When did it all go wrong for Mexico?
When did it all go wrong for Mexico?
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Mexico was never stable. It was constantly plagued by unrest and revolution.
When this dude die
Dictator after Dictator after Dicatator after Dictator.
A country can only support a megalomaniac with no idea how to spend a countries treasury wisely only so many times.
The moment that they declared independence
Mexico today is better in absolute and relative terms than it ever has been.
this tbqh
Mexican history is kinda sad.
That’s not what changing demographics say
? Do you actually think Mexicans living in the United States want to go back to Mexico?
>the joke
>your head
Who owns South-America then?
It wasn't even a joke though
The South Americans
A V E · O B R A D O R
The war of independence was too long and devastating leaving a ruined government that was easy prey for expansionists like USA and European powers.
Why Yucatán?
The mestizo mongrels that populate all of former Spanish colonial America are nothing but morally corrupt tinpot dictators-in-waiting. Every single person.
"almost all rulers not only in Mexico but in latinamerica have been criollos spanish born in the americas, the race is not a problem but the culture of corruption.
To confront criminals, we need to finish with corruption. If we don't do this, there is no hope. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
>Chavez supporter
>Solution to anything
Top kek
USA has more mestizos than my country, both in raw numbers and as a %
>"Santa Anna used a prosthetic cork leg; during the later Mexican-American War, it was captured and kept by American troops from the 4th Illinois Infantry. The cork leg is displayed at the Illinois State Military Museum in Springfield.[40] A second leg, a peg, was also captured by the 4th Illinois, and was reportedly used by the soldiers as a baseball bat; it is displayed at the home of Illinois Governor Richard J. Oglesby (who served in the regiment) in Decatur.[41] Santa Anna had a replacement leg made which is displayed at the Museo Nacional de Historia in Mexico City.[42]"
>le mexico is bullied into treaty of bucareli meme
>le its americas fault Mexico doesn't develop technology
>lets ignore treaties aren't actually enforced by any international policing body
>lets ignore that it was never actually ratified by any legislative body
>lets completely ignore Mexico's patent office
Mexico is shitty all on its own.
>no southward expansion at all
Does Mexico fear the Guatemalan warrior?
>Where did it all go wrong for [Latin American nation]
Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the USA
They fought a war with mayan rebels for around 80 years. It's all jungles, mountains, sinkholes, heat and rain down there and just generally not fucking worth it.
Canada and the Bahamas seem to be doing just fine. Maybe it's because there people actually hold their leaders accountable for advancing their country towards prosperity and dont use the US as a way to mask their own collective incompetence.
Canada is America lite
Bahamas is irrelevant
Who gives a shit they're both prosperous and fit the same stupid analogy as mexico.
And entirely out of reach of justice.
Maybe you should try not sucking. Then it wouldn't matter who you're close to.
Can’t wait
The North states have nothing in common with the rest of the country. Secession when.
This nigga.
Justo Sierra O'Reilly
Biggest meme in Mexican History.
Bahamas is a nigger land that only has wealth due to tourism.
The United States of America.
>upper middle income country with living standards well above the world average
>industrialized economy
>life expectancy comparable to mid tier European countries like Poland and Estonia, only a couple years below the US
>crafted distinct and strong national identity out of dozens of different native tribes and immigrant groups
>genuine democracy
>kept pace with its richer northern neighbor on social issues e.g. banning slavery in the early-mid 19th century and granting women suffrage in 1919
>unified everything between the Rio Grande and Rio Grajlava
>won wars against France, Spain, Austria, and various secessionist/rebel movements
>second largest country in the Western Hemisphere in terms population
>one of the top fifteen largest economies on Earth (comparable to Russia) with a high growth rate since the mid 90s
>projected to become the world's number five economy in the next few decades
>rapidly improving on every metric
Mexico's shittiness is largely a meme. It can be better, but by world standards it's a successful country by any reasonable definition.
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
When the spaniards became anti-intellectuals, wich they then inherited into all of their colonies.
We have an elite that has never identified themselves with the rest of the population. They hate us. It literally cannot work this way, only genocide (of the elites) could fix this country.
>puppet king put in place by invaders
>expect to be accepted because of good intentions
fuck him.
Porfirio Diaz did everything he wanted to, and better too.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a chavez supporter senpai. But being a Maduro supporter, well.... thats just sad.
get fucked you nazi spic
B a l k a n i z e
Most if that is only true in few cities and regions of México. Locally, there are a lot of shitholes.
even some rural cities are pretty bad.
most of the bajio in mexico is stuck in the 1970's development wise.
Mexico was doomed from the start. Spain did not know how to effectively govern its colonies like the British did. From the get go Mexico was treated solely as a short term financial venture by the Spanish crown.
Once Mexico achieved independence it was treated as a bargaining chip to establish political alliances with other European powers and the people chosen to rule Mexico were little more than puppets.
>Mexico's shittiness is largely a meme.
No Mexico is objectively shitty.
>upper middle income country
Wages are horrendously low compared to countries with similar economies. Wealth inequality is rampant among its population and grossly under reported.
>life expectancy comparable to mid tier EU countries
I'll give you this one, but this problem is Africa tier anyways so its not saying much.
>genuine democracy
Nepotism and corruption are synonymous with the Mexican government. Also Cartel infiltration of local law enforcement agencies across the nation. Cant even guarantee the safety of its citizens.
>kept pace with its richer northern neighbor on social issues
social liberalism is nice but hardly an indicator of a countries wealth or stability.
>unified everything / 2nd largest country
Their large population is mostly uneducated and impoverished. This is evident when its compared to similar economies. Mexico under performs in nearly every sector across the board.
>won wars against France, Spain, Austria
Not hard when you have a shared border with the US and there's an entire ocean your enemy has to cross just to fight you.
>one of the top fifteen largest economies
NAFTA. Massive nationalized oil reserves. Huge population and diverse markets thanks to its abundant resources. Mexico could easily be a current top 5 economy. but its too shitty to do it.
>projected to become world's number five economy / rapidly improving on every metric
Mexico has huge potential,but it always did and it's always been plagued by shittyness.
Yes, there is more Mexicans quitting the U.S.A. than entering it
mexico got fucked up by the cocaine trade and drug war and now corruption is so rampant that columbia and the whole pablo escobar story is small fry compared to the fuckin crazy shit that goes down rn
Why did Mexico not embrace communism like South American countries tried to?
This but cuck mestizos will defend wh*Toids unfortunately
mexicans hate communism due to the civil war in the early 1900s, same feeling has stuck around. plus the population is incredibly religious/catholic.
Perfect dictatorship
Sisal production.
Mexico knew it had to align itself with the US for Mexico to survive. Also commie sentiment wasn't as profound as in shit holes with fascist dictators. Mexico would just assassinate whoever did not adhere to favored political ideology its people. Also as other have said Mexicans are very conservative and devout Catholics. Atheism extremely taboo and would be universally shunned immediately.
>Why did Mexico not embrace communism like South American countries tried to?
they defiantly tried to.
Mexico became the first country in the American continent to establish relations with the USSR
You can say the same of the US and Canada, too. The only reason why it's more pronounced in Mexico is because there's less land between the shitty towns and the nice cities.
When white people stopped running the place.
Spaniards ran mexico before and after Juarez and look where the country ended up.
if anything whites fucked it up.
>puppet king
You mean rightful Emperor?
we was a foreigner put into power by an invading army.
he had no rights at all in Mexico.
>when subhumans stopped running the place
Andalusians.They are a very artistic and poetic people but they are anything but civic.
Based Castillians only colonized Chile,Uruguay and Argentina and became the ony liveable places in the continent (until those countries were flooded by Italians and Galicians).It is pretty much the same shit in Spain.Castillian provinces=prosperous.Anywhere else=shit.
>inb4 Basques are not Castillians
They are the same people.In fact Basque people were the initial founders of the county of Castile with the mountain people.They even have the same kind of traditional customs and dances
Andalusians didn't colonize anything, Extremadurans did.
What a dumb name.
>Andalusians didn't colonize anything
On the contrary. They didn't conquer the land. That was Manchegos and Extremadurians. But the 3 first waves of inmigrants to Mexico and Peru were from Andalucia. Which created the colonial society
When they bucked Spanish rule.
Does Mexico fear the Belizean warrior?
>not knowing about the commonwealth offer Mexico made to Spain
"Baning slavery in the early-mid 19th century". Yeah mate, tell that to Yucatán. Your entire post is horrendous.
No takebacksies. Even the Spanish recognized that no one likes Mexicans.
When they were incapable of holding their land since they didn't have a big enough population to do and decided massive immigration from the u.s would solve it
Butthurt indio. Muh benito.
Woman suffrage wasn't in Mexico until 1957 not 1919
Funny, cause it was the Sonorans who came out on top of La Revolucion who fucked the country forever.
>"hey, we're gonna break and declare our independence"
>"the fuck you are, prepare for war"
>*mexico wins, mostly because of Napoleon*
>"ok, fine, you can have independence"
>"cool... so, what now? we have no money and no plan..."
>"take us back please?"
>"fuck off"
I imagine this is how it went down.
>muh railroads
Los scientificos were too intelligent to rule
Texans and the US well equipped armed forces.
when kingdom of mexico fought against spain. then decided to take over all over all the viceroyalty of new spain.
mexico since the 1910 revolution has been controlled by the socialist party.
>Most if that is only true in few cities and regions of México
All statistics are averaged throughout the country. Huge disparities between areas happens everywhere. That's why in the USA you have places like San Diego which is idyllic and places like Flint which is literally third world tier (see also: many Appalachian communities).
>Chávez did nothing wrong, it was Maduro all along
This is why Latin America is a fucking hellhole: People is stupid as fuck. Did you know that Maduro picked where Chavez left and continued his economic policies?
Sometime around 1912
It was doomed from the foundation when Cortes made the practice of intermarriage with the natives acceptable.
you mean 1810-1821
>Why did Mexico not embrace communism like South American countries tried to?
When their Version of George Washington died
Argentina will never be white.
nice try, Argentina.
what are PRI and PAN?
>what are PRI and PAN?
Shitty parties.
Venezuela's issues have long been expected since the rise of Chavismo. An economy so dependant on oil (more than 90% of the GDP), protectionist and filled with corruption can't prosper. It was a combination of failing oil prices and Maduro being unbelievebly retarded that accelerated the process
>trys to be central american Napoleon.
>gets two of his legs stolen by militia