>The genetic contribution of these archaic hunter-gatherers is highest in people of East Asian descent, accounting for between 2.3% and 2.6% of their DNA.
So, East Asia Master Race confirmed?
>The genetic contribution of these archaic hunter-gatherers is highest in people of East Asian descent, accounting for between 2.3% and 2.6% of their DNA.
So, East Asia Master Race confirmed?
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There's no such thing as a master-race. Not because all races are equal, but because humanity on the whole is pathetically mismatched to the artificial environment it exists in and pretty much everyone is ignorant and maladjusted.
I'm still looking for that image that showed a guy at a keyboard before and after the discovery that Europeans had Neanderthal dna, first saying something like "The Neanderthals were primitive savages much like Africans today" and then "The Neanderthals were Aryan supermen with an average IQ of 140".
>implying this is new
There's been studies since 2015 saying East Asians have more Neanderthsl DNA then Euros, it's just retards never read them and wanted to be master race.
>inb4 Whites are master race because they're the perfect balance between archaic admixture and pure sapiens
Neanderthal intelligence is open to debate. All that you need to say is that them being less intelliegent than contemporary is iffy.
Not the one you're looking for
The authors find a high correlation between "Neanderthal Quotient" and personality disorders.
"Importantly, this study truly is the first of its kind, and we hardly claim that the methodology is perfect. Our results should be considered a bit preliminary. This said, here are some of the highlights of what we found:People who scored high in NQ were found to be significantly high on the dimensions of:
•Social fear
•Sociosexuality (~promiscuity)
•Depressive tendencies
•Bipolar tendencies
•Autistic tendencies
We also found NQ to be negatively related to an index of imaginativeness. Significantly so. (see Table 4 from our paper, below)."
They are by no means the first researchers to trace the snps for these disorders to snps in Neanderthals. There have been a couple of such papers already. So, I don't find that difficult to believe. I would think it's more linked to having the specific snps than just a total quotient, but I don't know.
But funny nontheless
Neanderthal's brain matured more slowly than Homo sapiens and other primates
For those who still thought of Neanderthals as brutish retards, think again. It was already known that they had bigger brains than us, they could talk, buried their dead long before Homo sapiens, used medicinal plants, made and used painting and jewellery, and that they may have invented religion. Now a new study published in Science provides evidence that their brains (and body in general) matured a bit more slowly than Sapiens brains, which means they had longer childhoods and were slightly more neotenised than us.
Neoteny (longer retention of juvenile traits) is what made it possible for humans to learn and keep a flexible brain until much later than other primates and consequently to develop technologies that made us rise above all other animals. This is also why very intelligent people tend to remain more childish and immature for longer (the quintessential example is Sheldon Copper in the TV show Big Bang Theory). It is not impossible that the gene for slower maturation of the brain was inherited from Neanderthals and that a part of the modern population carries the Neanderthal variant. East Asians for example do show signs of neoteny in their physical features (smaller nose, younger looking at equal age) and behaviour (obsession with cute things) that aren't as common in other populations.
BBC News: Neanderthal brains 'grew more slowly'
I'm pretty sure facial reconstructions show that adult Neanderthals didn't look Neotenised at all
I can see Social fear, Depression, and Autism being an East Asian thing, but being promiscuous?
>(and body in general) matured a bit more slowly than Sapiens brains,
from what i read, they grew to their maximum height quicker than homo-sapiens did.
That one on the left looks like Gavin who I work with
what about native americans? do they have a similar amount or less?
Probably similar since they're closer to EA than Euros
One on the left doesn't look much different than the one on the right. If anything, it looks more similar to Europeans than the one on the right.
All human races have something archaic in their DNA
Neanderthals confirmed for degenerates
Africans most likely with Homo Erectus
Amerindians are the neanderthals of today. That explains it all. Amerindian superiority is neanderthal superiority.
>this kills the neanderthal wewuzzer
...and because this is Veeky Forums after all...
maybe this is the reason why chinks are psychopathic and crazy delusional
Asian women in the U.S. have high STD rates
kek fucking dropped
Left actually looks more European. Right looks Semitic or Turkish.
You are stupid. A neotenized human being looks more youthful, and Neanderthals had more robust features than modern Australian Aboriginals.
Incorrect, when Homo sapiens sprung up over 300,000 years ago, Homo erectus was stuck in Asia. If anything, it's a relict population of Homo heidelbergensis. It's not Homo naledi either, as it wouldn't make sense for the Pygmies and some Bantus to have that archaic unknown human DNA, and not the Khoisan, who were literally some of the anatomically and behaviorally modern humans, who also lived in Southern Africa.
I know why you picked Erectus, because they were very primitive compared to us modern humans. If anything, that other unknown archaic hominin DNA in some Melanesian and Negrito people might be it. Nice try user.
Turns out Central Africans (or at least the pygmies) have archaic hominin DNA. Considering that their height is genetic, maybe the humans they encountered were also very short?