Germanics and Celts - badass warrior people
Slavs - bunch of fucking farmers.
Woah I sure love being slavic.
Germanics and Celts - badass warrior people
Slavs - bunch of fucking farmers.
Woah I sure love being slavic.
Created a beautiful culture
Created an impressive civilization
Mastered the art of squatting which they learned from Central Asians
>keeping to yourself and growing food is a bad thing
it's a cuck thing
>Created an impressive civilization
what did he mean by this?
Slavs rapidly expanded after the fall of the Roman Empire, something that did not happen without bloodshed.
>Drove the badass warrior people West
Not so badass if they lose to a bunch of farmcucks are they?
Holy Roman Empire, the first Reich.
>assrape khazars
>assrape bulgars
>assrape crusaders
What more could you want?
It did
>Boris Pizdonov comes up to a kraut
>hey dude fuck off
>y-yes :(
>centuries later his butthurt ancestor writes about bloodthirsty slavs and how they ate babies
it happened
I'm a history proffesor and entire history as we know it was written by butthurt krauts.
Cancers of Europe... Europe should be the lebensraum of Mediterranean people to reach the stars... instead we were plunged into the dark ages by Steppe niggers, snow niggers and their Jewish friends
Let's see some Dominican civilisation, then.
Oh wait, it doesn't exist. Stop LARPing as a Med you Mulatto rapebaby fuck
They were only able to expand west because of depopulation due to Germanic migration.
Anglos are mostly Celts genetically, so they doesn't count.
Wouldn't exist without the help of Romance-speaking French who civilized barbarian Germanic Saxons.
Catalonia comes from Gothalandia.
>they doesn't
whoops, should be
>they don't
East Germanic barbarians were cucks who lost their barbarian languages and adopted superior Romance culture.
Germans didn't create shit. They inherited (copied) everything from the latin speaking peoples.
>Anglos are mostly Celts genetically, so they doesn't count.
Sure. But only if you accept that France and Northern Italy count as Celtic civilisation because they are more genetically Celtic than Romance.
>Sure. But only if you accept that France and Northern Italy count as Celtic civilisation because genetically they are more genetically Celtic than Romance.
French are Celtic by blood, but they adopted superior Latin culture during the Roman rule and civilizaed germanicucks later.
So France is considered Romance because the people accepted Romance culture, but England isn't considered Germanic despite accepting Germanic culture, all because of muh genetics? Nice double standards faggot.
>but England isn't considered Germanic despite accepting Germanic culture
They are not really culturally Germanic, even the English language has mostly Romance vocabulary, they got heavily Romanized after the French conquered them in 1066.
>Anglos are mostly Celts genetically, so they doesn't count.
Your post show that you are a brainlet
Less advanced than the bronze age kingdoms
Im not even black, pigskin
>Your post show that you are a brainlet
Your post show that you are a brainlet.
but you're a brainlet
Obviously Britain had Romance influence but no one in their right mind would call them a "Romance civilisation", let alone a Celtic one. If it had to be classified into an autistic ethno-grouping, it would have to be Germanic.
I have Slavic blood and I find doing meaningless monotonous labor very easy. Almost enjoyable. I've noticed many of us slavs can just zone out very easy and do physical labor for protracted periods of time. Do we perhaps owe this to our consistent farming heritage?
>Im not even black, pigskin
>The genetic makeup of the Dominican Republic's population is estimated to be 52.15% European, 39.57% Black African, and 8.28% Native American on average according to recent genealogical DNA testing.
Kek yeah I'm sure you're a 100% Greco-Roman Hispanic Med
And people wonder why Slavs were the ideal slaves for 1000 years
so were germanics cucked by Romans and Berbers
Slavs were no more enslaved than the rest of rural and agrarian peasant Europe desu...
slavs were literal piss poor cerfs until the late 19th century then they decided to be slaves to communism
>serfs didn't exist in western Europe
>Western Europe wasn't wholly agrarian and rural up until the 20th century too
Nigger plz go
Anglos are more germanic than celtic
French are mostly germanic (frank) than gaulIts a mixed country,lad, there is everything here
serfs basically diseppeared by the 15th century in western europe
in the meantime slavs and russians had to slave away twice a week for their lords and weren't free to move away
such is life in the gosudartsvo
>Anglos are more germanic than celtic
>French are mostly germanic (frank) than gaul
Even more wrong.
brainlet shoo
>all slavs were Russian
YOU ARE JUST A FUCKING LARPER, seriously fuck off
Do you think germanic tribes were 1000-5000 people?
Do you anglo-saxons and franks were the only tribe to invaded and settled?
You people are so pathetic, you are ashamed of being germanic
You can't speak English properly brainlet
Lol, pigskin
Powerful counter argument, brainlet
No, u
There's no evidence that the Celts settled the British Isles in a meaningful way. There was some, just like the Germanic settlements during the migration period.
Most of the difference in haplogrouping you see along the east coast of the UK could just as easily have been from prehistoric admixture when doggerland was there. Even then, it's relatively minor.
>Germanics and Celts - badass warrior people
So badass that Celtic languages are dead and no one speaks them anymore.
Meanwhile there are hundreds of thousands of Slavic speakers.
Celts were made to be ruled by their Germanic and Slavic overlords.
>He said in ANGLish
>This language where most of the words you speak and the structure of the language is a Germanic isn't Germanic.
>Created a beautiful culture
>le squatting
Fuck off back to r*ddit with your normalfag shit
Byzantine sources say Slavs were mostly barbarian raiders and marauders. Frankish sources say pretty much the same thing.
Horseshit, maintaining the freedom to keep to yourself is the goal of every red-pilled Veeky Forums poster.
Willingly being invaded is the cuck thing.
That's the most tastelessly pornographic ancient public statue I've ever seen. God, it's like looking at a monument to Beyonce and her backup dancers.
Its almost harvesting season
>Slavs - bunch of fucking farmers.
Correction, you tard. THE BEST fucking farmers to ever walk the earth.
Slavs even drained swamps to farm on the land. Something germanics could never figure out.
We would have already reached the fingolian empire at this point in levels of tecnological advance
>Germanics and Celts
Cuckholds that racemixed into oblivion
Cuckholds that will racemix into oblivion
Racially Healthy people that will stand forever
>Cuckholds that will racemix into oblivion
you got things backwards
>hundreds of thousands of Slavic speakers
I should hope there are a few more than that.
Germanics and Celts: "ooga booga" *clubs somebody to death and takes their food*
Slavs: "let's farm animals and crop so we can live peacefully and prosperously" *does so*
Ancient Slavia was the pinnacle of civilization in the northern hemisphere.
That is until REPROBATE RUS came and took it all away.
You Nordic Barbarians aren't fit to survive, we Brown Europeans shall take back our righteous position as the leaders of Europe
>beliving in some kind of ancient germanic/slavic urmyth
Come on guys. Thats like 6th grade.
No idea but I feel the same and I'm Slavic too.
Slavs are descended from aliens and were a highly sophisticated race that tamed mammoths,
and were capable of utilizing solar energy, all this was destroyed when the perfidious swedes became kings and ruined everything
slavs are descendants of skythians. If you dont know who they are you should immediatly google them.
The made art of gold, that cant be replicated even with modern technology.
Have some respect about your shitty people slav boi
is this what tolkein based his elves off of? haha
>serfs basically diseppeared by the 15th century in western europe
um no sweetie
you don't get genetic lineage do you?
This is your brain on illiteracy.
Can confirm i can zone out completely when doing manual labor
t. slav
The celts after the conquest of Scotland by the Vikings and Ireland by the Normans stopped really being a thing.
Western Europe is anyway a mix of celts, germanics, and alpines.
>Brown Europeans
lol is that what they're calling rapefugees now?
Nothing wrong with this desu. I have the same when lifting weights, it brings me peace.
Christ no wonder they collapsed only a few decades later.
Holy fuck its not just me. I love manual labor more than strenuous mental excercise to a fault.
No the Roman empire was collapsing so quickly the slavs were able to walk on to deserted farms and stay there. Groups like the Avars then came in and used slavs as fodder against any cities that defended themselves like Thessaloniki.
>Celts got conquered and in majority their language disappeared
>Germanics either adopted culture and language of the weakened enemies they conquered or had to enforce their language, which in some cases was never completed
>Slavs simply spread, and sooner or later their enemies lowered their shields and prepared to be assimilated
you're speaking their language right now, genius.
Wooooow something South Europeans were doing since 1500 bc
And yet celtniggers and germaniggers couldn't do it. Makes you think, huh.
Celts did it long before any Slaves
Celts started the urbanization process around 650 BC, see Haneburg, Slavs didnt start it before Vikings founded Novgorod for them in the middle ages
Le slaves XD Celts are the biggest slaves in existence. Not only to Romans, but to Germanics and Slavs as well.
See how the Poldumb gets mad once he's defeated
And yet there are no Celts around anymore as Celtic languages are fucking dead lmao. Meanwhile Slavs are dominating big chunk of Europe.
Civilization is a meme made by dark haired, dark eyed and dark skinned South Europeans because they couldnt live within the blizzards of Europe like my ancestors could.
>First Reich
>not the Second Reich
Come on lad, I don't care for the Germans that much but I'm still impressed with how well Germany got its shit together under Bismarck
Sure showed me Ivan
>tfw European side is all Basque
>tfw get the urged to be a pain in everyones ass every now and then
What did I mean by this?
Worry not Jose, because of global warming there's a chance you'll be exactly like us thousands of years from now.
Oh fuck, I never thought of that, holy shit a whole lot of beaners and niggers and gonna die m8, good thing I always liked the cold better than the heat
Well shit. Just out of curiosity, are my fellow slavbro's into sports and or weightlifting?
You're following the Celtic Sharia, R1abomiantion
We CIVIL'D you