California is too expensive to live. It's also prone to natural disaster. As a young family man, my top candidates are Wisconsin and Maine. What do you think, Veeky Forums?
Best Place in the US to Invest in Property
You have can buy some really nice properties in Michigan for dirt cheap. Just stay the fuck away from Detroit, Flint, Benton Harbor, Saginaw, Bay City and Muskegon.
anywhere nice to live costs money. sure you can be a cheapfuck but then you suffer having to live in fucking wisconsin. do you hate your family?
If you plan on buying property around Portland, Maine you better do it now. It's starting to really feel the effects of gentrification in certain areas and now the cheap properties are starting to be farther and farther away. Better do it soon if you want young lefty American money.
Prone to natural disaster, aka maybe 1 bad earthquake every 20 years. Meanwhile the south and east coast getting rekt yearl. Wisconsin seems pretty miserable. I guess Maine if you like your seasons or whatever
Kansas city young alpha here just bought a house for 100k with acres of land
Buy wherever Amazon announces their new HQ will be.
Fresno, CA
california fag here. all my crypto gains will go to buying acres of land in midwest (wyoming, kansas, south dakota ect) Its super cheap and you can just bring a 20k trailer house there and live in peace forever
Fuck no!
NYfag also looking to move to the midwest
Taxes low.
Jobs close >1hr drive.
>1hr to Philadelphia (International Airport, jobs, sports/music)
>3hrs to NYC
Beach. Fields. Woods.
Wilmington cant get much worse so its cheap now but as soon as jobs come back it won't be. Lots of old money around keeping the nice places nice.
Texas... Between Austin and San Marcos or very North Dallas, but it ain't cheap
Delaware is a toilet. Enjoy your refineries.
Buy some house in niggertown and hope it gets gentrified.
St. Louis is the only real city that is cheap. The rest is a bunch of mattress store sprawl puked out to infinity (Florida, Nevada).
Seconding Michigan.
What makes you think property is a good investment?
North Texas.
Great state with great laws and taxes
climate change denial
what makes you think it's not?
by the way OP of course it is , and one of the most profitable for flipping is Chicago area now
This guy fucks. There are a lot of diamonds in the central valley. Super cheap compared to the rest of California, and you're a few hours away from national parks, the ocean, etc. Merced is a shithole, but I'd probably look into it because of the expanding UC there that they just built.
Thirding Michigan
Yeah as long as you don't mind dying of lead poisoning
Raleigh NC
I've lived in California almost my whole life. I want to buy a house with my crypto gains somewhere cold so I never have to see a bigger or spic again. Job offers paid transfers to Alaska. Are the natives bad?
That was pretty much in Flint and it wasn't as bad as media said it was. It was mostly Dindus and white trash trying to get a paycheck.
they are hot shitholes. no exceptions
Raleigh NC or Grand Rapids MI.. lived in both, both great, growing cities. Affordable properties and lots of jobs
You don't understand real estate as a business then.
My in-laws bought 10 rental houses (3bd / 4bd 2 bath) st 60k-100k a pop and they all rent for $1000-$1200. 10 houses for $800k and $14k/mo passive income.
There are real gems in the Central Valley.
Do the math.
>implying the housing market isnt gonna collapse
Just fucking lmfao at the coping losers in this thread.
Being multiple hours away from the nearest cities is a good thing? Who the fuck is going on a 3 hour drive routinely?
Kansas City? Are you shitting me?
Wisconsin and Maine? How fucking dull are you?
Once you leave your fucking basement you will realize how shitty your decision was.
Gross but yea, lots of wagecuck renters of all races here willing to give you up to $1400mo
mini mansions go for 350-400k to offer higher wagecuck white folk for a quick flip
Live where you want but growing up in Appalachia I prefer a little greenery to the rest of my surroundings. There's good and bad with everywhere But places I've owned homes and I think are worth visiting is: Wellington, CO...Flagstaff, AZ, and Port Angeles, WA. Washington healthcare (applecare for poorfags) is really good also. Only thing that sucks right now is the housing booms in both CO, and AZ. Seattle is booming but only Amazon slaves pay to live in that city.
> not living somewhere cheap and green and peaceful while having enough money to travel when you want
anywhere not on the coast
I can't wait until I get enough money for a home and some land in the middle of nowhere.
If you're new to Real Estate you should be within a few hours of the property to deal with it easily. You don't really want to have to hire a manager in a remote location your first go around. If you want exposure to real estate without a ton of hassle you can go in on a REIT.Unless you're willing to move don't start in on something far away
Forthing Michigan.
What if we sold all the Chinese property in Detroit?
Something like this maybe?:
>make Chinese investment easy as shit
>investment condos
>buy blocks at a time
>hire private security to keep nig nogs out
>Increase rents
>nigs move to Chiraq
>few Chinese actually live there 24/7
>from massive investments Americans invest as well
>advertise advertise advertise as hip millennial place
>increased rents along with private security kicks out poor and high development attracts hipsters looking for the next Seattle
This actually. There will be a rush
What's wrong with KC?
What are good non nigger cities?
Coastal part of NH (0 income tax, 0 sales tax)
Rofl, you have to take weeks off of work and travel to go to a nice place? You are such a huge bitch that you are commuting to real life
It's a small midwestern city filed with blacks. What on earth is appealing about it? The outhouses?
do you guys have many mcmansions in your town?
never seen so many as when I lived in Tampa
>western city filed with blacks. What on earth is appealing about it? The outhous
I think you are thinking of St. Louis. There's a growing population, urban renewal happening, and the city has a pretty strong character to it. KC has really turned around in the past 10 years.
Any area that is being currently being gentrified but still has nigs in the area. Think Brooklyn/Williamsburg/Austin,TX.
Anything that white yuppie youth will like within the next 2-5 years.
No, I'm pretty sure that "midwestern city filled with blacks" describes KCMO well enough. If your mind is made up, then fucking move there. I can't imagine that you've lived anywhere nice if you think KC is desirable.
Portland and Seattle are death zones, do not invest. Im waiting for the next housing crash to buy a home to live in the area.
>Buy my shitbox
>Buy my bags of MGTI and BTC
Pretty much equivalent propositions
Someone redpill me on Nebraska
good place to live if you want to live in the middle of a bif flat grassland with nothing around?
Dude, I literally want to live in a field, surrounded by nothing and no one but my dog and a small garden I can tend to. Not everyone wants to surround themselves with 100 "unique" local cafes.
Where is desirable then?
What kind of prison cuck are you? People move out of cities to get away from assholes like you.
This is the US
Deals to be made in low elevation islands in the hurricane pathway
All building materials already on lot
Book your flights now
damn that sounds fun
Just make sure there are plenty of Wal-Marts around so you can suckle from the always low prices teat
Mindanao Philippines. Cheap land and great weather.