Is Oedipus complex legit?

Is Oedipus complex legit?

Freud was projecting his own misgivings over the affair he carried out with his sister in law as a universal human attraction that all men have for their mothers & sisters.

Yes, I'd say men are for the most part predisposed to marry women somewhat like their mothers and be driven to do better than their fathers, which is the main point of the whole Oedipal thing.


A lot of the people involved in promoting sexual liberation projected their own insecurities and pathologies onto others (Freud, Reich, Kinsey)

not only is it true God himself has it.

did you get that from libido dominandi?

the dude was high as fuck 24/7


only asked because im reading it now



you tell me

what about reich?

>what about reich?

"I can't stop banging women that aren't my wife,. therefore the problem is repression of promiscuity, not the fact I'm an unstable person with fidelity issues"

>Repression of Promiscuity

"It has been shown that people with the capacity for orgastic gratification are considerably better adjusted to monogamous relationships than those whose orgastic function is disturbed. However, their monogamous attitude rests not on inhibited polygamous impulses or moralistic considerations but on the sexeconomic ability to experience pleasure repeatedly with the same partner. The prerequisite is sexual harmony with the partner. ( In this respect, no difference between men and women could be clinically established. ) But if no suitable partner is available, as seems to be the rule under the prevailing conditions of sexual life, the tendency toward monogamy turns into its opposite, namely, into the uncontrollable search for the right partner. If that partner is found, the monogamous behavior is spontaneously restored and is maintained as long as sexual harmony and gratification last. Fantasies and wishes for other partners are either very weak or else ignored because of the interest in the current partner. However, the relationship collapses irretrievably if it becomes stale and if another companion promises greater pleasure."

"The behavior of orgastically disturbed people, i.e., the majority, is different. Since they feel less pleasure in the sexual act or can do without a sexual partner for greater periods of time, they are less selective: the act does not mean very much to them. Here promiscuity in sexual relationships results from sexual disturbance. Such sexually disturbed people are more capable of adapting to a lifelong marriage; however, their fidelity rests not on sexual gratification but on moral inhibitions. If a patient regaining his health succeeds in finding a
suitable partner, all nervous symptoms disappear and he can order his life with an astonishing ease previously unknown to

The Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality.

t. repressed brainlet

>However, the relationship collapses irretrievably if it becomes stale and if another companion promises greater pleasure."

Reich's worldview in a nutshell 2bh
>Monogamy is good, as long as both benefit from it - as soon as they don', it's okay to bang strangers I guess

hale kek XD

Don't forget John Money. Literally a homosexual pedophile.

t. monogamy is alright until I get bored

maybe u dont need a contract for sex or only huge fuckin losers need one

You're undermining your own argument
>monogamous relationships are preferable until one partner gets bored and wants to fuck some strange on the side t. Reich

"In terms of sexual ideology, the lower-middle-class family's ideology of marriage coincides with the basis of the family itself, with lifelong monogamous marriage. No matter how wretched and dismal, grievous and intolerable, the marriage situation and family constellation are, they still must be defended ideologically, both inwardly and outwardly, by the family members. The social necessity of this form of existence causes the misery to be concealed, and both family and marriage to be ideologically
cherished. It also produces the widespread family sentimentality and the slogans of "family happiness," the "cozy home," the "peaceful resting place," and the happiness which the family allegedly signifies for the children. It is a fact that in our society things look even more dismal outside of marriage and the family
where sexual life enjoys no protection, whether material, legal, or ideological, and one concludes that the family institution is a necessity of nature. The self-deception and the sentimental slogans which form a significant part of the ideological atmosphere are emotionally necessary because they support the continuance of the psychically uneconomic family situation. This explains why the treatment of neuroses so frequently destroys family and marriage ties; it wipes out illusions, and the truth comes mercilessly to the fore."

Reich was a nutcase with a compulsive need to cheat on his wife, I'm not entirely sure what you think you're proving by posting this stuff

I'm honestly baffled how this stuff has gone down the memory hole, like Kinsey using data provided by a pedophile to "prove" that children wanted to fuck

"The social prerequisites for the enduring sexual relationship would be the financial independence of the woman, the care and raising of her children by society, the absence of any interference by economic interests. Transitory, purely sensual relationships would have to compete with enduring ones. From the sexeconomic viewpoint, the transitory relationship has disadvantages which we can study very closely in today's society. For there has been no other society in which promiscuity—emotionally degrading and sex-economically worthless because of its association with financial interests—has been so widespread and "normal" as it is in the age of the ideology of strict monogamy.
The temporary sexual relationship, which is most clearly expressed in the one-hour or the one-night experience, is distinguished from the enduring relationship by the absence of tenderness toward the sexual partner."

Introduction to what Reich himself thought, after decades of experience curing people of all walks of life in Germany.
I thinks it's a better source of information that a book about Illuminati sex control.
As someone who read the majority of Reich's work, I can guarantee you that there's not a single indication there of supporting of promiscuity. Yes, he was against compulsory marriage and compulsory staying in that marriage, and I can say from my personal experience with my and the observation of other families that his conclusion hit very close to home, but he never supported mindless promiscuity, homosexuality, pornography, and every kind of perversion.

That's the thing, Reich was your basic bitch liberal that supported "monogamy until one partner gets bored and wants to fuck some strange on the side"

Everything Reich wrote about monogamy was essentially special pleading for why it's ok to cheat on your wife

I want to fuck my mom tho
And so do many people if I judge by chinese cartoons

There's nothing wrong with cheating on your wife.

>There's nothing wrong with cheating on your wife.

It's not. I'm not attracted to my mother in any way.
I wonder if that would be the case if she looked like pornstar MILFS.

Maybe then I woulld want to pork her, who knows.

He isnt saying monogamy is better he's saying it makes sense why people are comforted by it given the historical context it exists in

>given the historical context it exists in

Didn't Reich die in prison after pushing orgone machines on people?

>For several years, Money reported on Reimer's progress as the "John/Joan case", describing apparently successful female gender development and using this case to support the feasibility of sex reassignment and surgical reconstruction even in non-intersex cases. Money wrote, "The child's behavior is so clearly that of an active little girl and so different from the boyish ways of her twin brother." Notes by a former student at Money's lab state that, during the follow-up visits, which occurred only once a year, Reimer's parents routinely lied to lab staff about the success of the procedure. The twin brother, Brian, later developed schizophrenia.[17]

>On July 1, 2002,[18] Brian was found dead from an overdose of antidepressants. On May 4, 2004, after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and marital troubles,[19] David committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun at the age of 38. Reimer's parents have stated that Money's methodology was responsible for the deaths of both of their sons.[20]

lmao that ~90% of the sexual liberation cunts will fuck off when this is pointed out