What do you think about him, Veeky Forums?
What do you think about him, Veeky Forums?
He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow.
They wouldn't quit, they wanted his head
An eccentric, but ultimately well-intentioned man who was the victim of a vicious smear campaign.
The last Emperor of Russia
Should have really done something about the bald spot on the front of his head desu.
Russia's greatest love machine
Reached unprecedented chad levels.
But when his drinking and lusting and his hunger for power became known to more and more people, the demands to do something about this outrageous man became louder and louder!
the ultimate chad, killed by bitter virgins that couldn't get royal pussy.
he cucked Nicky with this
ive always wondered, wtf is going on with his dick? is it just a bad taxidermy/preservation job, decomposition or was the dude just packing something unique?
bump, i need closure on this
It's not real.
It's literally not even a human penis. Why do you western retards fall for the dumbest hoaxes?
i swear i saw it in a textbook once, just dumb
i wanna see the real dick now
There is no real dick, it was not preserved. Some faggot in Peterburg bought an animal dick and claimed it belonged to Rasputin.
He looked odd.
i just looked into a bit and it seems the tales of him being a sex maniac/god are probably bullshit too
my interest in his dick has decreased
He didn't drown either, that's a myth too.
did he even exist? im having doubts now
user(s), you made this thread worth investigating. Thank you.
Really makes you think
that doesn't look right, wasn't it edited or something?
commies loved their photo editing
looks like sam hyde fucking gross
Honestly, I don't think he was fucking the Czarina. She was far too devoted to her husband, they had a marriage of love not convenience.
He ruled the Russian land, and never mind the tsar
Looking at history, I try to keep my eyes a bit more open than I did when I was younger regarding the motives of those who document it. In this particular case, the Communists who had a vested interest in denigrating the monarchy both during and after the war....
However, Rasputin might very well be one of those cases where truth is stranger than fiction. A case where a random vagabond managed through careful use of Charisma, magical arts, personal manipulation and behind the scenes scheming to wrestle himself into a position of defacto supreme power over the Russian state...
Then he died.... and if there's one thing we're absolutely sure of user's, is that there's no way, through the use of occult and secretive solomonic magics that were and are hidden by the secret soceities that, thought the use of highly charges sexual rituals with the Czarina that he magically directed the universe so to be reincarnated into the exact position he needed to be in to once again, from a position of complete relative powerlessness, to manipulate his way back into a position of complete authority of the Russian state.
That's one thing we can be absolutely sure of; that such a theory is nothing but the conspiratorial ramblings of the occult lunatic fringe of the internet; and that there's no way it could possibly be true..... afterall, even if this mystic did reincarnate and sieze the reins of power; how could we know that it was actually him that did it? Why, he would have to come back........