Ethereum NEW GOLD

I am 27 years and have savings of around 130,000 EUR. I am seriously considering investing it all in Ethereum. I see Ether establishing as a new gold - limited supply, high price = hard for micro and small payments (mini units of Ether have terrible names), great name, strong history, flexible technology). Vitalik is a new Zuckenberg.

This coin will be above 1,000$ in 2 years (probably sooner) and above 10,000$ within 5 years. Hopefully Burgers start investing in Ether with IRA and 401(k) soon.

It is a stupid idea to put all eggs in one basket but I just feel this project cannot fail. Early retirement/financial independence at the age of 32.

I should probably do some DMT and ask machine elves for advice.

Bump for machine elves

>This coin will be above 1,000$ in 2 years (probably sooner) and above 10,000$ within 5 years.
if that's true then BTC will be more than 10x the amounts sooo might as well just invest in that

>eth is the new gold not btc
this is what ethiest actually believe.

Bitcoin is a stupid name. People cannot think of it as of something exclusive. Ethereum on the other hand reaches the sky.

Imho the first move advantage will not last forever for Bitcoin.

Don't underestimate psychology.

how do you know it will be worth that much in the next couple of years?

by that logic Ethereum sounds like something the Elf Wizard King creates in his magical basement lab

infinite mineability means infinite inflation. go ahead and invest in something as shit as ethereum and watch your wealth be constantly devalued the same way fiat currency is.

How does a 27 year old amass 137k?

I'm 25 (turning 26th on the 25th) and only have like 12k in savings.

Also I'm pretty much doing the same thing.

Exactly. And people want to believe, don't you get it?

Ethereum literally means something nonexistant.

On the other hand, everyone already knows what Bitcoin is, "Isn't that the internet money?"

If you told some normie "I just bought $10k Ethereum" you're going to get laughed at. The only people who give a shit about Ethereum are programmers and cryptonerds, non crypto dweebs actually know about Bitcoin.

If you're going to play the psychology card, at least think it through first mate.

>Pssst kid, wanna buy some ETH?

Easy way to end up in jail.

>doesn't know about EEA

No no no no. Don't fall for that meme if you have 130k Euros. You'll regret it if you put it all in.

>Not understanding difference between ROI and prices

Wew lad

That's the thing- it is even known exclusively. Normies will listen to the stories about a cryptoasset that similarly to Google or Facebook came second but will dominate the world. It's a phase 1.

No one knew what Facebook was either or Google. Programmers, cryptonerds or 4chanfags for that matter can read human mind and behaviour fairly well, being outcasts for their whole lives.

>being this retarded

>i cant refute ur argument so imma cawl u a retard

>It is a stupid idea to put all eggs in one basket but I just feel this project cannot fail.
literally famouslastwords.png

If you were able to accumulate this much at your age you are probably decently paid. Don't throw away years of hard work on such an insane bet.

Ok all in if you are ready and aware of the high risk. Once you reach a 100%, you may diversify. Or withdrawal 50k back so in case things go south you don't leave empty handed

I want to ask the machine elves something.

I would go 50:50 BTC/ETH. ETH has major hardforks planed in the future. It's not 100% sure they will work out (POS).

At 27 it's a no-brainer. It's risky but probably the best risk-reward-ratio investment in existence.

Clearly this man bought bitbean

>limited supply

what do you mean "limited supply" are you retarded ? wtf does that even mean

do your homework before you open your mouth

I'd split your investment between BTC, ETH, and XMR. XMR is guaranteed to be always useful even as underground currency.

Can someone please explain to me what Ethereum has that Bitcoin doesn't. I've been on the Bitcoin train for years and made plenty of money and Ethereum claims it is better because you can build applications inside of it. But you can build apps outside Bitcoin and do the same thing. I've watched countless videos on this shit coin and haven't found one that gives a single concrete advantage over Bitcoin. The only thing I've seen is that you can input code into your transactions to spend it automatically after certain conditions are met. Guess what, they already have that in the modern banking system. Its called automatic withdrawals. You can set up your bank account to pay your bills every month without having to do anything. Why is Ethereum interesting if it offers nothing new?

you consider it gold while author considers it as
cheap gas to run things

And to reply to myself, of all the crypto-currencies Ethereum has the worst mining system. They literally make up the mining algorithm as they go. The mining algorithm is what makes or breaks a crypto-currency and the Ethereum developers are planning on changing from POW to POS. Are they retarded? And the initial minting of the coins just handed over a huge stake to the creators? This coin seems like bullshit created by corporate interests to try and keep their dominance over the economy. Someone please explain this to me. I want to buy, but the people trying to sell Ethereum suck dick. I just want to know the advantages Ethereum has over Bitcoin, because the mining algorithm alone makes me feel like investing in it is retarded.

>I see Ether establishing as a new gold - limited supply
>limited supply
Lmfao, literally stopped reading right there. You are going to invest your life savings in something that you don't know the first thing about? Just fucking kill yourself, retard.

Because its a retarded useless shitcoin that endless waves of braindead monkeys peddle constantly.

It's really bizarre because people actually think ETH is a safe investment when in reality it is the biggest shitcoin of them all.

A massive ponzi scheme that I steer well clear of, I don't even look at ETH coins or tokens or whatever the fuck they are.

When it eventually implodes it will be spectacular.

kek op is retarded

They will never stop issuing new ethers, but the yearly amount will be capped, so inflation as a percentage of total supply will decrease each year. This is kind of like Monero's issuance where there is a set indefinite tail emission to provide mining incentive in the future. This may change for eth with Casper though, but they claim on their website that inflation will not increase beyond current levels and is likely to decrease with POS.

This is the future OP.

Dont fell for the money sketelon meme


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