ITT states/cultures that were too good for this world
Starting with the obvious
ITT states/cultures that were too good for this world
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>As a small and precarious population, Moriori embraced a pacifist culture that rigidly avoided warfare, substituting it with dispute resolution in the form of ritual fighting and conciliation
>A Moriori survivor recalled : "[The Maori] commenced to kill us like sheep.... [We] were terrified, fled to the bush, concealed ourselves in holes underground, and in any place to escape our enemies. It was of no avail; we were discovered and killed - men, women and children indiscriminately." A Māori conqueror explained, "We took possession... in accordance with our customs and we caught all the people. Not one escaped....." [19] The invaders ritually killed some 10% of the population, a ritual that included staking out women and children on the beach and leaving them to die in great pain over several days. The Māori invaders forbade the speaking of the Moriori language. They forced Moriori to desecrate their sacred sites by urinating and defecating on them
at least pick better looking times
You may not like it, but this is what peak Africa looks like
Didn't South Africa sell them out?
Le bordergore demesne
Anglo-Saxon England.
Fuck the Normans, fuck the French,
and fuck the Romans.
>pacifism is always a good idea
>perfect borders don't exis-
>Starting with the obvious
>Doesn't pick the obvious
What would a modern time Burgundy look like?
>army consisting of almost entirely mercenaries
Don't make me laugh
Professional Standing army > Mercenaries > Levied armies
Barely any country had the manpower and money to afford a professional standing army at this time. Mercenaries were your best option.
The Roman's navy was shit, the Carthaginian government just panicked after a supply fleet lost since they didn't empty their cargo before a fight.
Ned Flanders, the civilization gets invaded by death row inmates the civilization.
>Templar flag makes a little bit more sense, philosophically when you read things like this.... but at the same time it makes you wonder what exactly was going on in Europe that they decided that the only recourse was burning the Templars and accusing them of heresy. I wouldn't be surprised if the one was related to the other.
Kinda interesting looking the path of Alexander took to get to, and from, the Ammon-Oracle. It's basically entirely dry desert these days. I can only imagine that the majority of his army was resting in Egypt/preparing for the next campaign while he went on that excursion. Just a guess though, I'm not that familiar with his campaigns.
So weird thinking that the pyramids were thousands of years old when Alexander visited them. Possibly already 10,0000 years old. Really puts this little spark of life, we call mortality, into perspective.
The Egyptian Pyramids were definitely not 10,000 years old in Alexander’s time.
Keep in mind the shoreline was closer and northern africa wasn't as arid as it is now.
Not at all, more like 2,000-2,500
the best king england ever had
At the end of the day it was ultimately Britain and America that sold both SA and Rhodesia out...
Canadian provinces become states. South American nations become territories like Puerto Rico. The deal is this: you pay us taxes and surrender a portion of your sovereignty to us. In exchange you get a non-voting representative in the US Congress and the US military will come unfuck your fucked up country. We will also make huge infrastructure investments in your country. The catch is that you have to be part of this program for a minimum of 100 years and you don't get to be American nationals until you're 50 years in. This provides us with an incentive to make your third world Spanish hellhole a great place to live so that you don't all flee here once you get US passports. This could actually be a super attractive thing for many countries. In order to do this effectively we would have to have a giant national building effort. I'm talking new deal style, with a four term super president to go with it. We would rebuild our country and then the rest of the hemisphere, and for our investment we end up with a huge tax surplus. Make no mistake, this is imperialism. We are taking money out of the third world and concentrating it here in our own country. But this is enlightened imperialism. The subjects of this empire can visit the homeland as much as they want, but their own homeland is improved too. Like Rome.
Like Rome.
Like fucking Rome.
>Anglo-Saxon England.
a dark age not civilized state
>Barely any country had the manpower and money to afford a professional standing army at this time. Mercenaries were your best option.
that is a shitty excuse and very untrue
many greek city states and other phoenicians city state had their own army, assyrian had their own army, every one had their own fucking army
what tthe fuck are you talking about?
carthage aristocracy wanted to only use mercenaries, they had their reason, they could train soldiers but they didnt want
why people say carthage empire when they were a republic in that time?
I cry every time.
too big
Yugoslavia? No one?
Ok, so you know nothing of warfare in antiquity.
Citizens called to fight during the fighting season (the non farming season). They would call in mercenaries if they wanted professional soldiers. Only Sparta had a standing army, but their system sucked ass since it relied on slave labor and was riddled with revolts. Phillip II implemented a professional standing army but this fell apart after Alexander.
Farmers levied and especially farmers levied from vassals. This changed in 745 bc to a standing professional army. So we are talking about roughly 100 years that included a heavy loss of manpower and the loss of this reformed system.
Keep in mind the Carthaginians viewed themselves as Phoenicians (both called themselves Cannanites). The Phoenicians never had a professional standing army. Their citizens were called in as sailors and if needed, infantry but that was rare. Most of their history involved them being under another empire and being used as that empire's navy.
Carthage used mercenaries along with their libyans because their carthaginians were used in the navy. Why train sailors to fight on land when you can hire professional soldiers? It was a matter of practicality.
Empire has a loose definition. It can essentially be a group of nations ruled by one government. Thallasocractic nations are usually given leeway.
sounds dumb
Sweden's the thing that confuses you when there's Trianonia, Bohemia in Moravia, Sudetenland in Bohemia, and Czechoslovakia in Slovakia? Or New Africa in Montenegro, Bulgaria over part of Turkey, while Ottoman Empire is still there.
>Bohemia->Sudetenland, not in HRE
>Trianonia finally free from filthy Magyars
Alexanders partition of the empire was guaranteed to lead to the collapse of the empire, it was basically antiquity's versailles.
If he had gone with a division similar to the one in pic related, the Golden age of Greek dominance and stability could have continued in the Middle East for at least 500 years.
>under British control
Fascinating, tell me more...
>Sell Greece to Carthage
No one's buying it this time, amerifat
Take your Pinochets and shove them up your ass
>the pyramids were thousands of years old when Alexander visited them. Possibly already 10,0000 years old.
>many greek city states and other phoenicians city state had their own army, assyrian had their own army, every one had their own fucking army
Not a professional army. People weren't really paid to be solders until later SPQR.
>kingdom for my horse
>Europeans favored niggers civilization and didn't decimate them over the peaceful people civilization.
That certainly won't bite them in the ass.
Assyria did have one for a little but, and sparta did, but ya, for a long lasting standing army you're right.
Fuck the H*bsburgs
Wouldn't mind a Fed though
This is best and most fair magyarország, you cannot deny