Top kiked at this pic. Post TRUE if you believe that money is over bitches and not bitches over money!

Top kiked at this pic. Post TRUE if you believe that money is over bitches and not bitches over money!

nigga this isn't facebook

Get the fuck


t you
Sp you prefer bitches dont

Have my upboat faggot

The women in my life know they take second place to my trading lol.
I've somewhat turned into a trading hermit this year, but the gains are life changing so no fucks are given.

Siimpley fucking epic my bruh

I'm not a normie 100% 75%fiat 25% cc


I mostly do it for the pussy

So you can't get pussy without money youq insecure piece of shit

Actually I do loves wojack and pepe memes



So true

So true

There are two kinds of female models,

>Mirranda Kerr, Cara Delavigne, etc.
used to sell shit to women

>Kate Upton, Emily Ratajkowski, etc.
used to sell shit to men

PS continous streem of young pussy is better than money

Money is there to buy you time - if you got that solved, don't obsess

Lol this was fun thanks anons

Have you heard the phrase " isn't about the money, it about the game"

Go back to goybook newfag.


1. Respect and envy of other people
2. Bitches
3. Money

how young are we talking? like cryptoyoung? if you know what I mean...

t. poorfag

>what Veeky Forums actually want
An erection?

Yeah, and nobody but debt-ridden gamblers use it.


I have money though... now I want women

How do I get women?