What the fuck was their problem? They were so anti-Semitic Hitler disavowed them.
The Iron Guard
They were too cool for town.
What did you expect from savage gypsies?
>What the fuck was their problem?
Jews mostly, but also communists
>Hitler disavowed them
Hitler was a atheist pagan LARPer, of course he disavowed true Christian soldiers in favour of boot lickers
Hitler was a Rothschild servant
Codreanu getting a bullet, really pissed them off and they doubled down
They were actually batshit insane, not just insanely butthurt.
Faced with having to give up their activities or fight, they chose the latter, and despite some high profile assassinations they predictably lost. Then a few years later they formed a Legionary State which predictably failed because Codreanu had been murdered in 1938.
Back in the mid-19th century hundreds of thousands of Askenazi Jews came to Romania from the Russian Empire and Austrian Galicia. Before that there were only a few thousand Sephardic Jews. Many of the cities in Moldova in the North-East rapidly became Jewish-majority settlements. These Jews also came to dominate trade, education and lucrative businesses.
At the start of the 20th century, as the country gradually developed and literacy among Romanians slowly grew, many young Romanians found that universities were often dominated by Jews, as they would be even 80% of the students. Some saw this as discrimination and ethnic privilege.
Some politicians in the 1920s, including the Iron Guard, began to support a principle "numerus clausus” which would mean that the percentage of people from a certain ethnicity allowed in education should be the same as the one they have in the total population.
Add to this the contrast between the traditionalist Othodox faith of the Romanians and Judaism.
They were Christian-fascist, thats the best way to put it.
Meditate on it for 2 minutes and realize how disgusting that end up being.
Kek , said the nigger without a national history.
Speaking of Codreanu, he thought Mussolini was controlled opposition.
Was he right?
in the beginning of his book he says that Mussolini being controlled opposition was a Jewish trick
Codreanu was garroted
t. Gypsy
t. Bozgor
Towards the middle of his book he says nationalist/fascist groups that are not antisemitic are either very naive or jewish
>I was afraid that Jewry and Masonry, getting wind of the situation, might initiate a pseudo- nationalist organization in order to tap the people and thus divert the movement onto a dead-end track.
>>I faced serious difficulties with the leaders in the Bucharest and Cluj centers, difficulties which prevented agreement on a single point of view toward a battle plan around which perfect unity of this new world could be realized, raising up with all its united strength in defiance of the enemy and all our past errors.
>Neither the leaders nor the body of these student centers knew the Jewish problem, particularly did not know the Jew; were not aware of the Judaic power, its way of thinking and of action. They began waging war without knowing the adversary.
I always wondered what was his opinion on Germs, since Hitler was basicaly freemason and supported Jews being greedy and rich when they financed his party and were buying his industry.
They weren't controlled opposition like (((Hitler))) and the (((Nazis))).
All "fascists" except for Codreanu and Primo de Rivera were cryptojews
>They were Christian-fascist
Not exactly uncommon, check out Ustashi Croatia or Francoist Spain
>It was also in Berlin and at about the same time, that I heard the news of the huge Fascist eruption: the march on Rome and Mussolini's victory. I rejoiced as much as if it were my own country's victory. There is, among all those in various parts of the world who serve their people, a kinship of sympathy, as there is such a kinship among those who labor for the destruction of peoples. Mussolini, the brave man who trampled the dragon underfoot, was one of us, that is why all dragon heads hurled themselves upon him, swearing death to him. For us, the others, he will be a bright North Star giving us hope; he will be living proof that the hydra can be defeated; proof of the possibilities of victory.
>"But Mussolini is not anti-Semitic. You rejoice in vain," whispered the Jewish press into our ears. It is not a matter of what we rejoice in say I, it is a question of why you Jews are sad at his victory, if he is not anti-Semitic. What is the rationale of the worldwide attack on him by the Jewish press? Italy has as many Jews as Romania has Ciangai [a quite minor ethnic group] in the Siret valley. An Italian anti-Semitic movement would be as if Romanians started a movement against the Ciangai. But had Mussolini lived in Romania he could not but be anti-Semitic, for Fascism means first of all defending your nation against the dangers that threaten it. it means the destruction of these dangers and the opening of a free way to life and glory for your nation.
>In Romania, Fascism could only mean the elimination of the dangers threatening the Romanian people, namely, the removal of the Jewish threat and the opening of a free way to the life and glory to which Romanians are entitled to aspire. Judaisin has become master of the world through Masonry, and in Russia through Communism. Mussolini destroyed at home these two Judaic heads which threatened death to Italy: Communism and Masonry.
Sure the Iron Guard had its problems, but you have to admit that Corneliu Cordreanu was one of the purest men to ever live. He truly believed in his movement and no matter how much opposition, defamation, and torture he faced, he still stayed true to his ideals.
Clerical fascists, thats what you mean
Even wikipedia says this big industry conspiracy theory is considered rubbish by most historians today.
>Fascism, since that is the word that is used, fascism presents, wherever it manifests itself, characteristics which are varied to the extent that countries and national temperaments vary. It is essentially a defensive reaction of the organism, a manifestation of the desire to live, of the desire not to die, which at certain times seizes a whole people. So each people reacts in its own way, according to its conception of life. Our rising, here, has a Spanish meaning! What can it have in common with Hitlerism, which was, above all, a reaction against the state of things created by the defeat, and by the abdication and the despair that followed it?
Franco on an interview.
Hitler was a kike
>savage gypsies
Exactly. The gypsies were so savage, the Legionnaries had to go go on killing sprees to cleanse the cities of their filth.
they were autistic weirdos who would put their esoteric bullshit over Hitlers goals and ideas and basically using Romania as a willing pawn.
>"As to why Romania had been allegedly "colonized" by the Jews, the Iron Guard's answer was that most Romanian men were simply not manly enough to protect their interests.[10] In strikingly sexualized language, the Iron Guards argued that most Romanian men had been "emasculated" and were suffering from "sterility", which one Iron Guard Alexandru Cantacuzino called the "plague of the present" in a 1937 essay"
t. proto alt-right
So was there never a clear definition of what Fascism means?
I have this here
Too long ago since I read it to re-call it's content, but it's related hence I posted it.
Imagine being so retarded you call a white, blue eyed man a gypsy just because there's gypsies living in his country of origin.
Just finished For my Legionaries. What do I move onto next? I'd like to read more about that period of time.
>Hitler didn't like the Iron Guard
He had the Lufwaffe drop wreaths onto his grave tho
>What was their problem
They were just too badass for anyone else to handle
Codreanu was one of the most ballsy men who ever lived.
>What do I read next?
Mein Kampf?
Nah, that was a boring read. Corneliu's book is 100x better if anything.
The ford translation is actually Bretty gud
T. Veeky Forumsfag
>esoteric bullshit
The Nazis had plenty of that themselves...
Did somebody say magic
Although the anti-semitism is a bit too much for today's standards, militant christianity should a make a thorough comeback.
What is so fascinating about the iron guard is that it acted as religious knightly order, kinda like the Templars, they were also virulently anti-capitalist and even had sympathies with the Bolsheviks. Unlike the brownshirts they operated like religious warriors and not as a pseudo-worker/soldier boys club.
The Orthodox and the maybe the Catholic world need this kind of fanatical religious national bolshevism, a total rejection of modernity, militant action and the reconstruction of christian and socialist anti-capitalist values. (though I doubt the Catholics will have any of the like as they are too cucked by the corrupt Roman popery and completely secularised lazy shits)
alright children so you need to understand that all fascists/nazis had their own ideology in that era
romanians wanted greater romania, hungarian greater hungary slovakia greater moravia and all of the allied, "mercenary" countries had their own "we are superior" ancient LARPing plans
which was very very detrimental to Hitlers own cause since
1 he wanted to redraw ethnic and land borders by his own image not based on some other freak
2 since their plans involved taking territory from neighbouring countries, they all kept a good bunch of their armed forces for home defense instead of fully commiting to the Nazi cause
so obviously Hitler wasnt very keen of these organisations
>romanians wanted greater romania
But they already had greater romania
>fanatical religious national bolshevism
das my jam mate
greater greater romania, one with the river Tisa as border and some other places around them too
>River Tisa as a border.
That's retarded. The Romans in Pannonia were a completely different group from the Vlachs in the eastern Balkans.
every nation in the region have these LARPing ideas
yeah but the others atleast had some legitimacy to their chauvinism (except germany)
>Christian fascists
That sounds badass
>realize how disgusting that end up being
What do you mean?
it's just a meme, chill out desu
I’ve met white-skinned and blue-eyed gypsies
>how disgusting
t. Jew
>I've met white skinned and blue eyed black people
That's how you sound, utter nonsense. Gypsies are genetically identical to Indians, you're probably thinking of Irish Pikeys who aren't actual Gypsies but just LARPing white trash.
I usually don't browse /his. Why does no one mention that Ploesti oilfields in Romania was one of europes richest and had a supply contract with Germany. The reason Hitler "disawoed" the Iron guard was because he nationalized the fields, taking away their oil. He is basically the reason Germany lost the war and had to aim for caucasus instead of Moscow.
But the Iron Guard was not in power when Germany started their offensive in the Caucasus, they were not even in power when Barbarossa first started, Ion Antonescu was.
>a guy who died in 1938 made Germany lose WW2
are Romanians the most powerful race in the world?
And during Antonescu's regime Germany was supplied with Romanian oil anyway.
So this idea is just weird.
It was only after the august 1944 coup when he was removed that Germany lost access to Romanian oil.
did he ruin everything?
they weren't controlled opposition like Hitler
more details pls
Any decent translation around?
The other anons already explained why your statement is silly but I'd also like to add to the fact that Russians were raiding the Ploesti oil refinery, destroying 9,000 tons in a single sortie early on in the war.