I wouldn't be surprised if some of you fucks defend the Rwandan genocide
I wouldn't be surprised if some of you fucks defend the Rwandan genocide
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hutus are niggers, tutsis are genius level iq masterrace
population control is desperately needed in africa. for genocides need to happen if the continent every hopes to thrive
Hutus were controlling the banks and were wealthy pushing for the uplifting of traditional African culture
Eternal Hutu needed the gas
I just don't care.
>Veeky Forums thinks the Rwandan genocide was committed against the Hutus
The absolute state of this board
hutus are alpha
tutsis are beta
Veeky Forums was never good
The west has been denying all genocides perpetrated by Stalin, Trotsky (red army killings), Mao, etc.
trolled hard
The Rwandan genocide never happened but it should have because they deserved it.
The RPF did nothing wrong.
And neither did Laurent Nkunda.
I can quite honestly say, I don't give a shit about what happens to Africans of any sort outside of milking them for cheap labor.
Tutsis are Chad as fuck, imagine whipping around from a sudden massacre like that and spanking the Hutu so hard that Rwanda become the negro Prussia?
Anybody got that screencap of that guy from /k/ explain just how cool the Tutsis were?
French influence control must be maintained. The French didn't stand up enough for the genocidal regime, and look at what happened, they've sold out to the Anglo-Saxons.
Some sacrifices have to be made to prevent the *nglo-saxons from taking yet more countries.
That cap is actually from Veeky Forums
WTF why is nobody talking about this?
Low iq nigs chimping out. Who would have thunk?
They died of typhus retard.
nigs gonna nig
It was all a sham, there is literally no evidence whatsoever. In reality it was a tutsi plot so they could take power by force.
>Muh 4 million
THey cry as they raze a Hutu village
No one there really looks hurt considering the genocide was carried out with machetes
Why would i care?
Why would you care about history?
it doesn't involve you in any way
What do you mean you are against black ethnic cleaning? Do you know you are trying to force your values on another people? What give you the right to berate other's people culture? Are you a racist?
Ruwanda failed the invasion of Congo.
Cut the tall trees.
Because the projection is false and based on stupid assumptions.
Stupid statistical models of population growth such as demonstrated in that graph are idiotic because they fail to consider numerous factors and even no-one knows when something like a genocide or war may take place which would screw the whole projection up.
"genocides" have very low impact on the population. Diseases and famines come first, then wars, genocides are a joke.
Defending the rwandan genocide would mean that i cared about it. You're confusing caring with interest.
Its gonna be World War Z regardless
Only white people commit genocide.
It never happened.
Jared Diamond claimed it wasn't really a genocide, since the distinction between "hutu" and "tutsi" is artificial.
>The west has been denying all genocides perpetrated by Stalin, Trotsky (red army killings), Mao, etc.
Which rock have you been living under? The Hoholcaust is cited every other time the media covers the conflict in the Ukraine.
Rwanda was Belgian, you retard.
White people brainwashed the Hutu into doing this through divide and conquer tactics. Sad!
t. Nkrumah Bixnoodo, with 18 children