Korean NEO

Listen up faggots. This is the reason you check biz.




It a better and more comprehensive NEO and doesn't come with a cucked government to shit all over it.

You cannot buy it. No one can.

Only the lucky assholes who got in the ICO back in fucking May have this coin, but when it hits exchanges in October you better be paying attention and you better get in immdiately.

I mentioned the ICO was in May. Guess what their total cap was? Ten fucking million.

Ten. Million.

1) Three years in development

2) Korea >>> China

3) Whitepaper is top tier boscoin.io/wp-content/themes/boscoin/src/pdf/BOScoinWhitePaper.pdf

4) Technical paper even more top tier even though you're too brainlet to understand it docs.google.com/document/d/16Wm13pSvjb_izCB8QImMgHnt8VOlt0d5YSsPV6NDtaI/edit

5) Team is god tier

7) 1000 transactions per fucking second

8) mFBA Consensus Protocol (Modified Federated Byzantine Agreement)

There is nothing you can do right now to get in on this. Genisis block comes October.

So open up your phone and set a reminder to Ocotber 1st for this thing and get it as soon as it comes out. Honestly you don't even have to trust me. Just trust Korea to actually understand technology. Easy, easy fucking money.


You're welcome.

Other urls found in this thread:


since you're shilling this so fucking hard you fucking cunt just tell me where i buy it im not fucking waiting two weeks

They have a grill. I'm in.

I've had this one on my radar for a while. Gonna be Koreas biggest coin and that by itself is honestly enough then you add in the tech. It's also going to have masternodes. Not releasing it until October is such a fucking tease but I'm a patient trader


Gotta go fast, how do I buy in?

Thanks. Please never post this again.



Waiting for real exchanges. It's not even out yet so trading IOUs feels weird

Where will it be available?

Thanks OP - will definitely pick some up.

So we can stake this shit? Whats the circulating supply? And should I buy now or later?




CEO founded the largest finance website in Korea.


Great shill post.

Good team.

There's also billions of coins planned for this system and - at least - hundreds of millions issued on the ICO.

Don't buy at HIT BTC prices unless you're a cuck.

Koreans are honest and aren't thieves, this is a serious product.

Thanks OP, bookmarked

Pretty sure total supply is mined over 100 years


This coin is literally the next Samsung

You. You're alright.

I bought this at the ico LMAO, am i rich now?

500 million coins at least initially. Afterwards, thousands and thousands of coins per day are added via staking. Not a bad mechanism.

I wouldn't pay 20k SAT per coin when that roughly translates to $.80/each when the coins probably sold for $.02 / each.

It also takes 40,000 BOS to run a "Congress Node" (Masternode).

Congratulations. The ICO sold out in 15 minutes. So yes, you made it user.

Holy shit, it's the Korean Abby.

Speaking of ICO's, did they move the fucking Chainlink ICO up three days? What the fuck, the timer jumped a shitload.

I literally took off work, and ordered a shitload of ETH on coinbase wed at high prices just so they would arrive in time for this fucking ICO AND NOW THEY FUCKING MOVED IT? I WILL NOT HAVE MY ETH IN TIME AND I WILL BE AT FUCKING WORK



Thanks, i hope this does at least 10x.

It's because of the crash, I think the devs know something.

It hasn't changed. 19th was announced when the whitepaper came out

Holy shit their team is god tier old dudes.

Way better than fucking ICON, who's team is full of young shills

So i need 40k for lamboland?

Yep. And then you can print money for the next 100 years

ah fuck i thought there was GOING to be an ICO..

at current price BOS is valued at 400,000,000

I'm happy to buy at that price.

Those who paid 2c bought in at a market cap of 10 million.

If this is as good as it looks it'll be worth billions.

BTW you can buy BOScoin IOU's on hitbtc

Is this coin guaranteed to be on bittrex? You guys have done a good job at shilling this, I actually feel like buying it, but not interested if it won't be on bittrex in the coming years. Have the devs given any confirmations that they hope their coin will become big in the West?

Honestly its brilliant and ahead of its time. They made the coin key to governance, meaning it isnt even close to being able to be a security. Exchanges will be all over this with no risk

I've just bought a few thousand. Feel quite happy.


It's only in hitbtc atm I think

Is the IOU thing legit on HitBTC?

So how expensive will this be when it first goes up? Could you expect to get a sizeable amount with $100

Ask me how I know it's a scamcoin

It's IOU, not the actual coin. That'll only be up in October 1st.

Because the genesis block hasn't been mined the coin doesn't yet exist. HitBTC is trading futures. I'm not sure how those work and it seems over priced. I'm going to just wait until the exchanges open.

For the record, October 1st isnt the release date. The BOScoin team just said it will mine the first block in October. So just keep a look out throughout the month and look out for a specific date.

hitbit are trading their allocation.

icx will be much better ICX the real Korean blockchain. Research it and vest soon.

Nah, I'm Korean.

cryptobeak dat you?

Strong disagree.