW1 by the treaty of Versailles. It was also stabbed in the back (Dolchstoßlegende)[1] by its own people, mostly jews"
Fact 1: Germany declared war on Russia and not the other way round. Fact 2: Germany declared war on France and not the other way round. Fact 3: Germany marched through Belgium and brought Britain into the war. Fact 4: Austria-Hungary wanted to avenge the archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination by Gavrilo Princep and punish Serbia and hoped Germany would shield it from Russian aggression, and Germany's actions did not help here in the slightest. Fact 5: Germany had plans to back Mexico in regaining her territories lost to the US. Fact 6: Germany sank the Lusitania.
Fact 7: Some 320,000 Jews joined the German armed forces in World War I, and 12,000 Jewish soldiers died fighting FOR Germany. The Iron Cross was awarded to 18,000 German Jews in World War I.[3] Austria-Hungary's military forces had an even higher Jewish death toll: 40,000.[4]
All these facts are the reason historians conclude Germany was an aggressor rather than victim during World War I, rather than Dennis Wise and his revisionist buddies' claim that Jews were disloyal to Germany/Austro-Hungary and tried to bring about their defeat.
CLAIM 2: "Jewish elements tried to overthrow the German government via communist revolution in 1918 (Novemberrevolution)"
Let us first remind ourselves that these revisionists pointing out how utterly traitorous an attempted coup d'état is, are the ones defending Hitler, who however tried to do just this, i.e. overthrow the government in Bavaria in November 1923 (Beer Hall Putsch) and was jailed as a result. Hypocrite, much? What's with Novembers and attempted coups anyway (remember remember, the 5th of November: Guy Fawkes Night, Nov 5th 1605).
The Novemberrevolution in 1918 was NOT started by Jews, but by a German sailor mutiny called the Kiel mutiny[5]. This snowballed into a nationwide revolution that resulted in the Kaiser abdicating and handing over power to the Social Democrats, who in turn were tried to be overthrown by Communists and this failed. The leader of the latter was Karl Liebknecht[6] who was NOT a Jew, no matter how many dumb right wing sites claim (without source) to say otherwise. In any case, the Novemberrevolution did not claim many lives at all, compared to actual bloody revolutions like the French or Russian revolutions.
CLAIM 3: "Hitler created millions of Jobs and performed the greatest miraculous economic recovery in the history of any nation"
I'm so tired of this "derp Hitler fixed the economy" meme that is spouted even by many ignorant normal people to this day. The actual dude in charge of repairing the economy was Hjalmar Schacht. Schacht realised the economy of Germany was entirely unsustainable without some reforms, otherwise conquests would be necessary to fund it. The actual Nazis (Göring, Hitler,..) made sure to kick him out especially because they did not agree with his economic policies that helped revive the German economy.
Yes, Schacht was a member of the Nazi Party but he also publicly expressed his disgust at the treatment of the Jews as soon as 1938, and tried to co-conspire against Hitler after 1938. So I'd hardly call this man a Nazi. It is my view (though I'm not a historian) that this man helped reform the German economy and get it out of a depression, despite the Nazis being in power.
Let me stress this again: Hitler didn't fix the economy, Hjalmar Schacht did. Hitler then fired him and ran the economy into the ground again.[7]
CLAIM 4: "Jews made up 2% of Germany's population but made up 50% of media, 70% of judges, and nearly 100% of the banking system."
An unsourced claim therefore, as the Hitchens Razor goes: "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
CLAIM 5: "Hitler was compassionate toward Jews by letting them emigrate to Palestine."
It wasn't Hitler who collaborated with Jewish groups, rather the other way round: Jewish groups tried to broker a deal with the early National Socialist leadership in helping them with their goal of getting Jews out of Germany via the Haa'vara Agreement.[8] This only saved the lives of 60,000 Jews. They saved their asses via a shitty deal rather than remaining in the Reich until things worsened to the point of ghettos and forced deportation to concentration and extermination camps. The strawman here, is that Dennis Wise is being deliberately quiet about the Functionalist (rather than Intentionalist) view historians have about the holocaust, and builds the strawman that if Hitler physically exterminated the Jews, he would have done so in the very beginning itself and since he didn't in good ol' 1933, he clearly had no intention to do it 1940-45.
I wouldn't claim the NSDAP allowing emigration to Palestine an act of compassion either, because one of Hitler's pals was Haj Amin al-Husseini[9], who was trying to work out a genocidal plan with Hitler in dealing with Jews pouring into the Palestine region.
More people packed into one tight space is going to speed up the cyanide ingestion, not slow it down, all you need is enough to get the room up to about that level
CLAIM 6: "Hitler's invasion of Poland (Polenfeldzug) was justified because Poland was being genocidal toward ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) in its territories."
WRONG! The event alleged in TGSNT as "the Danzig massacre" is a hoax; what Dennis Wise is most likely referring to is rather an event known as "Bloody Sunday" which took place in Bromberg (today the city of Bydgoszcz) and firstly happened three days AFTER the German invasion of Poland and secondly many of the involved Volksdeutsche were in reality part of a poorly trained Pro-Nazi paramilitary force called the Selbstschutz who attacked the organized Polish Army during the German invasion and got the shit wrecked out of them as a result. When the Wehrmacht came across this, they reported their deaths back to Nazi leadership in Germany who used it for propaganda purposes ("muh innnocent defenseless German civilians hacked to death by Polish barbarians") to justify their invasion of Poland that had already begun via false flag (Gleiwitz incident[10]) and subsequent reprisals against the Polish populace once the nation was erased from the world map for the next 6 years and turned into a new entity known as the Generalgouvernement.
Also, Poland never owned Danzig during the pre-war time. It was a free city under administration by the League of Nations. The war started because Hitler wanted the Danzig corridor. When Poland refused to just hand the area over as had been the case with Czechia ceding the Sudetenland and getting entirely annexed in the progress while the world remained silent, Hitler invaded.
CLAIM 7: "Hitler offered a 16 point peace plan to Britain after the fall of France which the warmongering British refused."
The world had learned Hitler's "peace offers" werent worth the paper they were written on after what happened with his Munich Agreement[11]. In any case the peace plan was shitty because it effectively gave Germany control over all areas it had conquered.
CLAIM 8: "Red cross documents disprove the holocaust" and various other empty claims.
This link deals with and refutes these and many more: The "red cross" denier claim is dealt with here (erase .jpg ending from links in your browser's URL bar to see my attached articles):
CLAIM 9: "Allied fire bombing of Dresden and other cities with inflated death tolls" and other atrocity propaganda
Refuted here:
CLAIM 10: "Eisenhower's death camps"
Vastly exaggerated numbers made famous by Canadian fiction author James Bacque's novel "Other Losses", refuted here:
So overall, while Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told might be gospel/preaching to the choir to the white supremacist and/or antisemite, and perhaps even appear convincing to the average layperson on the street "with an open mind" who only possesses a rudimentary middle school education, people who have studied history even a little bit will immediately be able to spot its many many errors, strawmen, lack of sources and vastly exaggerated claims with which it hopes to concoct a whitewashing of National Socialist Germany and at the same time atrocity propaganda against Allied powers. TGSNT is debunked, and people who claim it isn't, are in denial (no pun intended). What's more, the length of this film can be drastically cut if it skips all the long sections where there is no narration and merely video reels of not much significance accompanied by the same overused soundtrack again, and again, and again. TGSNT is already tedious enough to watch, it's almost like Dennis Wise wants people to not watch it all the way...
>chaos of the post war between Polish nationalists and local freikorps I suppose, but that was mostly in Silesia
Know of any good material on that? My grandpa was from Silesia.
>only one source isn't from (((wiki)))
Who would've thought? Fuck off.
no you didnt.
>Replies without reading
Who would've thought?
Did you miss this?
>written DECADES after
Yes, yes, we know. It's not like people can infiltrate organizations, can they?
>owie my stormnigger ass is getting raped
>Better spam echo marks instead of addressing the actual argument
>you better trust these Jew sources, who propagate jewish ideas, otherwise y-you're wrong!
Read it.
They got identical results. Only their conclusions are different. Leuchter stated that the gas chambers on display at Auschwitz - the air-raid shelter the Soviets converted to make look like a gas chamber, or the ruined ones at Birkenau - cannot have been used for homicide.
The Auschwitz museum came to a different conclusion. After they had obtained the same lab results as Leuchter, they decided they needed a new test so as not to deny the holocaust, which their results demand they do according to Occam's razor, but which is illegal for them to do, as well as being against their business interests. The second half of their paper is mainly concerned with explaining away their inconvenient results and concludes thus.
>Consequently, water elutes cyanide compounds in considerable measure. The fact that they have survived so long in the chamber ruins is probably due to the possible formation of cyanide combinations in the walls of those chambers at the time of their utilization from about mid-1943 to the last weeks of 1944 (except for Crematorium IV, which was blown up earlier). The significance of rainfall in the process of elution of these combinations out of the ruin walls is exemplified by Crematorium II in the Birkenau camp, where we have found the highest (mean) concentrations of cyanide compounds, because many fragments of the gas chamber were to a great degree protected from precipitation.
Oh yeah? Well, why didn't it wash the evidence away from these exterior walls at the non-homicidal delousing chambers at Majdanek?
>muh Versailles treaty ruined ze economy xD
The Versailles treaty was harsh, but its impact on Germany economy was nothing compared to the mismanagement of the German economy by bad policy and weak finances. The liquidity crisis of 1914 and jumping to Hitler's hilarious overspending into the 30's, time and time again Germans proved inept at finance. They spent billions of marks lending and supporting their allies. They spent an exorbitant amount of money on the Hindenburg program. Spending money on programs ultimately irrelevant to the war. Sound familiar to other parts of German history?
Ending WW1 with an annual deficit of 90% government expenditures. Still, the UK and France had similar amounts of expenditures and managed to recover. Why the difference?
Britain and, to a lesser extent, France had much more depth to their money markets who actually had entities which would buy ass loads of medium term bills. As the war drew on, German banks started to pick up this floating debt, but they could never keep up with German expenditures. This problem was compounded by German spending on programs like the Hindenburg and loans to bad allies. They started collecting the public's gold to try and cover the large amount of new printed money, but even this was not enough. This led to:
>"The ratio of all publicly issued notes covered by specie alone, closer to the spirit of the gold ratio framework, had fallen to just 8 percent, far below the one-third legal limit."
So by the end of the war, the Reichsbank only covered 8% of the money in circulation. None of this had to do with Versailles.
Economists think the inflation could have been managed if they actually tried rather than do their best to not fulfill the payments. Versailles didn't help, but neither did the lack of foresight and policy.
>Gross, Confidence and Gold 2009
>The German Reich’s Finance Policy in World War I
There's really not a lot out there specifically about it in English unfortunately
>first post apologetics for Versailles
Stopped reading there.
Wikipedia lists all their sources you know.
Hmm, yes, and they are definitely unbiased, totally.
Here, in infographic format for you Stormfags since you seem unable to read from primary sources (they are still listed on the pic)
>Gets raped
>All his "facts" are lies
I hate Jews too but you seem autistic and mentally challenged.
Already debunked on 8 chan's /pol/, go ahead and look it up. But knowing you folk, you probably won't.
So...your argument is denial of basic chemistry?
t. Jew
I'd love to see how they debunked the Posen speech which is literally ON RECORD
They did, you can go look it up.
You can't deceive me.
You do it.
They didn't.
>hehe I already debunked it on an anonymous chan board on a thread thats already been archived.
>No I won't give you a link you fucking Kike shill your just wrong.
Digging your own grave kid.
you can't win with stormfags
they're incapable of putting an argument together due to their double digit IQ and can only reply by posting debunked infographs or calling you a kike (which somehow counts as an epic counterargument and leaves you being btfo, at least in their pea sized brains it does)
>A jew would have this saved on his computer
>A jew wouldn't be two-faced
It's not hard to look it up, but if you say so.
You haven't even looked it up
>all you need is enough to get the room up to about that level
We know how much they used. They dropped pellets through holes in the roof, or percolated it through shower heads. Hundreds of times, night and day, for years on end. That leaves a residue.
According to the official, legally enforced narrative, the Germans purchased around 750 tons of Zyklon B during the holocaust. About 100 tons went to the concentration camps for delousing. About 5%, 5 tons, of that was used for homicidal gassing. Gassing was conducted at Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, Chelmno, Majdanek. Around 95% of deaths were at Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibor. The gassings at Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibor were conducted by diesel engines (KEK), not Zyklon B.
So for what is claimed happened at Auschwitz, according to the official, legally enforced narrative, required literal tons of Zyklon B. And yet there is no Prussian blue residue and only trace amounts of cyanide in the chamber walls. Really makes you think.
>A jew would have a Christchan folder
Link faggot, or at least key words for a google search.
No. My argument is that dismissal of the Leuchter reports is basic denial of chemistry.
It didn't at Majdanek. Does Majdanek have different laws of chemistry to Auschwitz?
Dumping Christchan
You mean the respected scientist Bc. Freddy "HCN would explode!" Leuchter?
Are you under the impression there was no ventilation systems at Auschwitz? Something we've known ever since the blueprints?
I can post my uncircumcised dick tip with a timestamp, would that shut you up?
Go ahead, but of course you won't do it. Since we all know what's gonna happen.
Its a blue board and I would get banned.
That's right, so in the end we all know who (((you))) are.
Leuchter's credentials as “The nation’s leading adviser on capital punishment" (New York Times, October 13, 1990) are irrelevant. His results were corroborated by the Auschwitz museum and Germar Rudolf, who also refuted the Auschwitz museum's "THE RAIN WASHED ALL THE EVIDENCE AWAY" hypothesis, which you can in fact do with your own eyes by looking at pic related. It's not hard to take samples of walls and test them for cyanide. It has been done on three separate occasions. Each time it has returned the same results.
Thank you for your fantastic and detailed refutation of this film, you sure showed those stupid stormfags.