The price of bitcoin in angola is double the market rate in the US. if you got 100K worth of btc...

the price of bitcoin in angola is double the market rate in the US. if you got 100K worth of btc, and travelled to angola, you could sell it for 200k.

nice, just arbitraged 100k

>thinks traveling to angola is worth 100k



Who wants to get murdered over digicoins? Fuck that

I heard they're going to make Digibyte the national currency over there.


anybody want to pay me to travel to
Angola and cash out for them? Linguist here willing to do this for a reasonable rate. I'm a trustworthy guy.

CONs: trusting a guy on the internet with your precious moneys

Pros: you don't have to go to Angola and you can be rich.

nice, just got murdered 100k

no competition confirmed.

their government officials use btc for making intl payments. they buy cars in btc. etc. you would get vip treatement after building 2-3 key relationships. One 2 day trip per year, ramping up to 2-3 million per trip.

it's like being a diamond kingpin or drug smuggler except legal and you don't have to live down there.

looking comfy


look at all those cranes. whoever is putting up buildings needs liquidity.

Just outside Angola's capital city of Luanda is Nova Cidade de Kilamba a residential development of 750 eight-story apartment buildings, a dozen schools, and more than 100 retail units, reports the BBC's Louise Redvers.

The $3.5 billion development covers 12,355 acres and was built to house about 500,000 people, and this is one of "several satellite cities being constructed by Chinese firms around Angola,"

Angolan president José Eduardo dos Santos has touted the 'Kilamba social housing project' as an example of his social policy, and he has brought international policymakers including Chinese vice-president Xi Jingping to the site.

But the apartments in the complex cost somewhere between $120,000 and $200,000 according to online advertisements cited by BBC. Other anecdotal reports put the price of 3-bedroom apartment at about $250,000.

None of which helps the average Angolan given the country's per capita GDP of $5,144 per year, according to the World Bank.

And let's not forget, Angola serves as China's largest source of oil in Africa.

looks like sim city.

my guess would be that so far the majority of arbitrage is Chinese. Well guess who just got fucking regulated?

holy shit.

Who else is pumping capital into Africa at the volume China has been for the past decade? The Chinese are investing shrewdly in the infrastructure of Africa. It's brilliant soft-power foreign policy.

So, Angola is just a Chink colony


Chinks play africans like puppets. In exchange for their precious ores, the chinese help build them roads, schools and shit like that, covering a part of the cost. Using chinese workers, ofc, so the money goes back to china.

What is this angola coin user?
When is the ICO?