Have you bought sub 100k?
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Newfriend here, what do you mean OP?
15k by the end of the night, quick easy gains i guess. might make up for some losses
1 satoshi = 1/100000000 BTC
bitch i bought at 50 fucking cents
can i be u
same high five my dude
its called smart money buddy, here you wanna another chance at this shit, Buy CVC it's 35 cents BUY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN STOMACH
thanks pal ;)
1.05 but still happy
Wish I'd bought more rather than get into bancor back when I was trying to diversify
Give me my fucking Ark shithead
If I could curb stomp your tight ass I would
litterally dont give a shit anymore probably gonna buy more on monday i want at least 3k ark
That 2800 Ark of ours that you sent to some dick whale is worth $11,000 now
Reimburse us you piece of shit
hey magnet, when do you expect biz to start forging again. Cant believe people turned on you
What makes CVC good that it will go up?
Where's our fucking ARK
i hope you nothing but pain and suffering you piece of shit faggot fuck. kill yourself in real life and livestream it for us
you stole my fucking CLOUDSONG
When are you cashing out? You still forged ~400 ark before everyone unvoted you.
it ok i have a pretty good track record in my life of having good ideas but i suck ass at implementing them well, and there is always someone else who can maintain my ideas better than I can, but hey it was fun while it lasted im just glad that biz_classic has been such a great success with moonman and chang
fuck you give us back our ark
considering the way they treated you after your 1 mistake, you take it very well. I wish the whole Ark community would be like you and not delusional about the price all the time.
well to be fair my one mistake was a pretty big beautiful fuck up, i dont blame 'em
Am I the only one here that bought at $0.04 cents? Shit was my 2nd coin I bought months ago when I was really new and only bought coins Veeky Forums shilled.
Wait what happened with biz classic?
post blockfolio
His "one mistake" is worth $11,000
nothing, biz_classic replaced "biz" which was run by this fuck
What did that fuck do
I bought ark at $.03 and sold at $.04. Feels bad man.
He ran the original "biz" delegate. Sent an entire week's worth of forging, 2800 ark, to a single address then disappeared.
Moon and Chang took over and created "biz_classic"
He stole 2800 ark.
fucked up with payout script and was crushed with disappointment by my fellow anons that i let down in addition to the massive disappointment i felt towards myself so much I couldnt bare look at the ARK logo for the rest of the summer
bought 265 at 0.000375, sold 136 at 0.00098, bought back 116 at 0.001122 then sold that at 0.001052. Did some stupid shit, but I took out my initial investment +22%, now I just hold the rest - whatever happens I'm in green on this one, and it seems like a good long term hold.
Ok. Was a noob and only put in $80 dollars though. Pivx was the first coin I bought at around 35 cents each then Ark at 4 cents. Those 2 went up and sold some and then bought various other coins that I sold for small profits or broke even. Then I learned to research. Starting flipping Ark a little bit when it got to about $2? Flipped it and made about $100 bucks. Put that all into Trig token and then it shot straight up and I sold out because of massive shilling from dev that made me feel uneasy about it and now all in on we trust token.
You still have access to the original delegate passphrases right? I noticed some ark in there got moved a few weeks ago. What are you planning Magnet?
Literally kill yourself.
You acted like a fucking moron after your mistake, tried to stall, and then ran off with over 400 ARK (now valued at ~$1,600), and recently had the audacity to start staking the ARK to make money off of what you DID directly steal from your voters. You at least had the ability to distribute the remaining ARK and at least pay back ~15% of what you owed, but you stole it instead and are now trying to make money off of it.
I hope he sets up the delegate again. I am still voting for him
who cares about you not getting your 0.5 ark. What a baby you are
Fucking this don't play the victim Magnet.
include me in screencap
Kill yourself you fucking cuntbag piece of shit. You deserve to get your head smashed in with a brick.
Dude weed lmao
anyone else greentext irl like pic related to spot other Veeky Forumsness in public?
for example my friend said trump would be bad for the world and then i go
and then do the meme arrow hand pose
also when i like someone i hold my hands either side of my head and then tilt to one side like pic and say "our guy"
for example:
>is he
>dare i say it
so that would be
hand pose
hand pose
hand/head tilt
You irl
How does it feel now knowing that your incompetence cost you 42.2*356*$4 of free cryptoshekeld at current price?
You will always be reminded what a stupid little fuck you are, not to mention the lack of character you've displayed in dealing with the fallout
I was getting 30 ARK a week back then. Where's my 30 ARK fagnet.
been buying since it hit exchanges
will 3k ARK get me a condo someday?
You're my hero
I hope you realize that if you had just explained what happened with the payouy mistake rather than act like a vague faggot about what happened to everything. I would have forgiven you if you had just owned up for your mistake and let you back into the discord, but you didn't and I lost all respect for you.
For the record, we spoke to Toons. The guy that wrote the payout script you used.
The script prints out all recipients and how much they're getting before YOU have to manually confirm the transactions. How could you have fucked that up?
Somehow the "you wouldn't be so hated" got deleted from the end of the first sentence
This is good shit, we like details. I need to make a discord account soon.
>tfw average 61.5K
Was painful to not be able to buy during the crash today. So low. Fuck wagecucking.
We even ran Toons' payout script ourselves for an entire week before we had our own systems built.
Each and every single time Toons' script spat out a list of recipients and amounts which required manual confirmation before sending.
pay denbts
Someone convince me not to sell all of my OMG for more Ark
sounds like there's a key problem with ark's staking system if this sort of thing can happen
I know I did.
There's a proposal to build delegate payments into the protocol itself so people can't fatfinger or scam.
It's not a high priority at the moment though because 99.9% of delegates are legit. And if they're not they get unvoted within a day (see: magnet)
You sir are what we call an idiot.
Thought i bought in too high desu
Explain to me what OMG does. If you can, don't sell it. If you can't, do.
Only cause there were dumps lower around that time, was sold just trying to market time...sitting on 2 btc gainz
I was in OmG, got a decent gain. But i downloaded the app, oh wait it was non existant. Just shilled on the basis of skeleton king and like vietnam govt or whatever. Fuck that. Sold for ark in the pic above
Chang did u find that retard. I told him to find you cause he was begging, instead of being smart and knowing you guise would return it
>Posts beggar thread with transaction details instead of finding u goys
Some of us were in at 16k 19k, a few even lower, but we tried to make more ARK and G*d was spiteful.
fuck you magnet you retard
As someone who bought ARK around $0.90, what do the larger 100k, 19k things mean? I hear everyone talk about buying before ?-k, but only really know it by the USD value
this is the actual bitcoin value you paid per coin...
Look at this chart. This is a triple bagger from here, minimum.
What is a triple bagger?
Also >tfw sold 1k ark to follow neo fomo the day before ark went from 90 cents to $3 first time
Unironically wanted to kill myself. Bought back in but now only at 600
I bought during the ICO. 1.4 cents a piece. Feels good.
Ouch. If it makes you feel any better, I went from 6400 to 2471, but I still have 10.7 ETH tied up in an ICO.
You should look at prices in BTC rather than dollars. If the price of your shitcoin is going up less than BTC it means you're losing money by not being in BTC
Triple in price
Where does the wallet get the price from? Says $3.627 in my wallet but coinmarketcap says $4.10
>What do you mean
>What is a triple bagger
>Says 3.627 but coinmarketcap says xyz
This is the shit that scares me. Not only are people incredibly new at this such that you have to ask these questions (whatver, we gotta start somewhere), but you fucking millenials refuse to answer those questions yourself by doing 30 seconds of deep-dark-web internet sleuthing to get the answers for yourself. You need your hand held 24 hours a day.
Jesus, this makes me want to leave this board...knowing that in two weeks shittards like you all will be shilling your shitty coins, adding to all the noise that's already here.
You used to owe me a dollar but now you owe me 4 dollars.
>you fucking millenials
go to bed grandpa
it's past your bedtime
holding 3000 Ark, just want honest opinions
where do you guys see Ark in a year? How about 2?
is $300 an Ark a realistic price goal or is that pie in the sky fantasy
>I still have 10.7 ETH tied up in an ICO
when will avacucks learn
It's as realistic as it was for eth. And it's not effected by chinese FUD either. A huge plus.
just do the math. $300 would be a 75x gain, which means the market cap would have to go from $392 million to $29 billion. That's more than the cap for Ethereum today. So, not impossible if Ark becomes the new Ethereum. But doesn't strike me as particularly likely either.
I don't even know what Ark is or what it does. All I know is that it's earning me gains. I'm not planning on holding long term because I have no confidence in these shitcoins. Once it reaches what looks like a top I'm out.
Divide market cap of bitcoin by shares of altcoin to see how much per share to equal bitcoin now. Then make a realistic prediction as to price
You're assuming the other coins don't also increase in market cap.
Plus the strength of the community which adds so much to the project. Just look at how our delegate helped out a wayward ARKie.
No its just level setting. Of course the crypto market will grow
well, Ark is going up while everything else is down right now. I'm already up 2x in just a couple of weeks. better returns than on anything else i hold, including bitcoin. Too bad I didn't buy earlier, but like I said I have low confidence in coins other than BTC.