/g/ here
I came to laugh at yall
/g/ here
I came to laugh at yall
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For what?
You have to go back.
Buy a linux server or whatever.
i thought bitcoin was plunging
m-muh linux
the plunge is already over, now go back to your linux machine. we ve got serious business to do here.
Many anons already killed themselves on live stream.
You missed the party.
buy now and make a lot of money by the end of the month
i'm not buying anything that doesn;t occupy a physical space
fuck off and install gentoo with non proprietary software on your twinkpad
A lot of us made a lot of money over the past few days, now go and blow Linus Torvalds or something
electrons occupy physical space.
i hope you dont buy software
I'll assume you meant "I don't buy online things" in which case have you pirated all your video games/music/TV shows/movies/whatever?
good for you what did you actually produce though besides fiat capital? nothing
no they dont
You don't need to buy software that is free as in free beer and free as in freedom respecting
>no they dont
yes they do
prove it
>what did you actually produce though besides fiat capital?
for you to make money someone had to lose money . all you faggots do is shift around loss
What more are you expecting? For us to receive a free gun with out Bitcoin purchase? Also why are you so sour, being broke sucks user, but don't take it out on us!
>good for you what did you actually produce though besides fiat capital?
we invest in future technologies dude. we fuel innnovation.
to actually contribute to society. stock market doesn't do taht anymore. investment is pointless now. its all speculative and basically gambling.
>how it should be
this company is promising invest in it so it can have capital to build more and better products
now its invest in this company so they can make investments to drive up stock value for..something?
Yeah, that's true, trading is a zero some game. Still not an argument though
>B-b-but you didn't produce anything therefore it doesn't count
Cry more ubuntufag
I am both /g/ and Veeky Forums, and I came to this thread to laugh at you, OP.
you drive bubbles. actual future tech gets captured by government
u still havent answered the piracy question
I do pirate most things.
go compile and configure some useless second tier opensource clone of good operating system :-)
not everyone on /g/ exclusively uses linux. I'm on windows right now. Go buy more video cards to waste electricity on tulips 2.0
i'd rather buy videocards.
and laught at people who thinks that price of them will tank "sooon". some poorfags already missed whole summer waiting for gpu price dip.
Delusional nocoiners just make my day tb h
>I'm on windows right now
>i'm not buying anything that doesn;t occupy a physical space
ta fuck are you talking about newfriend?
it was us that started the whole crypto craze back in 2012-2013, this board was created because of us. Fucking Christ, even /g/ has been flooded by newfriends
I'm not in this for a revolution as for the majority here, I'm in this to make some fat stacks
i remember. my card didn't support bitcoin mining
thats nice.
ITT: salty nocoiner #2583229 gets BTFO
This is pretty fucking cheeky for someone who's culture is based on encoded data
Install gentoo
Shut UP and buy Some bitcoins SO you can buy a real operating system by tomorrow
I've never paid for windows. MS gave me 7 for free for marketing purposes and I upgraded to 10. before that I just pirated it.
>I've never paid for windows. MS gave me 7 for free for marketing purposes and I upgraded to 10. before that I just pirated it.
No wonder you don't own any crypto, you're poor, where are you from, bro?
Sauce? Name? Moar?
I live near houston texas.
Laugh at what? The rapidly recovering market? I made $8000 today from buying the dip. How much did you make?
>implying i will ever buy a license for windows
even if i had way more money i'll just pirate it.
Turns out that op is a poorfag who can't afford software and missed out on mining Bitcoin during the early days.
Nocoiners, when will they ever learn?
I told my parents to invest in gold and google when they were low too :(
my life is nothing but missed opportunities. not just financially but romantically and every other sense.
good for you bro, the rest of us that actually own 6 figure amounts of crypto have to buy non pirated software to secure our investments.
I know, $100 , what a waste :/
Where are you from? Sounds like you're from somewhere poor.
>OP comes to laugh at others to feel better about himself
>ends up lamenting his numerous failures and missed opportunities
Between this and the retard that sent his ark from bittrex to biz_classic I can't stop laughing.
read above a few posts. yes I am poor.
That sucks. Could have doubled your money if you'd just bought yesterday like the rest of us.
Some skank named Laura apparently. Reverse image search google and find the imagefap link.
>I'm on windows right now