I'm sorry.
I feel bad for them as a business owner and home owner
>have to abandon business if you don't have any non family employees
>can't pay rent on house or business so lose both
>likely have to sell everything at loss too
All over something they didn't have a tangible connection to. What they should have done is require every family to send a body to serve somehow, those who refused as camped. The boys go off to Europe, the women are shipped somewhere as factory workers etc
>implying they weren't put into camps for their own protection
Wasn't around, but sorry, senpai.
We did and since Japs can think critically, they accepted it and moved on
>when you realize literally the evil shit America has done since 1865 could've been prevented by a Confederate victory
It's to know that you ancestors were absolutely on the right side, but it also sucks we didn't actually do it.
We did, in like the 1970s or something.
america has never done anything wrong so
By definition, the wrong side never wins because the winner is always right by default.
>Le sad confercuck
Hello plebbit
>Implying a confederate victory in the ACW would lead to anything other than another war 5-15 years down the line.
>detaining a potential fifth column while at war is bad
Terrible meme tbhqwy
>Deetaing your own citizens because of memes
Really ignites the the neurons
there was a precedent of japanese-americans helping japanese forces
when global affairs are literally star wars then you're worldview is different, we cant understand a world where these people thought that if they lost then their whole world was doomed, when considering the stakes its at least more understandable from a historical perspective, this was an end times-esque conflict and every saw it that way, the propaganda was off the charts. Try not to view pre-WW2 history with the a modern lense, the world was in a state of flux, the enemy seemed totally insane and the propaganda only fueled that, people were scared, the people doing the atrocities were doing it because they were scared and felt like they had to, everyone was scared and making inhumane decisions.
>my ancestor :)
USA is the evil empire.
bunch of fags of the faggot plane
t. Californian
They got reparations.
It was really a huge stain on US history. But notice how Asian Americans moved on despite awful treatment and stereotypes, while blacks keep crying and wallow in crime and poverty.
There weren't enough Asian Americans to be considered a threat after the war.
Every time black people have tried to move up, their leaders get assassinated, they get drugs dumped into their communities, and the government programs (War on Drugs, War on Poverty, etc) usually make things worse.
I'm sure you have proof for that. Face it, it's their culture. Succesful blacks exist. But they are accussed by their people of "acting white".
Whether it's genetic or not I don't know, but black culture was always incredibly cancerous.
>Face it, it's their culture.
I don't think he's denying it. Take a look at his picture. African American culture in general is toxic as hell but a huge part of that has been the constant sabotage of the black community by the state.
Look at these hot ass opinions
It's not their culture. Wherever Africans go, Africa follows, just like wherever desert people go, the desert follows.
Should have killed them as a safety measure desu
> Hay guys, all this happened totally out of the blue because fat 'murricans are eeevil assholes, it’s not like there was a world power openly calling for the overthrow of Western society!
t. dumbass kid
it was Japanese Americans who spied on Pearl Harbor, giving IJN the information (like where the ships are, how to approach the harbor, etc.)
It was a dirty business but it was necessary.