Don't you faggots know every successful person uses drugs? Why would you ever be straight edge?
Why Is Veeky Forums So Anti Drug?
I'm a SWEDbro and will tell you firsthand I keep the two seperate. Decision making skills become cloudy and wayy too optimistic. Failure to recognize downsides.
quitting was the best decision of my life :)
Smokin weed while readin this bruh
because the jews I think
>spending money on drugs that could be spent on dudeweeds
You're not gonna make it.
weed is for poorfags, cocaine is where it's at boys
Because drugs are for no-doing nignogs who sponge off society.
This probably sounds like something a stereotypical druggie loser would say but mushrooms seriously helped me learn a lot about myself and work through a lot of my personal issues. I wouldn't say it CURED my depression but it sure as hell helped me cope with it and move past it. Anyone who says drugs are bad because of "lmao weed dude" is staying willfully ignorant of everything drugs have to offer.
Damn, I fucked that up. Maybe I'm too high.
weed is for hippies
Psilocybin, LSD-25 and DMT made me a millionaire. Not joking.
I do all my trades high as fuck. Turned 1k into 165k
I made my phd high. There was not 1 day I wasn't fucking baked. I work for a game company and make games in Unreal and C++ while being baked as fuck.
Can't work without, I must somehow release the pain of being a modern slave.
micro dose acid or Cubensis
2x to 3x a week
Works as god tier Nootropic.
micro dose though ay? too much and numbers turn into meaningless shapes. day's trading is wasted
how so?
I have been wanting to microdose with acid and trade, can you expand upon this please?
Lsd-25 made me schizo
Tell us, user. Tell us now.
you were schizo before, if this isnt a bait.
All drug users have low iqs and weed further lowers it. You don't have to be intelligent to make money, lots of low iq losers do it. It's not only that, it's personality traits. Women and liberals tend to be druggies. Why? Because of lack of testosterone.
I can also tell by druggies' choice of words how extremely unintelligent they are.
first anti-drug thing I've seen on here. Smoke weed erryday. Helps you with the weak hands. Also addies for day trading mmmm
studies tend to lean towards the opposite.
there is a correlation between intelligence and drug use.
This is exactly the kind of person who seems to make their way into political positions.
>i have no proof for anything i claim but its true cuz i'm biased and believe it
>x will harm you because i say so
>x is bad because i say so
>you dont need x because i say so
Well I can tell your horse does drugs cause it's high as fuck.
>I don't party because of my ebin testosterone level.
I've met insanely rich wall street alphas that would go to private 1%ers strip clubs and get fucked all weekend and throw money around like it's nothing while you're a neet posting about "muh testosterone, everyone's below me". Fuckin lol man.
No, you retarded drug user. All studies confirm cognitive impairment from all drugs of abuse, though some are worse than others. The worst is cannabis on iq levels.
>Muh high T
>Muh alt right
because no one here is rich enough for coke or any performance enhancing drugs, and alcohol, weed, and anything cheaper than those two (crack cocaine etc) are awful for trading.
take small doses. by small I would say 25mics of acid. 1/4 gm cubes basically sub threshold.
spend the day sitting in front of the screen with some nice coffee and feel the prices rise and fall of a selected few coins
sounds retarded.
Made 5k doing it.
Down a fuck ton this week though.
>take 1000 ug of acid
>"waah imfucking shizo"
what did you expect?
This desu
I used to do a shitton of coke because my richfag friend would give it to me for free, but then I started dating someone super straight edge and I barely even drink anymore.
I miss the lifestyle a little bit, and they're not exactly stopping me, but I just slowly weaned off and it's just not a part of my life anymore. It's been over a year, and it just feels like a different world.
*Study conducted by Mankind Quarterly
I shoot heroin at 4pm when the market closes everyday, and I'm not addicted. You just got to be responsible and know your limits.
My dream in life is to move out of my parents house, gain some saved cash and then order a fuckton of heroin from the deepweb (RIP Silkroad). No girl wants to have sex with me so I want to feel the ultimate pleasure that's even better than sex.
Oh yeah this is Veeky Forums. Uh... I have 6k to invest but I'm too pussy to invest it.
Sounds like a good plan
>All drug users have low iqs
AHAHAA nigger like who discovered the double helix? kys and never return.
still mad about IOTA mooning, /pol/?
Weed got me 20k off crypto. Three coke fueled nights made me 40.
Weed also made me lose it fucking all so i quit
Hippie here. 1 piece of advice i have ; psy drugs are for 100% happy people with no issues (a rarity). If u have issues a bad trip is easy to get even with weed. This may result in PTSD or mental illness.
I havent used any drugs in 15 years, I quit drinking about 7 months ago. While some people are able to smoke a little weed or drink and still function just fine I am just not one of those people. That and now I basically run a clean house while my heroin and meth addicted brother (now clean) lives with me and gets his shit together. DESU I have never met anyone who can use hard drugs and have his shit together long term.
I go to an elite college and basically everyone I know uses drugs. Whether it be weed, adderall, lsd, cocaine, or shrooms, they all have had at least some experience.
That's why I stick to heroin.
>not fentanyl
Stop wasting money
That escalated quickly lol. Now that is a different kind of stupid from the guy here marketing shrooms
This is basically me as well
Have never felt better although i could never imagine not being blasted 5 yrs ago
If you're going to do drugs, at least be smart about it and grow your own. Buying is for plebs.
hey I just want you to know that if you are having withdrawls because you cant find any black you can use meth to ease the pain.
yeah those 1st few months of sober thinking were kinda tough, and always being bored too... now it is kinda hard to understand why I would ever want to be messed up.
>Don't you faggots know every successful person uses drugs?
Drugs are the best way to undo your success.
I did this now I am addicted af and have random corruption of short term memory
in that case they probably use drugs because of their success, they don't succeed because of their drugs.
Ritalin/dexamphetamine/adderall for the day, alcohol for the night.
Nothing else is needed
Yeah I can't smoke any considerable amount of weed without having a bad trip.
Shit is not for people with issues
This is why i smoke bud and shoot up
>Shit is not for people with issues
Funny how this disclaimer is always left out. Best part is that everyone has issues
(You) (I'm samefagging)
I just wanted a (you)
Have a you shit. Also $6000 seem more than u can afford on magic internet meme money
Like the spores or the actual shrooms themselves?
Do you have Wickr?
wow you must be running some large scale operation user
or sold for bitcoin at the right time
makes you really slow and stupid, brain literally would melt. opioids are too addictive. if you have to be something be an alcoholic
when you realise that vendors in the silk road days must all be fucking millionaires now
some are making millions per month now
so even a small scale operation years ago would be a fuck ton of money now if they had hodl'd
>Don't you faggots know every successful person uses drugs? Why would you ever be straight edge?
Being a drug using degenerate isn't edgy anymore. I really never got anything out of using drugs. They are completely useless to me personally. However, I am not against others using drug. It just seem pointless.
Veeky Forums is very anti-drug, in general, for the same reason they hate tattoos or anything counter-cultural. The users are a bunch of shut-ins who live sheltered, asocial lives and have very conservative views. They never leave the house and have never been to a party. So they hate party and drug culture, because it reminds them of all the fun they never had.
>anything counter-cultural
This is the main culture not the counter-culture. You appear to be operating on old information.
idk dude people in this thread seem to like drugs quite a lot. you're mostly just describing /pol/ and /r9k/, and both of those really should stay in their own boards.
Quitting was the best thing I've ever done for myself
>friend gives me weed cookie
>don't know how much was in it, but even druggies drop their jaws when he told them how much was in t
>playing boardgames when all of the sudden things seem to be moving way too fast, consciousness seems to be fading in and out with every heart beat
>start hearing screams
>they get louder, can barely cognate the world around me
>fighting a terribly huge huge to stab myself and run off a balcony
>the sane part of me is terrified
>Close my eyes, saw faces
>this lasted for 2 hours
afterwards I felt so disconnected. I felt like a pile of meat operated by remote control for 5 days. I can't explain it. It was terrible and if that feeling had continued I probably would have killed myself.
Never again.
i love drugs
get me out of my comfort zone or even kill time
hate alcohol though
>take way too much of a drug you have no experience with
>had a bad time
fuckin' duh.
>weed is wayyy worse for you than booze guys!
This is a board about business, we do coke not weed
d-drugs are bad!
Unless it's caffeine, meat, sugar, video games or tv.
Y-you druggies are stupid from your drugs!
goofus spends 18 hours a day with a bong in his hand watching netflix
gallant takes 15 minute power naps every 4 hours in his condo he paid for with the gains he made in his first month of btc trading in order to maximize the time he can spend making impeccable crypto trades and his deadlift; doesn't consume anything but plain yogurt, organic estrogen-scrubbed lean chicken breast purchased at $0.60/lb, steamed kale, water and whey protein; has never considered putting filthy weed alcohol or other drugs in his system; has been on nofap and mgtow since birth
tell me this is a joke
It's just the try hard losers on Veeky Forums In general
Straight edge lunatics that claim everything they dont participate in is degenerate
From casual sex to smoking bud to even drinking. Because they were excluded from it all throughout their youth.
Real man smokes a blunt, opens his positions, fucks your mum, smashes some taco bell then closes his positions rinse repeat
I'm so alpha I've never even seen a woman or my penis, how are the jews gonna get me now?
also normies think that cigs/alcohol/caffeine/prescriptions aren't drugs.
drugs are what you buy in an alley behind a dive bar user...
>user, drugs are bad! Come have a beer.
man hoe the fuck do you manage the anxiety. The thing that I hate about hard drugs is the anxiety and compulsive need of more. (coke, crack,meth and sgit)
Don't forget Bitcoin was literally built on Drugs and so will be Monero
Also LSD Masterrace/Psy general
that's true for a lot of drugs, the point is not to use them while you need to take good decisions.
But when you are finally done with all the shit you have to do, it feelsfuckinggoodman
because if you're spending your bitcoin on drugs you're doing it wrong
>waste ur lsd for placebo anoons
he's probably talking about mental issues
damn, hell of a weed trip
That's some master b8 m8
>glass is visibly warm
>either that the room's humidity is at uncomfortably low levels
Fuck that
I'd be interested in taking drugs if they actually IMPROVED my cognitive functions and experience but they all just neg me
my friend never told me how much weed was in it. I had some the last time and he put a reasonable amount in and I was fine. Guy is a fucking idiot.
He did it to someone else too and he said they were lying face down on a carpet and screaming into it. He thought it was funny.
Noice. I had something similar but the weed acted like a laxative. I was unable to move from the floor for an hour and had to hold in a massive shit.
Coke and mdma are good for partying
LSD and NO2 gas are fun to try at home with a few friends with psytrance playing
Weed is shit tier